Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Modern Family .. you touch me you pay

Few days ago, I read a news in Australia paper where a grandmother was sued. Long story short, the grandmother woke up to a crying baby, and try to take her to downstairs. Worry she may woke up her son and daughter in law, she walked and slipped on the steps. The baby was badly hurt from the incident. The son and the daughter in law sued the granny for negligence and it became a first landmark case. The nanny will be punished by the law. I was so amazed with the story. No doubt the baby was hurt, but was it intentionally? Is this how you repay your mother because she fell? Instead she was blamed for not taking good care of the baby. I mean what has the world become? If I am the granny I won't even want to touch a single hair of my grandchildren. I worried I may get sued. What this incident shown me is the court can come to a conclusion where trust is no longer working. So don't touch me or else I will sue you even you are related to me!

Friday, May 25, 2012

French film festival, salut!

Just few days ago, France was nominated as world rudest city. However starting from 25 may to June 6 in GSC cinema in kuala lumpur, the French movie festival just kicked off. So far I saw "A cat in paris" and "service entrance". Both were exquisite. "service entrance" especially has o much heart in it. It's very very funny but romantic as well. It really worth the money I paid. I am targeting 3 more movies, "love anonymous", "korkoro" and "untouchables". All these are highly acclaimed movies in 2011. I am so grateful I can watch them in the one week.

Help help help!

Again, in the newspaper another young man appeared to commit suicide by falling down from a high floors. It's really a sad thing to hear at the age of 24, they student chose to make this decision. What more the student is from a medical school and a son of a renown skin specialist. As a newspaper reader I can only ask why? With cases like this on the rise, it just prove the price of modernization is increasing steeply. What we thought is silly solution appearing to be more common. Meanwhile, though I know I can't save the world, but I am more determined to work harder on my study, and eventually I can have a second career as a counselor. I may not be a savior but i can only do my part eventually and hopefully. However, I also believe, everyone can play a role, but are you willing to help? The story from Star :

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Since this week alone, 2 KL taxi drivers have been hinting to me how unhappy they are with the ruling party. I just keep my emotion check and query them why are they so unhappy. From what I gathered, even though they may be right or wrong, it's purely negative sentiment. They are frustrated. They want the leader to step down. My only concern is they may not see the big picture but use blame as a way to vent. No doubt the leader has it's good and bad moments, but sometimes it's really the best of 2 evils. For me, if I to vote, I want a politician who is not a business man. Second, a terms maximum for the government to be in office. Re-elect again after that. This way, everyone is under scrutinies if they did not perform. Then improvements may happened. These are my 2 cents.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Compromising integrity

Few days ago, I found I made a mistake in my work. I explained to the relevant party and admitted the mistake. However, it was not acceptable because the admission will means the customer may penalize us. For me, I feel we learn from mistake. Admit it and move on. However, to some party, admitting mistakes means weakness, and may jeopardize the dream to go higher and shine. The worst part was after I wanting to admit the mistake, I was told to write an additional line to my customer. This time it sounded like I did a check at that time, which I did not. However, it was insisted. I felt very bad because the person is practically asking me to paint another picture, and I feel it's an indirect lie. Anyway, I am trying to be as careful as I could because I need evidence that I am being truthful. Also, I wish the person who make me do this, good luck in the career, and hope the climbing up the ladder of success is smooth one. When the person stayed at top there just hope they will ask themselves, "Aren't you tired living like this?"

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mother's day

May 13 is mother's day. When I was young, I don't recall we celebrate. Then I remembered it started by giving cards and flowers 15 years ago. Now, most hotels, restaurants even shopping malls take this opportunity to sell you something on mother's day. The more the better and may signify how much you love our mothers. If you don't buy them, some mothers may became upsets. Welcome to the world of consumerism. For me mothers day is everyday and every small task we do counts.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A message from a friend with cancer ...

I met Pak A in his late 30s while I was working in Jakarta. That was 2 years ago, when I need to perform a review and conduct an education for the entire department in Jakarta. Pak A at that time was newly moved into the company. He was previously working for a small company and were offered to join our company. Throughout my work there, I worked closely with Pak A. We worked like a small team, but we knew what we need to do. We knew our place and delivery. I found he is very smart in what he is doing and he knows exactly what to deliver. Then last year, after one year with the company, I met him again, however I was in a different role. I found he found a new girl friend in the company and seems to be doing well. We greeted and catched up on our life. However, early this year, a bad incident happened to him. He was diagnosed with nose cancer. While I was in Jakarta this year, I tried to meet up with him. However, he lives very far away from the city. In order to get there, I need to catch a train and follow by a taxi. However, after certain hours, there is no train service. I wasn't sure how to get back after that. I rang him up and explained to him I failed to go to his place, however, we chatted and I was wondering his chance of recovering. He sounded normal, but a picture of him on my colleague's handphone shown him weak, fragile with a big burnt marked on his neck. The sight of it make me feel sorry for him. I ended the call telling him to call me if he needs to talk again. That was February. Today, I tried to ping my colleague and wonder how he is doing. Apparently he has to go through chemotherapy again as the cancer is spreading. A colleague in Jakarta today delivered a message from Pak A. He told everyone to forgive him if he has done anything inappropriate. He seek for forgiveness from us. I feel saddened by the message. However, there is nothing I can do at this point. According to my course, human has 3 level of desperation. First sign, is when we do not have enough food or shelter, we hunt for them. Second, if we do not have air or water to drink. However, at this moment, I feel we fall under the third category, we seek for miracle, only god could help us and Pak A. For I wish he will overcome this soon.

Parental love

I was waiting for a friend outside a supermarket. While waiting, I saw an Indian mother minding her probably 2 years old child. I was looking for a seat and I stood near her hoping there were available seat. As I drew closer to her, I eventually saw her baby girl. She has an eye that could hardly open, a face that looked abnormal, and when she speaks, it's more of a noise than a basic speech. She's thin and fragile. I think she is a challenged kids and does not look normal. Her mother looked at her, giving her a weak smile. Later, the father joined them, and they torn some bread out of a loaf, and fed her. Her father looked like just finished his day from work. She was smiling when fed, and the father hug her. What amazed me was, how much the parents persevere. If I am in the situation, I would be stress and may even ask why my children was created this way. I do not know what sort of stress the parents have gone through, but what I know they loved their baby girl very much, even with her disability. Some may not know how they do it, but parental love, it cannot be replaced or can be understood until you are the parents of the children.