Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are you Hearing or Listening?

This term I am doing introduction to counseling skills. There are so much new knowledge and awareness, however, I have to admit I was a bit behind coping with some of my college readings. A lot of catch up to do.

However, one of the chapter was very interesting. I learnt to differentiate between hearing and listening. The former are just listening to sound and at the same time, a very busy chattering mind that prevent you from paying attention the the speaker. Meanwhile, the later was to absorb, empathize, and try to understand the speaker's positions without any judgment.

On top of that, there is a difference between social and listening conversations. One author quote, social listening is about exchanging ego talk. Very opinionated one. Meanwhile, listening usually do not come with judgment, gossiping, or looking down at the speaker.

All in all, I am becoming more aware, however, to give up all these bad habits of mine, it's going to take a lot of practice.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

very susah, listen without judging .... it's SUPER SUSAH to be counselor , every sat, we need to practise diff counseling skills leh, i m sooo blur too , aiiiii ....