Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Relationships and best interest

A colleague told me she went for a holiday with her family. They stayed in a hotel where she is a Platinum card holder where it allows you to use their lounge. However, the rule of the lounge is a member can bring only one person with her. However, she has 6 of them. When the lounge manager refused to let her in, she counted her days with the hotel, and how much she gave the business to them. Eventually, the manager let the whole family in, to me this is because the hotel understand the importance of the "relationship". Today, a partner could not deliver some important information to her. That was due to some business complications. We were told we follow the book, if they don't give, we penalised them. The partner tried very hard to explain the situation, but when you don't have evidence, we follow the book. Now that's what I see as my own best interest, and where is the relationship? When human is put in a situation, often, they only look after their interest. Relationship? what relationship?

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I saw 'The Cha Boh' aka The Lady

I have been contemplating for 3 days whether I should watch 'The Cha Boh'. One of the reason was because a lot of critics didn't like it. They felt the story was boring. However, I thought to myself, I must show some support to the Burmese, and at the same time to my fellow Malaysian Michelle Yeoh. Finally, yesterday I convinced myself to watch it. Was it good?? Well, it was good. The pace was not really boring, however, I think they tried to follow Aung Yang Suu Kyi (ASSK) struggles religiously. My only complaint was towards the end, I lost the momentum, after knowing she was house arrested, then released, then house arrested, then relaxed again. I can only go so much for that suspense. However, that was the historical facts, it's really not the film makers' fault. Michelle Yeoh and all the casts were wonderful. I was moved by a few scenes. I felt choked in my throat and I actually feel saddened by what the Burmese has to face in their life. They want to breakfree for unfairness, yet, their destiny can never be changed. ASSK was urged to represent them, a voice, a symbol for their fight. I was particularly inspired, by 2 pivotal scenes. First, when she addressed to the Burmese for the first time. You can feel everyone sees hope in ASSK. It was such a moving scene. Second, was the Nobel price giving. She would like to listen to her family's voice, and she could only cluthed on the battery operated radio. After the speech, Bach's 'Air' was played, and she played her piano alone (with a maid) in the dark on the same song. It was a triumphant and tears of joy. I am sure everyone has their own expectations, however, The Lady hasn't failed me. I give it a 4 stars out of 5!

Monday, April 23, 2012

I want that ... juice!

I was waiting for my food at the McDonald's counter in Sydney. Then came a Chinese man in his 50s pointed to the cashier with his receipts. He said, 'Potatoes, potatoes', then followed by his finger showing he is dipping. Then he showed the cashier his receipts indicated he bought 2 french fries earlier. However, the cashier still not too sure what he wants. He then went on with the same action, this time, he said, 'Juice, juice, potatoes juice'. Then I finally realized he meant ketchup or tomato sauce. The girl gave him a few packets then he walked away. I think what amazed me was how hard for me to apply for the residency here. Without any basic English there is no hope to move in at all. However, there are still people who still can make it. Probably the procedures I have to go through makes me think it was tough. And probably money can also buy you a place, or happiness.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Titanic 100th anniversary

On April 19, 2012 is the 100th anniversary for Titanic. There are events held in some places to commemorate the event. At the same time, James Cameron re-released 'Titanic' and this time in 3D.

I decided to watch the movie last night though I have seen it several times in the cinema or DVD. I was more curious was it as good as it was claimed that the 3D version was even better. After sitting for over 3 hours in a cinema, I have to say the movie was still as exciting. The 3D version was really amazing especially the shot under the sea. Besides, the scene where the passengers were trying to flee from the ship to a smaller boats was very real. You felt as if you were there witnessing the chaos in front of you.

Besides I also noticed, there were some younger generations viewers in the cinema who obviously watching for the first time. I heard some sobbing over the unfortunate pair of lover in the movie. Titanic once again has captured the heart and attention of the moviegoers. If you are a 3D movie fan, don't miss it. It's so much better than most of the 3D movies which I have seen lately.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tsunami alert @ Bandar Aceh

I was sitting at Sydney airport going to Melbourne at 8pm. The TV flashed out a breaking news where a massive earthquake of 8.6 ritcher scale has hit Bandar Aceh in Indonesia. The scene on the TV showing communities there were panicking and running out of the building. However, it seems there were more prepared. A big alert was sent out to other regions nearby and everyone evacuated accordingly too. It was a very well coordinated effort.

There were scenes where a group of women crying and her body was visibly shaken. Some were crying up as there weren't sure how to react to the situation. Some was seen praying as their only hope to survive. Moment like this I asked myself, is fame, fortune and status matters. When facing with an inevitable situation, we all may ended up in the same boat. I think we may not even have time to argue who is in a better position to survive. What we can only count on is what legacy we may have left behind. Let's hope the regions able to cope with this earthquake and tsunami. Also, I hope this play as a reminder to all of us that we become a better person towards each other.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Social classes and aging ...

When I walked around the mall I noticed some dressed to the 9th, and some dress like they don't have enough clothes to wear. For those who dressed exceptionally nice, has a tendency to be more confident, and may stare at you when you try to speak to them, as if you are speaking like an ET. While the less shiny group, tends to be smiley or very sensitive when you try to chat them up. Something is wrong with them, and they may snapped at you sometimes. That's what I have experienced sometimes.

I noticed, all of us tends to try to belong to mid or upper group. While the lower group may be viewed as a failure. To some, by displaying their wealth, physical look or the dining places they go may show u who they are. While the less fortunate one has to settle at McDonald,if they could afford it.

I asked myself, which group should I belong to. I don't think I belong to either one. However, I rather belong to the group who are wiser. Wiser as in able to accept money is not a measurement to your status. Yes, money is important, but knowledge and practicing good morale is more important to me as I aged. I do not need to 'satay' (kow tow) to the upper class people, or looked down at the lower class group. I will try to treat them equally, even I know they may not bring any benefits to me. What important is I am able to earn their respect for who I am.

Parenting skills (from Parenthots website)

I came across this websites and I think it's excellent to address some of the common questions which parents have. Enjoy!

It's NOT HARD to say I'm SORRY!

Sometimes I wonder, saying sorry is so easy. It's a good excuse for one to escape. I wanted to accept the apologies but the initial intention was not real.

For example, a friend went to the office, and could not find a cup. She then went to the pantry and took somebody's mug without permission. I reminded her that we should not be using other people's mug. (I think she's hoping the owner will not claim it for that day). When the owner wanted it back, she said she's sorry she thought the mugs laying in the pantry has no one using it.

So now, why say sorry, when you already have an intention in the beginning. The sorry to me is not genuine, it's inconsiderate, and it's an excuse to off the hook.

These days whenever I encountered scenario like this, I would tell the person, don't use it when you don't meant it. Admit your misbehavior and moved on. Sorry is not meant to be used as an escape path!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Communication breakdown at More More Cha Malaysian Restaurant

I took a friend to a Malaysian restaurant for a teh tarik (tea). The place has a big outdoor compound and it's comfortable. I looked at the menu and just ordered 2 teh tarik which cost AUD3.90 each. Later I saw on the menu for any order you made, you only pay AUD1.00 for the tea. Then I look at the waitress and asked her, in that case if I order a Roti Canai at AUD5.50, then add another AUD2, it will come put to AUD7.50 instead of AUD7.90 just for 2 tea.

The waitress heard me and mumbled something I don't know, giggling. She walked away with a smile and I thought she acknowledged my logic. Later after I asked for the bill, it totaled up to AUD13.90!! I have to pay more. I asked the waitress over and I told them I have asked if I pay only AUD1.00 for the team. This time the waitress who took the order without seeing me (speaking through another waitress) told us that she did not say it was AUD1.00. She never acknowledged that.

In the end, I could only express my disappointment. I felt cheated. For the business, you pay what you eat. The waitress don't give a budge of my complaint, but I was asked to pay the full amount. Will I go back to a restaurant that has this attitude? I think NO! Hopefully.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

U hate the person or the behavior?

I saw a colleague (Mr. B) outside the office, I asked how did you go with my boss Miss A. The colleague responded, 'I can't talk to her, she's rude and emotional'. I was quite shocked to hear that.

Next day, I saw Miss A. I asked her, 'How did you go with Mr. B'? She responded, 'I think Mr. B didn't hate my as a person, he only hates me because of the work'.

After digesting the information, I was wondering to myself, can you hate the work pressure without hating the person? Can we really detach our emotions towards a person from the work? Moreover, is Miss A in denial, that it may make her feel better thinking that way?

It's just proven although we may have a situation, but whether Miss A, or Mr. B, without communicating well, each of them has their own opinion on each other.