Thursday, May 7, 2009

Driving in Sydney .. stress!

I was sitting on a cab. The street is narrow and cars are moving very fast. If you plan to turn to left or right into another lane, you got to do it fast, or else, the car behind will honk you like a mad dog! That's how stressful it is I find driving in Sydney.

I noticed the people here like to talk about their rights, from office to work! If its their road and if you are blocking them, some will even show you the finger sign. Worst still, there are also Mat Rempit here (The bikies). They have been many groups of mat rempit but usually formed by the same cultural background. Sydney is a multi racial cities, however, it has many problem of it owns. The gang from different cultures and background seems to be making headlines on the news!

I just hope when I drive one day on the road, they will just leave me alone. Probably the P plate is a good thing to put up! At least they know you will be slow and will avoid you rather than competing with you!

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