Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year - 2008 and my Resolutions - The Mirror!

It's new year soon! I am sitting here trying to figure out what will be my new year resolution. I need to think of one thing that I should improve. I think I need to stop assuming a person's character. However, it will not stop me from talking bad about him or her if they stepped on me :P hehehe. I remembered reading this book, when you walk around you see a girl has a bad taste in dressing, or the guy has a bad table manners, usually we always draw conclusions easily in our mind.

We always thought we know everything. We feel more superior than others, so my thinking is right! However, we really do not know everything. We thought we knew. We draw conclusions easily because most of the time it reflects our behavior too. We see ourselves in others. So we feel ashamed of it. It is exactly a mirror which is reflecting our very own behavior . If you are not aware, ask yourself why you made the comment ?? Have you done it before? Why do I feel ashame? A lot of time it's the mistake we made before in the past or we are still doing it.

I wish next year I can control myself on this area. If I see something not up to my standard, I should imagine myself in their shoes. Then I may stop laughing at myself :P

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I Can't breathe inside Harrods

On 28th Dec, the great Harrods sales started. I knew a lot of shoppers will Q up in front of the store but I had decided to go there at noon. I stopped at the Knightsbridge station and I noticed the exit for the Tube station has been made into one way! When I went around the front door, there was a long Q still .. apparently that's how they control the crowds and not overloaded inside the mall. Instead I went around to the backdoor entrance and managed to sneak in without any sweat.

Phew, when I thought I made it finally, then I look for the Men's shoes department. I found it within few minutes (it's like a maze and with so many people in there it does not help but to get lost!) and quickly look through what they had to offer. I have to say they have sucha big collections such as Armani, Prada, Paul Smith, Barker, Miu Miu and many other European shoes. And the price, mostly slashed from 40% upwards. Pretty good eh! I have been always aiming for a Paul Smith, since it's British and I thought I should be loyal to the local brand since I am in London. I found what I want and went straight to a counter with at least 10 people in front of me. There were 2 rows at that particular section.

After my happy purchased I wander around for Men's wear. I managed to locate and it's at the basement for contempary wear. I am so impressed with the collections, anything you can find from GQ magazines, it's all there! I think it's even better than Macy's in US, due to their European's collections. I browsed through the racks and shelves, and the same time moving shoulder to shoulder with all other shoppers. After 30 minutes, I started to feel dizzy! There were a lot of things I want to get, but the price is still expensive (but cheap for a designer brand). For example, a color stripe shirt from Paul Smith after discount is around GBP59! (that's around 400RM).

I have my goods on my hand but when I saw the long Q for fitting rooms and cashier. I left the goods behind. I just cannot do it. I cannot breathe, I felt dizzy again. The whole shopping experience at this time was nauseating. But but if you could brace through all these crowds, it's really worth it! I think I have enough for now ..though I wish I have more ..... :P

Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto assassinated - What is Wrong with the World?

I read the news today Bhutto was killed by a snipper in Pakistan. On TV showed some were crying and am sure some were celebrating (for those who hated her). Anyway, I can never understand how human behaves. We all know politicians maybe corrupted in some way or others. If you can find one who does not (you think you know), do tell me :P

So now Bhutto is gone, what is next? Does the people will become happier? The country will become a better place to live? I can only conclude all these are just merely human greeds. Each of the individual has their very own wants. If you don't get it, and has no power to stop it, then ended up with killing (since there is nothing to lose). I guess this world is alwasy at war with each other. I do believe eventually human will wiped out their very own human race. To them, they only care about themselves. They think the survival is the fittest. They do not have anymore this thing call "senses".

You will be even labeled as Loser since you are not competing. Well whether I am the fittest or the loser, I believe in good up bringing and good conscience. Most of the people today who ended up with power and greeds are usually the "mou ga gau". (nobody to guide them when they are young). I am not sure if I will pity them. But I pity the world it is becoming. I am not sure there is a fast solution here today. But it has to start from one point (which is you and me) nice to others, and others will respect you in return.

London sales, it's a Circus out there!

I reached London on 24th December. Most shops were closed over Christmas, however, on 26th Dec I was warned the big sales is on! I have not been to any sales in London so this will be my first time. In the morning I walked through Regent Street and Oxford Circus, and to my surprise, everyone already on the street. Some queing outside the shops like H&M, Next, Selfridges since wee hour.

I have to say the SALES was really good. Most of the stuffs are from 40%-70%. I went into Burberry, there were so many Asians! I went to TOPman and HUGO Boss and noticed my sizes were running out. I think I realized why people are willing to wait outside, because the common sizes are easily snapped out. However, when I see the Q next to the cashier, there is no way I can go near there at all! I will faint due to suffocations! I also visited HMV record shops, some DVDs at only 3GBP (21RM)! There is no way you can find Original DVD at 21RM in Malaysia!

Today, I am planning to go to Harrods and Paul Smith. I was told at Harrods the first few people who entered the mall first will get to buy a very expensive item at probably 10% of the original price! All the ladies from all walks of life will be queing up outside of Harrods now! I will go there but probably at noon :P

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas spirit ..maybe not for all

I rushed to Takashimaya, Singapore today and met up with a colleague for lunch. We had dim sum at Crystal Jade and we talked about my upcoming trips to London. We also discovered they will be a big sale in London on boxing day and most of the branded stuffs going on sale.

I noticed around the city everyone was busy doing their last minute Christmas shopping. All I can see is they are spending money without blinking their eyes, no matter the ages or races or countries they come from. Ka Ching everywhere!

After lunch I walked passed an aisle of Robinson at Orchard road. From distance I saw an old lady, weak, very old, pale and wheelchair bound. She does not look like those can snapped you on your head. She has a box of tissues packs on her lap with a manila card showing 30cents. I walked passed her at first just like anyone else. I often find most of us can indulge in big brand names and best restaurant but yet we often turned our back on a poor lady who is trying to sell a tissue. Yes there are many of them just like the poor ladies in the cities but what is 30cents to you? Theoretically she did not beg, but she tries to sell you a tissue. I turned to her again after second thought and gave her a dollar and took a tissue pack from her.

After 100m away from the lady, I started to think. What is wrong with Singapore, or even me? I wonder do we became more and more blinded after we are more successful? Is it because we are ashamed if we buy a tissue from a poor lady? I was affected by the poor lady. Simply because at her age she should be enjoying her life, with or without struggle. She should not become a public display like these. Where are her kids? What can the all rich government does for her own citizen? By punishing them because there were less educated and not successful when they are younger? Are you happier now? Do you feel less ashamed after punishing them?

At the same time, I remembered reading a book where every individual has a calling. A calling to tell you what can do best and enjoy the meaning of life at the same time. We are here with a purpose. I wonder what is my purpose and also since I am always affected by these people, should I do something about it? Will my life be richer by doing so. I should ponder on this .....

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Migration will resolve your problems?

Today I just sent a family off and they will soon migrate to Melbourne. They are not the only family I knew which had migrated, recently, at least 2 families I knew had moved to Australia as well. Many people move for many reasons. Most of the families are doing especially for their child education. They can save tonnes of money by migrating to Australia alone. They also talked about how good the life it would be and the money that they will earn. Is this really true? By moving to another country it will change our lives?

Probably this may be true if you have kids. This may change your kids' lives. However, I begin to look at myself on this (I had migrated as well),why did I move in the first place? I realise it's really where the opportunities lies. In India, there is a mass migration of skilled Indian labors to almost everywhere of the world which need IT staffs. Usually they will move the whole family as well. They see these as opportunities and it may change their life forever. After few years, say they were succesful, they maybe richer, they spoke fluent English with slang, and brag how good the new countries comparing to thier originated countries.

Funny enough, later they will also critisize the new countries. Human is just human, they love to call out a fault easily. It's just never enough. I guess I concluded to myself, it's really not the country's fault. In actual fact, if the country did not do harm to you (maybe some unfairness's everywhere!), everywhere you go it's the same. Its the same mind that you carry around and you can't change until you realise what is wrong with yourselves. Well for me, the money in overseas may be good, however, my root is still in Malaysia, I felt most nostalgic in the place where I grew up. If I have the same opportunities in Malaysia, I will consider to come back for good. I don't think I can feel superior by living overseas. It's really in your mind. Some people may want to show it off, but I will giggle behind their back (all the things they have to give up)!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My solution to your spoilt kids!

Tonight we have guests from Penang visited us. The couple has 2 young daugthers. During dinner, we were listening to some stories of this girl who were brought up by a single mom, came as an exchange student living with the Penang family. They mentioned how spoilt this young girl and has very big ego. To her there is no law above her as her mom loves her very dearly. She will gives in everything for her only daughter. After listening to the story, all I can said they had just created more monster to the society.

The Penang couple then start to talk about their daugthers and hoping they don't became like her. I then offered a solution to them. I find telling kids about life is really a waste of time. You have to make them witness other people's life for themselves. I offered them ... India. I had witnessed countless young kids begging on the street, some with lifeless babies on the mother's hand, or a young mother with a chopped arm. They don't need your Apple Ipod, or your latest handphone in the market. All they need is a dime to keep them alive for an extra day. If this does not move your kids, nothing else.

I personally do feel, many of these encounters humbled me and think twice on how I view other people's life. There are many people who are richer than me, but I may not appreciate what I have today if I have not been to India. Money may buy you comfort, however, the kids in India made me wiser in life.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Keep your smelly feet away!@#$%^&

I am a big fan of movies. Everytime, I am in Kuala Lumpur, I will first find out what is showing in town. Last saturday, I had decided to watch 2 movies back to back. I was sitting alone on the row L and just behind me there is a strings of students and friends sitting together in a row. The noise does not matter me so long the show has not started. When the curtain raise, lights off and the dramatic music was playing, I start to smell something next to my seat. To my horror, I have this young man put his feet next to my seat! Gross!

This is not the first time, this had encountered to me. When I was in Australia the same thing happened to me too. I was so furious I actually turn around and told him his feet is damn filthy! What is going on with these people? Where are their sanity? Don't they know what is call manners? I am speechless when it comes to talk about the teenagers in this generation. I think they were well fed, has many choices and they do not understand what is the meaning of struggle? Probably their only struggle is not getting enough pocket money and don't have the latest games? They are lucky, for them the bastard has the Rich Father! For me, I don't! Even I could afford most of the things now, it does not means I do not know how to excercise my manners!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

What separate human beings?!

I went to a pantry in the Bangalore office today. I bumped into this boy who works as a cleaner in the office. He is very shy and I guessed he must be 15 or 19 years old. However, he is an albino (skin pigmentation disease). When you look at any angle he is actually looks like a Westerner in Australia or Europe. The only way that will enable you to tell he is an Indian is the moment when he speaks.

I find it very interesting how human and human works. Everyday, we see people talk human superiority. Because I am certain race or color, I am superior than you. Personally, after observing this albino boy, I concluded it's not the skin color that separate us. It's really the knowledge. If the boy is given the chance or opportunities to further his study and he seize the opportunies, I am sure he will just like me or anyone else who works in the office.

However, in India life is very difficult for many of the poor families. They strive to meet their daily ends, and not even have the time to think what will they become next week. I just hope some good samaritans will take note of the well known situation here and change the fate of these people.

For me, probably I should see where other non governmental organisations (NGO), I can contribute to. I had contacted Sponsor A Child few months ago, probably I should talk to them again!

Mind your own Language please!

Few years ago, I have met and worked with few foreigners from the West. They speak impecable English language and could easily sell a piece of stone as jade - simply polish. I have to say I learned a lot from them. We usually worked most of the time in Asia countries. However, not all asian countries do not have English as their mother tongue. For them to communicate with us, they have to speak and listen very carefully.

It is not easy to communicate to non English speaker natives. You need a lot of patience to make sure they understand you exactly. I am from a Malay language school and I can understand and identify their difficulties.

One day during our tea break, the western lady spoke to another western guy and start commenting how she felt. She commented that she felt like speaking in primitive in Asia. I was taken aback with the comment. Of course being courteous, I did not tell her off, instead I would say indirectly to her this is Asia, you just have to live with it. However, the fact was, do you know most (if you are reading this) asians speaks more than 1 or 2 languages. For me, I speak Malay, English, Mandarin and all other chinese dialects. All in all 7 of them. We may not master English but you need to recognise we are more capable than what you could imagine :P

For me, if one find difficulty speaking their own language, how about trying to learn up the language where the majority uses in the country? Make sense? Stop complaining.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Pay up your rent - the Indian way !@#$%^

Today at the breakfast table I learnt how the house rental works. After listening to him I was totally blown away. This is how it works, when you rent out a house even with a contract, the tenants may choose not to pay rent one day. If they do so, they will not evict at all. The owner can't do anything but to sue them in court. However, that's what the tenants want you to do, sue them and the whole drama will take 20 years, and meanwhile he don't have to pay anymore rent!

My indian colleague also told me that if you ever rent it out, 1st, never rent it to a lawyer! 2nd, must put a partition that controls the electric and water supply. Only then, if they don't pay up, you can control the whole house and they can't live in the house anymore. The law here is kind of funny, even if you have paper evidence, the law requires you to show your "possesive" power of the house. This is very subjective matter and it can be unresolved.

Now, after listening to my colleague, I just find it totally absurd. If I would like to invest one I will know where not to at this moment!! @@#$#$%

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

India & Pakistan Cricket Players

This morning I gave my colleague a surprise. He has problems finding a camera, hence the night before during my dinner I picked up a disposable camera for him. It is a very important day for him because, this morning it will be the last time we dine with the India and Pakistan's cricket team. After today, they will check out from the hotel.

My colleague sat down looking very cool, and was kinda shy to approach any of them. I will be embarrassed too if I in his shoes, however, I tried very hard to coax him into it. I told him this will be his lifetime chance - do it or never! After listening to me, he does not care if he will look like a fool anymore. He went straight the Indian's cricket players, after asking for permission, he kept snapping away. He moved from table to table, and even ran after the ex Captain - Ganguly for a picture ->

He stayed cool but I can tell how excited he was! And then there was this Pakistan cricket superstar - the fastest cricket bowler in the world at this time - My colleague asked me to hold the camera and ran after him for a picture, however, I was too slow and Shoaib has to board a bus which is ready to go!

Everyone was very excited indeed. I should be grateful I had been dining with all the superstars for the last 3 morning. Now, I will ask my colleague to print extra pictures for me and we ready to sell them at eBay :-)

Monday, December 10, 2007

Can I have your Autograph pleaseeeee!

I arrived in Bangalore last night (Sun 9 Dec, 2007) and checked into Ashok Hotel. Prior to that, at the door there were so many securities around the premise. They opened up my cab front door, back door, boot, scan me and my driver (while we were in sitting position). I thought there was a bomb just exploded there .. I was very curious ...

The next day, my colleague told me the whole India and Pakistan cricket team is staying in the same hotel! This is like a once in a lifetime to him, as you may not know, cricket players are like God to them! The game can caused riots if it turned sweet or sour! That's how important it is to them.

We went to our breakfast place, and most of the players were having their breakfast there. My colleague above 40s year old, starting to act like a kid whenever he met the players. I can tell immediately from his face how exciting he was .. all smile! After the breakfast we walked out and we saw a little girl trying to get any player who walked out from the eating place. One of the player (pardon me I don't know their names :P ) rushing to join the team's bus parked outside. One of the fan try to get his signature, he will just took the pen jot something on the paper and just walked away without greeting to anyone.

I think that's how the superstar acts. They have to look cool and they don't have to worry too much how they behave in front of their fans. I just hope the fans standing outside the fences lining up get to peek at the players. After all, the fans were so proud of the team, and the team should do the same :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Where is your mannerism! !@#$%^

This happened at a 5 star hotel in Taipei. Everyday, we will be provided with a free shuttle van that takes us directly to the office. Each morning, me and a lady colleague will share the van with this 2 fella (I suspected from Kiasu island - go guess!) who works in Microsoft. When you look at them and try to smile, they will turn their head to the sky. Never mind I hope they tripped on the road, and a tiny bicycle will run over them (just a wishful thinking).

They will usually sit on the 2 seaters right in front of us, and we will sit at the 2 seaters at the back. In other word, we cannot get out till their seats were adjusted to the front. So the first day when we were in the car, we havent spoken to each other, (I came to a conclusion, friendliness, most of the time is weigh by how rich and famous you are!) and we just do our own chat or thing.

When we reached the office, all of us need to get down from the van. The 2 Microsoft fella got off from their seats and they just walked away - Without Turning Back! They have no courtesy to move their chair forward after they left. I know they don't have to, but come on, where is your mannerism. Moreover, the person sat behind you, is a lady! No courtesy, all air! The driver has to come off from the van and adjust the chair to let us out.

Angry? Not really! I just felt annoyed, and it seems 1 of them is a big shot. People talk about lead by example, I wonder, how some companies churned out great leaders from their shop! Beats me!