Friday, December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto assassinated - What is Wrong with the World?

I read the news today Bhutto was killed by a snipper in Pakistan. On TV showed some were crying and am sure some were celebrating (for those who hated her). Anyway, I can never understand how human behaves. We all know politicians maybe corrupted in some way or others. If you can find one who does not (you think you know), do tell me :P

So now Bhutto is gone, what is next? Does the people will become happier? The country will become a better place to live? I can only conclude all these are just merely human greeds. Each of the individual has their very own wants. If you don't get it, and has no power to stop it, then ended up with killing (since there is nothing to lose). I guess this world is alwasy at war with each other. I do believe eventually human will wiped out their very own human race. To them, they only care about themselves. They think the survival is the fittest. They do not have anymore this thing call "senses".

You will be even labeled as Loser since you are not competing. Well whether I am the fittest or the loser, I believe in good up bringing and good conscience. Most of the people today who ended up with power and greeds are usually the "mou ga gau". (nobody to guide them when they are young). I am not sure if I will pity them. But I pity the world it is becoming. I am not sure there is a fast solution here today. But it has to start from one point (which is you and me) nice to others, and others will respect you in return.

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