Monday, July 25, 2011

Wantan Mee ... The Love story

While in Kuala Lumpur, I live in TTDI. We used to go to this particular Coffee Shop call 'Restaurant OK'. Few years ago, in this coffee shop, there is this stall who sells wantan mee by a couple in their early 50s.

However, the man will usually do the cooking, while the wife will take orders and prepare the nitty gritty. Often, you will see the man will be emotionless, while the lady is usually pretty grumpy. When you put an order, she will either tell you we only opened at 9.30am sharp, or 'you have to wait it will take a while'. The comments made me at least felt very negative and I wonder why would I give them the business. However, I have to admit, their Wantan mee is one of the better one.

To cut the story short, both couple hardly communicate when together, and never smile. They are just doing what they need to do. Few years later, I found the old lady has passed away, which was rather sad. Not long after that or rather today, the man has a new companion with him. She was a younger looking lady, and doing the same chores as the previous old lady. However, the two of them often smiles at each other. The man was so happy looking. He dished out his wantan mee with speed and full of life. While the new woman, will smile at her customers.

The whole scene has changed, and I feel love is in the air!!! How funny, life can be. A twist in your life can make so much changes. However, for this wantan mee seller, it's changes for better ...

Friday, July 22, 2011

You are stupid to that ..

I was talking to a colleague the other day and I was telling her I didn't like the job I am doing. Main reason was it wasn't my cuppa tea and second reason it impacted my study. Hence I opt to leave the job in October. However, she gave me a piece of advise. She said that in her opinion, I am stupid to leave the job without finding another one.

To an extent, I agreed with her. We work for money, and money for survival. However, I was very conscious of what's happening too. I wasn't happy at all in the role. The job was demanding and the management is micro managing to achieve results. This has given me so much stress that I could not balance my other activities in life.

She also said to me, if I have the money, then go for it. For her, she has family and she has great responsibilities. Again I agreed with her, however, at the back of my mind, it's good that she understand her commitments, but for management to commit and drive others to nuts to get where they want to be, promotion, money, impressive resume etc etc. It's one place I didn't want to be. The management is result oriented and is not willing to hear to my plea. My best is not the best for her, and neither the management's best is the best for me too.

Money is important for survival, however, I need my mental stability to achieve other things in life. I feel I am not willing to slave myself for years and remain silent or unhappy. Everyone can decide what sort of lifestyle we want to adopt. If you plan to give the best to your kids, even a million dollar salary will not be enough. To me, what's important is the kids understand the meaning of surviving and be resilient when facing with life struggles. Good life to me does not means fantastic schooling, parents paid deposits for house, tour to USA etc etc.

I may be wrong, but if given a choice, I want the children to understand wisdom, not good life through other people's expenses.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Cinderella story ...

I went to Uni Qlo in Seoul over the weekend. It was my colleague who wanted to get some stuffs there hence I just tagged along. I walked around but I didn't get anything. While waiting for my friend I observed something.

On the couch, sat an elderly woman and a young girl probably around 12 years of age. However, she seems to dress very urrm out of fashion, with a hair clip on a permed hair but patchy. She seems to be a challenged child, but he sat there quietly while the elderly woman looking after her. Few minutes later, a woman which is her mom, and a younger daughter walked over to the couch. Then the more normal looking daughter around 10 was trying to decide which dress to buy, and she was like undecided. The mom kept asking her to hurried up. Meanwhile the elder sister was sitting there smiling quietly. I just knew the mom wasn't shopping for her.

Much later, as I was waiting for my friend who is paying up at the cashier. I saw the family again. This time, the mom asked the elder daughter to stand at a corner with the elderly woman. While she and the younger daughter queuing up for the cashier. Then the mother was looking for something and tried to ask the elder daughter to pass some stuffs to her. The elder daughter looking a bit lost and didn't react fast enough to her mother wants. The elderly woman instructed her to walk to her mom and pass (seems to be money) to her.

When she reaches her mom, the mother wasn't happy and start to slap at her shoulder and started scolding her in Korean. Probably complaining she was slow to her demand. It didn't stop there she continued to lecture her and the poor girl seems to have teary eye. The mother instructed her to walk away from her and she started to cry silently. I can only described, the mother has full of anger when lecturing her. And the facial expression wasn't kind at all.

I was wondering to myself. If this girl is really an unfortunate daughter of this woman. Probably of her physical or mental challenges may has led her to be unloved or loved less. This world can be really be cruel. It does not only happens to friends, but it may also happened to your own flesh and blood. Is it worth it?

Well done Japan .. you made Asian proud

I witnessed the last hour of the FIFA Women Japan versus USA. I turned on the TV and not long after that it went into penalties kick to decide the winner as the scores was 2-2. I read and heard before that USA was very dominant however, the Japan team was very resilient and continued to defend and attack.

The penalties kick was so so exciting and high emotions. The goal keeper from Japan did a fantastic job and managed to defend 2 out of 3 penalties kick. Meanwhile Japan managed to scored 3 goal to become the champion.

I was totally surprised as from the earlier news, it looks like US will win, however, like what we witness in many unfortunate disaster in Japan this year, the team resilience paid off. The victory went to Japan! Bravo!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mr Rudie

Often at public places I noticed certain people's behavior was rather rude or unreasonable. I may be setting my own moral compass here but look at the pic .. am I wrong to say they are not reasonable??

The pic below is taken at a rather brand new cinema with new sofa. The man wore his slipper and stepped on it like nobody business. Rudie rudie!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Original Pho Hoa in Saigon

The halal

I went out for breakfast with a Muslim colleague. Our mission is to ensure pork is not being served. When we ordered a ham sandwich we asked the store keeper in Vietnam what kind of ham was that. The store keeper replied in a broken English, it's chicken ham. My Muslim friend was doubtful and she mumbled.. Please make sure it's chicken else I will end up in Yellll (unclear). I went back to her and said did you mean "health"? She said no no it's not health reason but HELL reason!

World of the news

How do you feel when a news company hunger for hot news that they will tap your phone to dig into the news. I just feel it's a violation of privacy. The big boys are powerful and money can get them to get what they want. Besides unethical in my humble opinion it's shocking and proving the law of jungles still apply today.

I was rather impressed finally the PM in UK decided to voice out the concern and try to put this madness to a stop! Yes powerful people get away from their misbehavior while those victims are left undefended.

I was watching a BBC program and they have invited a group of for and against of the big boss of 'news of the world'. The defender praised the boss that without him journalism is nothing. I believe so but that was maybe 20 years ago. With what they have done now it does not mean it's acceptable and should be pardoned. Damaged done and law for everyone should remain the same.