Monday, February 13, 2012

My asian upbringing ...

I walked into a cafe one morning. I told the cafe owner that I wanted chicken avocado on toasted brown bread. And a soy cappuccino too. She nodded and asked me to take a seat.

Few minutes later, food was served, however, I noticed there was a thin slice of (my initial thought) of chicken. I took a bite then I realised it was a slice of cheese. So I walked to the owner again, and I told her 'Maam, for my bread I asked for chicken and avocado'. She then said, 'I heard you said Cheese and Avocado'. My first reaction was should I corrected what she has seems to misheard. Then I just told myself it's ok, I will deal with it. I wonder, why didn't I fight back and say 'No, you have misheard'. Instead I let the other party to claim what they think is right. They may have not pay enough attention and resulting in what I do not want.

The only reason I could point out is how we were being brought up. The thought of not going into confrontational may have been programmed in my mind. We prefer world peace. However, world peace may not happened, because the other party may feel, hey I can actually win this by putting my foot down. Oh well, whichever way, communication is tough. To win or not to win is always sparked in our daily interactions. I guess there is no right or wrong answer to this, what matters are do I feel more peaceful within myself.

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