Thursday, February 23, 2012

The object of product incentives

I was having lunch with a young lady who is a product sales manager for a particular company. We were talking how competitive the business market can be. This young mother of 2 children, is youthful looking, slim and attractive. However, she told me she need to invest more on her look. I was surprised as I thought she really has no flaws, from her physical look, everything looks perfect.

She then explained that she recently went to some customer sites bidding for business, she learned that her competitor hired a bunch of supermodel gals in sales. They are tall, slender, blonde (dyed), pretty and walk like a cat! She then complaint, there is no way she can compete with them. We found it's a good strategy, say when customers want to buy Model X, they send Miss A, when it's Model P, the representative is Miss B. The customer could remember these products by associating to these super models. If they are very pretty, they may want to see them more often.

I guess now we understand what these power of the super models in the business world. We think they are really the real product incentives. In order to encourage the customers to buy from them, the businesses are willing to invest in these models. Good strategy! As for my friend, she has to keep up with these models, or else her sales may go down.

1 comment:

Bahija said...

how sad, see how the evil world is heading to .....those stupid buyers , they are paying damm high price as the supermodels don't come free.....