Sunday, May 17, 2009

Does samaritan really exist??

We always believe to look after ourselves first before other least for the chinese. When people try to be helpful or nice to you, sometimes we feel fear instead of thankful. We just can't trust anyone!

I was walking around Victoria Market in Melbourne yesterday under a gloomy cloud of cold winter. This place has a lot of arts and neat stuffs which I can learn and try to make it at home :))

Along the shops or at the five foot lane, you will see a few homeless sitting on the street. Usually people will walk passed them as if they did not exist. For me I was walking passed McDonald, there this middle age homeless man sitting there sketching some gothics figures. Although it's gothic but you can see it's really not bad, he has talents! He has a small container hoping people will drop some money for him. I can only tell you at least I didn't give him any money, in fact I was scared. I am not sure if he is psycho where he will stand up and scream at you for giving him less!

Anyway, on my way back I bumped into him on the street again continuing with his sketches. A young lady, walked near him, and asked him, "Are you hungry?". Then she handed over a wrap, which I believe is food, to him. He said "Yes", then smile like a little kid, and thanks the lady.

I actually felt bad right after that. I think I had formed this opinion that he is a psycho path and do not need any of my help. So instead I can choose to be a samaritan, I chose to ignore. Kudos to the young girl who has the compassion and guts. What about you ? What will you do?

1 comment:

Ringgit said...

This post caused me to think. Maybe in the future, instead of giving out money (or refuse to give out money because we live in fear), why not follow this lady and give out food? Buy a wantan mee or a Gardenia bread and give it to the homeless person! Thanks Kiasu-Ching for this post.