Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Its humid and hot in Jakarta when I arrived. The airport is one of my favorite. By just looking at the airport instantly you can tell how thick the cultures in Indonesia. The architecture of the airport just amazed me somehow.

I have a colleague was working with me in this trip. It was his very first trip to Jakarta. Later of the day he told me some of the sight along the airport was like India (where he came from). This is not like Singapore the modern city, where I can sensed where his comparison is coming from.

Well, no doubt Singapore is very clean and convenient in many ways comparing to many ASEAN cities. I have other thoughts. To me I believe in strong culture in our way of living such as mannerism, architecture, the food, the people and etc. When I saw hawkers food on the street side I can relate instantly the way of living here. The interactions with the local makes you aware what they believe and practise. Its their budaya!

I have nothing against more advance countries, however, modern cities are losing their cultures. I am glad these cultures were maintained and not destroyed or forgotten in the coming generations.

Next time if the person tell you how modern other cities are, you can tell them we are richer in many ways and it does not have to be the highest or expensive buildings. Sometimes money could not buy certain things. Once lost you will never get it back!


Ringgit said...

The first time I was in Jakarta, I too was impressed by the airport. It's one of the more beautiful airport I have seen.

rotitelur said...

Too bad I have not seen it