Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Social classes and aging ...

When I walked around the mall I noticed some dressed to the 9th, and some dress like they don't have enough clothes to wear. For those who dressed exceptionally nice, has a tendency to be more confident, and may stare at you when you try to speak to them, as if you are speaking like an ET. While the less shiny group, tends to be smiley or very sensitive when you try to chat them up. Something is wrong with them, and they may snapped at you sometimes. That's what I have experienced sometimes.

I noticed, all of us tends to try to belong to mid or upper group. While the lower group may be viewed as a failure. To some, by displaying their wealth, physical look or the dining places they go may show u who they are. While the less fortunate one has to settle at McDonald,if they could afford it.

I asked myself, which group should I belong to. I don't think I belong to either one. However, I rather belong to the group who are wiser. Wiser as in able to accept money is not a measurement to your status. Yes, money is important, but knowledge and practicing good morale is more important to me as I aged. I do not need to 'satay' (kow tow) to the upper class people, or looked down at the lower class group. I will try to treat them equally, even I know they may not bring any benefits to me. What important is I am able to earn their respect for who I am.

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