Monday, July 19, 2010

Abang dari MAS ke?

I have to write this because this is 2nd time somebody from the food department in KLIA airport. Usually I will chat a bit with the cash register staff that the price in KLIA airport is costly. And it's way too much for a decent family especially those with 5-6 kids. When I was about to pay, the staff will ask "Abang dari MAS ke?" (Do you work for MAS?). I will play on (kiasu) and say "Macam mana engkau tau?" (How do you know?), "Tapi I da henti" (But I have stopped with MAS).

Then the staff will smile, then she punch the cash register then Ka-Ching! Billed spitted out and to my surprised discounts included!!!! Not bad huh?! I guessed I should have applied a job with MAS after I left school, but meanwhile, I can enjoy the discount. Thank you!

1 comment:

Bahija said...

what a 'cheater' TIPU :P , left MAS , betul ker ?? so ket chang , how much did u jimat ???

next time, I'll try this trick ...
agree with u , food at KLIA wayyyyyy toooo expensive la...