Thursday, June 11, 2009

The stalker in Manila

I came to Manila a week ago for some reviews. The weather is wet and humid most of the time. Due to some security reasons we are required to take the hotel's cab to the airport or to the office.

Usually during my trip in the cab, I will be start asking things like where can i get cheap DVDs or the place I must visit around Manila. My cabbie is called Butch has been very helpful and filled me with information.

Things are getting out of hand when Butch starting to "probe". He will ask where do I come from, or what's the salary difference in Manila and the country we come from, or where do I want to go during weekends. I did express my interest to visit the volcanic mountain at Tagatay about 4 hours from Manila.

One day I decided to take a public cab to the DVD shops near Manila with the concierge's help. Immediately on the next day Butch told me he knew I went there! It seems the concierge has been talking to these drivers. I started to feel uneasy. Then when we are near to weekend, Butch was trying to sell very hard on the Tagatay trip. I was trying to be nice and said I have to check with my other colleagues if they are interested. I will inform him if I want to go but for now I don't plan to go! (try to be politically correct) However, Butch tried to find out what time I go to work and what time I will meet my colleagues. Then try to estimate what time I will call him and he insisted he needs to know before 11am!

The whole thing was getting into my nerves, I felt like being stalked! The driver is trying to monitor my movement from going to DVD shop down to what I will do over the weekend! I understand most of the people here do not have big salary so they are drives to the brink of desperation. As far as I know for today onwards, I told the hotel, I need to change my driver!


Ringgit said...

Wah.. scary.. like "Single White Female" - what if he kills you for not taking his taxi? Or mug you? I think maybe it's because you are leng chai!

Bahija said...

yalor, u too leng chai liow :P ...scary, next time be speechless, jangan talk so much ..