Thursday, July 1, 2010

I don't wanna work!

I went for lunch with a Singaporean colleague who used to be a manager. Currently she lives and work in Malaysia office. We were updating our own well being at work. Then we talked about the quality of worker in Malaysia. She told me it's rather bad. Overall, she noted the people are not very proactive. When they were told about their wrong doing, the next few days, they will slap the manager with a resignation. Very emotionally saying, "I don't want to work for you!".

I was trying to understand is this the only place we have such issue. Apparently, in Singapore there are as well but the people are more proactive in their work. Also, she commented the Generation Y these days are really spoiled and cannot be reprimanded. They will became emotional very easily.

I guess, the world has change today. The Generation X parents are making money and doing well in their careers. They give everything to their children in their parenting style. I assume, when the Gen X parents being permissive, they will raise children who will has less empathy and could not think for others. If this continue, I foresee companies will have an uphill tasks to educate and retrain these Gen Y kids!

1 comment:

Bahija said...

I know why.... today my class, professor said, thesedays, mothers are working mothers, didn't stay in to take care of the baby, or the let the maid taking care of the baby.....The 'attachment theory', baby from young , need to develop the 'attachment' - the secured attachement with parent or caregiver, baby need to be touched, to be hugged, to be talked to , to have eye contact with loves ones. During infant stage, if they don't deveoped the secure attachment, but developed 'avoidance', resistant' or 'disorganized' attachment - then these are the generations who gives us the social is changing, having better technology, having better life by having careers, BUT less time for parenting - is not a smart choice...