Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 01-01-11

It's New Year, when I was younger, I wish to grow older in short time, so I can do things the adult can do. The year seems to pass in a slower pace.

Now, when we are older, I wish the time pass by slower and I refused to grow older that fast. In fact some of us may not associate ourselves as old. Funny but it's the truth to me.

Be happy!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My favorite food in London ..

You often heard so much famous chef from UK. Like the foul mouthed Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and etc from the Food Network. However, when it comes to famous food in UK, for me it has to be the Good Old Fish and Chips. The batter (a layer of pancake like) for the fish has to be nicely made. Not too thick nor too thin. Once deep fried, it has to be fry at the right temperature and yet not overcooked. Dip with Vinegar (not Mayo in most Aussie pub) and Chips with Kethup, the flavor is just wonderful!

Goodbye 2010 and what have you achieved?

One more day we are going into a new year. Looking back into 2010, there were many ups and downs. However, I would think it's mostly been favorable year for me. Keeping a low profile and putting less pressure to myself, works in a way.

I believed there were 2 significant achievements in 2010.

First, I bought a one bed room apartment in Sydney. The choice landed me with more debts. So which also means I have to continue to work to pay off the debts :P

Second, I enrolled into an Applied Psychology course, majoring in Counseling. I enjoyed what I have been learning this year!!! I am motivated to know how to communicate well as well.

I just wish we all continue to live and contribute in the coming years. Thank you 2010 and goodbye!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry merry Christmas

I managed to get to London without any delays. I was glad as the airport was threw into chaos as the management failed to deliver a proper services during the snow storm. While I was sitting at the airport to inside the plane, I noticed how commercialized Christmas can be. Families were shopping for expensive gifts whether it's in Malaysia, Amsterdam or London. Heavy advertisements on bargains on last minute shopping can be seen everywhere.

I recalled when I was young. Christmas was not about shopping only but there were this special feelings. It's about celebration and surprises whether Santa Claus will deliver a present to the well behaved boys and girls. I still remembered on every Christmas eve when I was 6, I knew Santa Claus will always showed up at my neighbor who happened to be my great aunt's home. (There are christian). Santa will be accompanied by a group of church musicians and I will lose sleep that night, waiting with full of anticipations that Santa will drop me a present. I will sneaked out at the window, too shy to shake his hands but happily smiling to see a fully clothes Santa in a tropic country.

What surprise me was the next morning. When I woke up lied a small present on my bed. It could range from a pack of sweets to toys. Nevertheless it was exciting. I truly believed Santa existed. There were so much memories during the Christmas. I vowed to continue to behave so Santa will visit me every year. That was Christmas for me when I was young. Simple but yet with full of novelties. As I grew older, I knew it was all the setup my family members have done for us but I remembered it forever. And that's the beauty of Christmas to me :))

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010 to all my readers

Christmas in Singapore, December 2010.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Survival of the fittest .. the 21st century way ...

One day I was sitting at clinic waiting for my turn for check up. At the same time there were 2 set of parents sitting there with their respective daughter. One side of the family looked average looking, clad in simple t-shirts, while on the other side, a more upper class looking with expensive taste of fashion. Both girls from each family look like same age.

To cut the story short. The average look girl was cheerful but rather timid, while the richer one was cheerful too but more talkative. I noticed both of them were looking at each other shyly but they did not communicate at all. The richer one tends to be too busy talking or hinting to us what she's going to do after this. Same goes with the mother. When the mother was about to leave the clinic, she announced loudly, 'Dear mana you want to have lunch nanti'? The daughter replied, 'Err I want KFC'. Then the mother and daughter strutted to the exit. Meanwhile, the average looking family, the mom has her head looked down at a magazine unmoved, and the daughter was glaring the incident without a wink.

When I try to do a postmortem, I wasn't sure how the poor girl feel. I wonder if she felt being compared with. If I am the parents I may talk to her and tell discuss with her how she felt. That would help her in her morale learning.

However, that's life. As I always being reminded since young, this world is a survivor of the fittest. If you can't win, you'll be weeded out. To me it's a matter of mindset and how's your upbringing like. If your upbringing is like that rich girl, then this world will continue to behave like that. If you teach your the daughter with morale then we can change this thinking.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Handbags story!

I was sitting at a coffee shop waiting for my meal. In a typical coffee shop in KL, the tables and chairs are usually arranged very close to each other.

While I was sitting on the chair, a woman walked passed me, and then followed by a force from behind that hit my back. It wasn't painful, but I was annoyed. I saw she was holding the bag at her limb, with her palm pointing upward. It was not just a handbag, it's more like a beach bag.

What I don't understand is why can't she put down the bag when she walk passed the crowd. I felt I am too petty over it but at the same time I felt it's no common sense for a person to carry such a big bag without considerations.

I wish I can control my anger better, but not when there is no common sense!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unique Airport

These days the press and the high so business travelers will vote for the best airports. The ultra modern airports with a press of button, and you become like a wheel chair traveler. However, when somebody asked me which airport is the nicest to you. My answer is Soekarno Airport at Jakarta. I was very impressed even when my very first visit there. Basically, the architecture of the airport was awesome. One look you knew they embedded cultures and motifs in the design of the airport. Its just unique! The ultra modern airport to me is more like see one you see all, however, for the one in Jakarta, it has it's own designs which are rich in local cultures.

The video above is taken in a waiting gate at Soekarno airport. The gates are connected to the main terminal like a tentacles, so the gates look more like a hut and it's full of charms.