Monday, November 7, 2011

Annoyed and Controled

I was eating at Canton-i today with 2 colleagues. A waitress; suspected from China; walked to our table without a smile and asked us what we want to eat. I gathered what my colleagues wanted, and I tried to summarized their orders and told her. Instead, after listened to me, she moved her head towards my colleague and asked them what they want again. I snapped at her and said, I thought I just told you few seconds ago? She went silent looking at me not knowing how to reply. Then she clarified she just want to make that's what they want.

After the incident I asked myself why am I so snappy. I felt she wasn't paying attention when I was talking to her. Or either she don't understand me. Instead of going back to me she went to ask my other colleagues to confirm. I felt being cut off eventhough I tried to summarized the order for her.

I felt I am aware of my own behavior, but I was thinking, what else can I say to her? Ignore her let her ask again? Or tell her nicely again the same order when she is more willing to pay more attention?

Net of it, I wasn't feeling right when she turned away after telling her the order.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

she tak faham what u said la she turned to those folks la :P
canton-i aje, not a fine dining place la , so she could have communication issue leh , chill