Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year - 2008 and my Resolutions - The Mirror!

It's new year soon! I am sitting here trying to figure out what will be my new year resolution. I need to think of one thing that I should improve. I think I need to stop assuming a person's character. However, it will not stop me from talking bad about him or her if they stepped on me :P hehehe. I remembered reading this book, when you walk around you see a girl has a bad taste in dressing, or the guy has a bad table manners, usually we always draw conclusions easily in our mind.

We always thought we know everything. We feel more superior than others, so my thinking is right! However, we really do not know everything. We thought we knew. We draw conclusions easily because most of the time it reflects our behavior too. We see ourselves in others. So we feel ashamed of it. It is exactly a mirror which is reflecting our very own behavior . If you are not aware, ask yourself why you made the comment ?? Have you done it before? Why do I feel ashame? A lot of time it's the mistake we made before in the past or we are still doing it.

I wish next year I can control myself on this area. If I see something not up to my standard, I should imagine myself in their shoes. Then I may stop laughing at myself :P