Thursday, August 27, 2009

No shame on the country of origin!

I was chatting on the net with a colleague who will visiting Manila over the weekend. She was formerly a Malaysian gal now living in Sydney. This would be her first time in Manila, hence she asked if I can show her where to go when she's in the city.

The first time that came out from her mouth was 'Is Manila as ULU (backward) like Kuala Lumpur'?? I was taken aback and shot back saying 'Is KL very ULU'? I am not sure why I said that but probably I have been to places more ulu than KL!

However, it seems that's the trend (may not be all of them), that those newly migrant would have this idea. They have the tendency to look down at their own country and feel it was a mistake living there.

I understand all the politics big hoo haaa and the mess everyone has created in the country, but at the end of the day, if I ask myself, I am still a Malaysian Boy deep in my heart! All my living memories since I was young started with this country. I do not think the country is as bad as many other countries who practise ethnic cleansing. Malaysia is still a very liveable country (minus the human greed and political greed).

Anyway, Happy Merdeka day Malaysia!


Ringgit said...

Kiasu, I'm very proud of you. You are one of ten people I know who migrated and did not criticize Malaysia. I don't understand why people who chose to leave the country continue to follow Malaysia news and then continue to criticize. It's almost like they are self justifying their emigration. As if telling themselves they were right and making their friends feel bad. If you decide to leave and adopt another country as your own, then read that countries news and politics. Why look back? So I am really proud of you. You are the 10% who didn't.

Bahija said...

Yeah, I am so PROUD of you :) time if you met these kind of people again, please taruk them for me , the Msian who is still staying in Msia, and trying my little best to make a difference. Apa tu ulu KL , ambui , blek !

No one is perfect, the same goes to a country. Msia indeed is still a decent place to stay.