Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Job interview

I am looking for a job within the company I am working in. Today I went for an interest interview. Meaning in case the hiring manager is interested to hire me later, she can keep me in mind.

I was quite confident of what the hiring manager wants, however, I wasn't sure if she prefer financial background or IT background. I am mostly with IT skills. Anyway, when I met the manager the meeting was quite casual. However, the manager was struggling to understand my resume. I ended up first 10 minutes explaining to her my experiences according to the resume.

As we moved on, I found she prefer financial background, but at the same time I recognised she needs my skills too, but the priority is on financial. I told her I wasn't dissapoint with the meeting, because what important is I have established this network with her. IF she has opportunities or know someone who is hiring, probably she can let me know.

She gave me some tips on what area I may want to expand, however, it was something I want to stay away. I just nodded and acknowledged it. All I can do is to wait and put my fishing line into the seas. If it's mine it will be hooked up :)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I am currently staying at a host in Sydney and he happens to be a Malaysian. He is very ambitious and an idealist. Knowing his strength he feels he must work hard to make a lot of money for older age. He also dreamed of having a girlfriend who fits all his criterias.

I feel it's important when we are younger it's worth to take risk and try. After all there is nothing to lose especially at the of below 30. I perfectly understand that need to challeng yourself. However today I shared my view especially my need to change job. A job with low pay and probably low appreciation. I told him we tipped too much to greed due to capitalism. And the unlucky poor people won't able to survive. I feel there should be balance but I don't plan to change everyone. I can only do my part.

My host disagreed with me. He felt capitalism is great and I am a communist. You reap what you work hard for and things got advance due to capitalism. He felt if the person can't afford to buy say an iPad then they don't deserve to enjoy it. But after many rich people made money they donate to the poor. He felt it was such a great cause.

I feel there is truth to what he says but I feel there should be a balance. To me the root is our behavior. We are driven to think being rich is being loaded with money, then everything follows. I feel its more than that. It's the behavior of being able to give whether you are rich or poor does matter to me. When you are willing yo give we tends to be balance.

However in this world they are good and bad behavior people. it's hard to balance but everyone deserve to be respected. If I quote what my host thinking, I feel he may not respect people who are poor and unlucky. For them they didn't try hard and act up. At the back on my mind if only everyone is given a fair chance, and that begins with you and me.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Kung Hei Fatt Choy 2012

I wish all my reader a very happy Chinese new year. I wish the year is filled with meaningful and quality time both at home and work. Most importantly great health to everyone.

Kung hei Kung hei.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today I had a debate with my taugeh. He told me yesterday, some data screwed up and he couldn't give us the information to prepare. However, we must send out an important instruction tomorrow. In order to do that, we must get data from ABC team.

I told him I will try my best to get it. When I contacted ABC team, there were very busy and in a meeting. When I managed to find them, they tried their best to give us the information, but the data was not accurate. We have to go through a few round of emails and explanations.

Come today, one of the file still hasn't reach, because the data was too huge and the system went time out. This morning my boss asked what time can he has the information. I told him, still working on it. Then I told him everyone need more time, because we practically gave the instruction yesterday and I feel it's not reasonable. However, he told me 2 days is fair. Everyone is paid to do their job, not sitting there do nothing. I pointed out again, we are not talking about who is not working we are talking about reasonable time. He typed back and said, 2 days is fair, and sometimes we must must work HARDER and BEYOND! I told him, OK I got it but I just want him to know, it doesn't mean I AGREED with him.

The whole day my spirit was dampen. I felt one can become so unreasonable and can't see their action on how they can impact on others. The net of his style is .. DROP everything give me what i want, after that you can do whatever you want!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Encik Shukri the cab driver

Since I travel quite a bit in the past, I have a regular driver call Mr N. However, when Mr. N is busy, he will dispatch his friend Encik Shukri to pick me up from home.

When Encik Shukri drove me to airport, we constantly talk about the people in general. How people became greedy, and putting their interest before others. A dog eat dog world. It wasn't unpleasant at all, but just a reminder of the state of the world today, and what we can do or not do to further contribute to these matters which we viewed as madness. He has a very funny way of delivering his sentence, funny but sometimes double meaning. There was a hint of disappointment especially in his laughter. And when he laughed I can tell he was wearing dentures :))

Encik Shukri also shared with me his relationships with his sons, and the ideals for them, however, he knew sometimes the future is up to the children in the end. In general Encik Shukri was rather chatty but he has certain ethical values which you need to pay attention to. The sole breadwinner for the family so working hard was the only choice. He has to put in a lot of hours till midnight in which he preferred to meet the family needs.

Today, I received a SMS from Mr. N. He told me if I would like to contribute to a tabung for Mr. Shukri. For him, he has passed away, and Mr. N thought he died because of work exhaustion. He has been constantly working at night and got back home at wee hours feeling tired. I can only remember the last time I saw him could be 3 months ago. After he dropped me at the airport, I told him to stay happy, and I will see him soon (depending on Mr. N's arrangement). Now I believe it won't happen. For me, only a memory was left behind. May the creator be with you Encik Shukri.

The year of dragon

For the year of dragon, there is a list of things I need to do for my zodiac. In order to be in harmony with myself and others.

These includes :

1. Donate to needy;
2. Donate blood to expel the negative 'chi';
3. Keep low profile;
4. Learn to be humble and less vocal;
5. Carry rooster pendants to distract the dragon;
6. Carry the alliance zodiac with me;
7. Spend wisely;
8. Avoid big investments;
9. Travel more is good, but avoid South East;
10. Tap into other experts for help, when meeting challenges.

These are what I can think of. Hopefully, I can come out with balance and positive 'chi' :))

My conversation with my ex boss Mr. LimST

Last week while shopping for cookies, I bumped into my ex boss LIMST. He has retired few years ago. I saw him standing next to a trolley full of cookies and stuffs. He was almost looked like as if he was sleeping while standing.

I approached him, and pat at his shoulder. I said, 'Hi ST, how are you?'. We exchanged a few words and it seems life has been OK for him after retiring. His daughter graduated from architect in Melbourne is seeking a full time job in Australia. However, she can only manage to find some part time job as it was rather tough to find a permanent one. Then I learned his younger son, is also studying in Melbourne and living together with the sister.

I offered him by saying, if you do come to Sydney let me know. I greeted him Gong Xi Fa Cai and hope to stay in touch. He nodded and then he walked towards his family. His daughter has definitely looked grown up. I just smiled from far and continue with my chores.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Manage the manager

I want to document this event today. I had discussions with my boss last Friday, however, the idea was not received well because she kept on saying it does not make sense. Over the weekend, I was kinda disturbed because on Monday morning I have to try again and this time with my side kick to explain her methods.

Come Monday, I took a deep breath, and stay calmed. I reminded myself a sentence I read in the paper 'Humility brings respect by itself. It subdues the heart of others'. I told myself I will stay very calm, and try to explain in a simple way. Question the question and put things in the right perspective.

Throughout the session, my sherman tank manager will just scream very loud when she felt we are wasting her time or it does not lead to anywhere. I told her firmly. I disagreed and spoke calmly, that this is not a waste of time, this discussion will help us to be objective and clear. Everyone's ideas are heard and debated. I heard a strong sigh, but we went on ok.

After we presented the method, my boss kept attacking she disagreed how it was done. I went on and agreed and see her point, but I explain further the reason why we did this way. Finally we agreed on how we think it should be read. I tried very hard not to explode, instead I constantly check her understanding before proceeding.

In the end, she understood, she knew our concern. She told us she will go back to her manager to clarify further. I told her thank you, the whole objective is not about who is right or wrong, but which is the consistent way so in longer term we all do the same method.

She agreed and she thanked me. I recognized today I won half the battle. I did not explode and challenge her!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Still hunting ...

Its mid January now and I have yet to find a job. I noticed in Australia most jobs are very targeted at specific skills e.g. Sales, sap expert, security analyst. I am not qualified for any of them. My current role will start it's review very soon. I have tried to ask myself do I want to escape from the job or from my boss. I concluded it's a bit of both but I did not jump into emotional conclusion. The job is politicking. If you follow the book sometimes it's unfair, and when you follow your heart some people will cheat. So I am trapped in this ethical values of mine. Frustration mount when I try to logic out with the business but the one with power is always winning. Some asked me to just do it and follow what the boss wants. How do you follow when you are ethically challenged? It's something embedded in me it's my core values in order to function. I have tried to voice out but a Sherman tank would not back down. I could manage once a few times, but with every session is being torpedoed, I just feel I may end up resenting.

Hence I feel I am justifying here, but I feel once I am demotivates I don't give my 100%

Job ah job where are you?

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Homestay around the world ..where can I find?

I recently was looking for a short term stay in Sydney. I found a site where home owner play host or just mainly renting out a room or entire house to guests. The prices are definitely much cheaper than a hotel or even hostel. The range of the properties can range from a studio to a chalet. I just tried book a place and it's very easy and friendly.

Go visit AIRBNB