Friday, March 2, 2012

For the love of your child ..

Today after lunch, Bahija, Ringgit, Dragon and myself was sitting at Starbucks. Then we bumped into a colleague who recently has a 8 months old baby boy that suffered from intestine inflammation. This requires medical surgery as the baby boy at that time was in a rather serious condition. The father explained to us on the procedures and surgery the baby has to go through.

Everything seems normal, until the father told us that before the surgery, the doctor told him to kiss the baby. It sounded like the doctor is telling him that he needs to be prepared for the surgery outcome. Dragon immediately said 'Don't tell me this it would make me cry'. However, the father actually has tears in his eyes when he relates the stories to us. I do not actually how much pain he has to go through, but I could tell his tears revealed the very pain which was put in front of him. Thank god, the baby is recovering well right now.

I wasn't sure if Bahija, Ringgit or Dragon noticed that, but like what I learned from my Applied Psychology course. The children is an extension of the parent's arm. The love of the parents cannot be replaced.


Anonymous said...

I didn't notice the tears.
I only notice Dragons wailing.
She stole his thunder!


Bahija said...

Ringgit , u were not facing him. I saw his's painful for him. Yes, most parent loves their kids so much and sacrify lots of things. Ironically, when the parents grow old, the grown up kids usually cannot return the same level of love to the parents .....aiii