Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's NOT HARD to say I'm SORRY!

Sometimes I wonder, saying sorry is so easy. It's a good excuse for one to escape. I wanted to accept the apologies but the initial intention was not real.

For example, a friend went to the office, and could not find a cup. She then went to the pantry and took somebody's mug without permission. I reminded her that we should not be using other people's mug. (I think she's hoping the owner will not claim it for that day). When the owner wanted it back, she said she's sorry she thought the mugs laying in the pantry has no one using it.

So now, why say sorry, when you already have an intention in the beginning. The sorry to me is not genuine, it's inconsiderate, and it's an excuse to off the hook.

These days whenever I encountered scenario like this, I would tell the person, don't use it when you don't meant it. Admit your misbehavior and moved on. Sorry is not meant to be used as an escape path!

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