Sunday, March 29, 2009

Honest = Not Rich!

Since I was young I always heard this chinese saying 'if you are an honest man, you won't make a lot of money'. I don't really thing it was true at that time. However, my perception has changed since. This is really true to the bone!

There is this morale thing when we make a decision. I often find businessman rich one especially are thrown into all sort of issues where they can resolve by not being honest!

I came across an executive who was doing very well in a 'A' company. The company hires a lot of contractor to write programming codes for 'A' company. Few years later, I realised he setup a company under his wife as a partner. Then, he divert all the contracting jobs to this newly setup company. He can do that because he has the power to divert to them without going through a bid. Few years later, he left 'A' company and became a managing director there. He drove Mercedes Benz, big bungalows, and tonnes of money in his bank account. He was well respected by many people who work under him.

However, I don't know why, I couldn't do it. In fact I stopped communicating with this person. There is a big morale issue here. Yes he is rich and am I being jealous? In my opinion, I think I am being who I am. I want to be honest to myself, but the price to pay is 'not being rich' in your life.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

aiyuh, see bor ? u so 'holy' meh :P .... u r RICH wor , so u tak honest liow leh