Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are you Hearing or Listening?

This term I am doing introduction to counseling skills. There are so much new knowledge and awareness, however, I have to admit I was a bit behind coping with some of my college readings. A lot of catch up to do.

However, one of the chapter was very interesting. I learnt to differentiate between hearing and listening. The former are just listening to sound and at the same time, a very busy chattering mind that prevent you from paying attention the the speaker. Meanwhile, the later was to absorb, empathize, and try to understand the speaker's positions without any judgment.

On top of that, there is a difference between social and listening conversations. One author quote, social listening is about exchanging ego talk. Very opinionated one. Meanwhile, listening usually do not come with judgment, gossiping, or looking down at the speaker.

All in all, I am becoming more aware, however, to give up all these bad habits of mine, it's going to take a lot of practice.

Switch off your Bloody Phone!

The weather was cloudy, the ride was bumpy on the flight from Bangkok to KL. 15 minutes before the landing, the crew was preparing everyone to get ready. As I was looking through the window, I saw green plantations and I knew we are about to land anytime soon.

Suddenly, a phone buzz gone off. The guy picked up his phone and started whispering on the phone! The flight has not touched down yet but the guy has the balls to talk like nobody business! Suddenly a very stern voice was directed to the man. 'Excuse me, it is very dangerous to turn on your phone now when we have not land. Can you please switch off your phone now!' A passenger, sounded like European, told the man off! I was so glad somebody actually told him off. Sometimes I wanted to but I wasn't sure if I should do it. Probably I will next time :P

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Muay Thai Boxing @ Bangkok

I have been to Bangkok a lot of times but never been to a Muay Thai. Last night, my colleague who enjoy boxing was interested to go, so we just did it. The ticket was kinda pricey and the local only needs to pay less. (No wonder the cab driver insisted to buy the ticket for us, which I refused!)

As we got there, we were contemplating whether to sit near the ring side or sitting on the wooden steps. We decided to get the cheaper ticket. To our surprise, below the steps are very filthy, lots of junk food and cans laid beneath the steps. The ringside was obviously better but I can live without it.

When the show started, another surprise just hit me. We found the fighter were very small kids, I think 15-16 years old. Very small size weight 100lbs each. There were 2 sets of families and coaches supporting the 2 fighters. Cheering and clapping so that they will attack their opponent quicker and better. All in all, I was a bit disturbed with the fact the fighters were so young. It made me feel like child labor and I don't support that.

As for the fight, it was rather brutal as they seems unprotected on the ring. Few times we saw one of the boy swing his leg and it hit the side of the opponent. Another used his knee and kicked the side of the rib cage and at one point one boy just fell and could not stand up. However, the betters and many foreigners sitting there treating them as a sports, while I have a different feelings on this entire experience.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Central World @ Bangkok

I checked into Intercontinental Hotel just across Central World. The last trip I was in Bangkok was Dec 2009, before the rally and fight on the street. As I walked to my room, the hotel staff told me I have a nice view. She walked me towards the window and when she revealed the view, we both saw half of Central World was burnt down. In May 2009 there was a riot and part of Central World was set ablaze. What I didn't know it was almost half of it was gone!

The hotel staff quickly told me that was the past, and things has quiet down. The building was also in the process of re-building. She quickly assured me it's safe to be in Bangkok. How amazing when I looked at the building, it was really a sight and could not imagine the situation when it was set ablaze. Anyway, I will try to post some pictures if I can upload later.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Child beggars

After a sumptuous meal at Pondok Laguna Seafood restaurant in Jakarta, we made our way out to a car park. Right outside the restaurants, there were 5 peddlers squatting on the ground selling fruits such as duku, langsat, mangoesteen and other local exotic fruits. My colleague decided to buy a few bags of fruits, and I took 2 from the bag.

In a matter of seconds, then you starting to hear a pleading voices, 'Ibu ibu (Maam maam) , can I have some small change'! There were street kids who were usually hardcore poor waiting for well fed customers to make their grand exit and hoping they have some small change to spare. What surprise me most of the restaurants patrons were unmoved or rather 'Pretending it's not my problem I didn't want to deal with it'. I believe I understand, there were way so many of them on the street, there were no ways my colleagues or others could give them money everytime they came begging. Worst stills some work for beggar master.

Meanwhile, for that night, the kids knew they won't get any money, instead they said, 'Ibu ibu can I have some fruits instead'! I always support for giving out fruits or food, at least I know they may not have a beggar master behind. I gave my only fruits in my hand. Jakarta is such a big place with mega shopping malls, and yet we have children who has the right to be in school turn out begging to live. At that moment, I believe population control is necessary. If any government not willing to cope with hardcore poor families, we need to stop population growth.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspirational stories of the Chilean Miners

My TV was showing the rescue attempt of the trapped Chilean miners. Basically, they put a pod into a drilled hole and will go down 600+ meters below ground. It is a rather exciting and the same time worrying attempt. First the miners have to overcome from claustrophobic as the pod just fit exactly their whole body, no more no less.

Above the ground, around 1500 journalist waiting for them to raise above. It is a rather an inspirational story. How did they live through these months in the trapped hole! With the pouring support from their wives, families and the nation, their spirit was kept alive. Now is the moment they will see the surface of the earth again, like a reborn!

The incident just reminded me of how important it is when you have somebody you care and love very much, be thankful. The families and the miners here were trapped by a layer of soil. The separation really makes one realise how important your loved one is. You forget the fight, you forget the things you get offended with each other, you just want to touch them again, but yet you can't reach them.

I just wish all the 33 miners will be rescued soon, and a reminder to all of us - be joyful and thankful with what you have!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Perfect 10

Today is the perfect 10! 10 of Oct, 2010.

I wish all of us have perfect health!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Commonwealth Games - colorful!

At last, after all the big hoo and haa, Commonwealth games finally opened in Delhi. The opening was so colorful, full of dance and music. It's really like Bollywood at it's best. I have to say, eventhough the games not as big as Beijing, but it's just different. The cultures, dance, and sound were totally different and unique.

No doubt there were too many controversies, however, the games does lift up the spirit of the people in India! Let's hope the games will be a successful one.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lady with cabin bag .. i mean HEAVY cabin bag!

I am not a big fan of passenger with big and heavy cabin bag. They will bring in as their hand luggage, simply because they don't need to wait at the luggage belt once arrived. This apply to both men and women by the way!

However, the different was, the men can lift their bag and put on their overhead. Today in my flight, 2 ladies stepped into the flight, and immediately ordered somebody to bring their bag to the overhead compartment. If they approach me, I do not think I will be very kind. I had practised this line in my mind. 'Since the bag is heavy, which means it's more appropriate to check in. We should only bring in a hand luggage where we can manage! Not we cannot manage!'

I think the logic is simple, let's be fair to everyone. If everyone only care about their own luggage, there will not be enough spaces for all of us. Make sense?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Commonwealth Games update - If your pants on fire, throw more fire!!! jeng jeng jeng

Today I learned another lesson from the games ..according to the news :

NEW DELHI: The head of the organising committee for the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi said Thursday that the event, which has been hit by chaotic preparations, could lead to India hosting the Olympics.

The Indian capital has suffered weeks of disastrous headlines ahead of the opening ceremony on Sunday, but Suresh Kalmadi said the Games would be successful and act as a springboard for an Olympic bid.

I am so amazed with the organiser's guts!