Tuesday, June 2, 2009

United ?

Everyday when I was walking around the cities or even at work, I noticed how people look at you. Some uses their nose to look at you, some with their head, and some seems to looking through you as if you are made of glass. I begin to feel we can’t approach anyone else on the street very soon. Most of them seem to carries this ‘air’ with them.

However, in Japan or even Korea, I noticed a big difference. The locals bow to each other, they even greet to each other on the street when they need something. In another word, it seems more approachable than the people I deal with in my own country. They show respect to their own countrymen.

I think at the end of the day, we always wonder, why certain countries are so united while some has so many problems. In my opinion, I come to realise that’s simply we don’t respect each other anymore. I tend to see people who like to look down at others even for their very own race. We heard so much complaint about racism everywhere. But have anyone ever asked; have your respect yourself, or your countrymen or even strangers on the street, before you expect others to respect you? Next time when you see at least to your own countryman, try to say ‘hi’ or smile to them. There is nothing to be shameful, if you are shameful where you come from, then please explain how you expect the others will give you their respect!

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