Friday, February 25, 2011

Slave to $ ?

Today I had few conversations with different parties at work. They kinda complained the long hours they have to put at work. This became especially apparent when one need to support Asia Pacific role dealing with more countries. Working from 9am to 5pm is not enough, after at home, they need to continue to have teleconference 9pm till wee hours to update their bosses in Europe or US.

I was asking myself, is this worth it? Because of the career and better pay, we choose to work after office hours and not attending to our family? Which has become priorities now? Family or work? How one could reach a work life balance, when there is a constant demand of your time to get work done or update to the bosses in overseas?

At the end of the day, OK you have a big house big car, but is it worth it? As I grow older, I begin to feel I should look after my well being and people around me. We have a choice, a voice and a life. We don't have to slave ourselves to $.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I hurt my back!

Few years ago I slipped on a staircase and landed on my back. Not long after that, my back hurts and sending my both leg into numbness. It took me a while after medication and physiotherapy to heal.

Just few days ago, I sensed something is not right. This happened after I have decided to go back to gym. I went to gym almost every morning doing my running and some light weight lifting. Instead of getting fitter I have a back pain!

I went to see a doctor today and I was given some medication however, it's not as bad as last time. I felt a relief but I can't go back to gym again!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stand up for what is right ..but who is right?

This morning near my home I went for a breakfast with my family members. After finishing our meal, we saw a Mercedes park almost in the center of the road. Behind him, a Honda Accord was trying to squeeze through the road, however, he didn't and instead he horned the Mercedes to leave the spot. After a few honking, the Mercedes driver came out of the car and waved his hand to the Honda driver asking him to squeeze through and he verbally called him 'Bodoh' (Stupid!).

My family member while walking said to the driver, how do you expect him to move and yet call him stupid. I told my family member why meddle with them? My relative said but if we don't do something about it they may not be any law abiding citizen.

I thought through the process. Yes, the Mercedes has parked illegally, and yet he refused to move and he thought he has not committed anything wrong. However, do you think he will listen when he thought he was right? I told my relative, if you plan to stand up to someone, you need to assess the consequence. You may get bashed or bullied after that. I have nothing against that, however, the way we communicate to the Mercedes driver has to be first "disengage" his defensiveness. I felt if you rub salt further, it will only makes matter worst.

What will you do in this situation?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plastic Coconut

I am always impressed with creativity of some products in the market. For example one of the one I came across in Bangkok. I saw them at a supermarket and I thought it was real, but when you look closer it's all plastic with real coconut water inside the container. It's rather cute and interesting!

Feb 14 - Single Awareness Day

I was reading a newspaper in Bangkok, and came across this acronym SAD which stands for Single Awareness Day. It coincides with Feb 14, St. Valentine's Day. Whoever created this day seems to counter-answer for those who are still single or ultra very eligible.

I thought it was smart. Yes, it's Single Awareness, which sound to me so what if I am single, but the acronym has a totally opposite - SAD! I wasn't sure if I agree with that. I still remember I have single friends who once in a while who will complaint about his fate and do not wish to stay single in his life. Now that he has married, this issue is no longer in his mind. Thank god, my ear is being spared.

For those who are still single, we should be glad we still have the freedom. Yes, occasionally you may need emotional support, but don't forget being non-SAD could have more emotional issues :PPP

Whatever it is! Happy SAD day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Thai Red Ruby!

Every time I visited Bangkok, I must try their Coconut Red Ruby! Basically, the red rubies are made from water chestnut coated with tapioca. The red rubies are served in a chilled santan and with some syrup. It's heavenly!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A passing of a friend

Just before last year Christmas, I was shocked to find out a former colleague which I worked with before has been diagnosed with cancer. The news was announced out of sudden in one of our teleconference. At the end of the meeting we were told to give her a call whenever we have time to do so. I took down the number and I found the right time to call. However, I failed to call, in fact I totally forgotten as I was too excited on my upcoming trip to London at that point. I thought I will do it after I am back from London.

And just today, to my shock, my former colleague has passed away on Jan 31, 2011. There is no excuse for not making the call. Lesson is learned but it's too late. So to my reader out there, don't wait and life doesn't wait for us!

To Debbie, I hope you left in peace and pray whoever up there will look after your kind soul. I remembered our time working together in Singapore and Japan. I forever treasure your guidance during the difficult time. Thank you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Petronas ad for CNY

Every year Petronas has some very interesting ad that hit directly onto the social concern. This year advertisement was rather touching .. see it for yourself.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Reunion Dinner

I just came back from the reunion dinner. Every year my parents, brother and sister will gathered together for a reunion Chinese New Year dinner. However, this year my father brought some friends along and most of them are elderly in age. As usual, we will talk about what I do and where do I live. Apparently the friends are living in Canada and they thought the social welfare in Canada is the best in the world. I think I have little doubt about that as I have seen a documentary made by Roger Moore and mentioned the same.

Later, as usual, the elder found I am still single and insist to know when I will get married. This year I have a better plan to answer them. I said, I am married. I am married to all of the people on the table, and that's why I have decided to give up a good paying job soon and help everyone I am married to. I will not just help a single wife or their children, but rather I would help with anyone I may come across. The elderly nodded their heads, and they were happy with my replies :P

I guess this may be my resolution for my Chinese New Year :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Year of Rabbit

I wish the year of rabbit brings you lots of good health and luck.

And also if time permits, extend your helping hands to those who need helps to make this place a better place for your children and future generations.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.