Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008, Hello 2009 & My Resolutions

I am now sitting in my room again in London, trying to reflect what have I achieved in 2008. I think it was not bad but can be better. In 2009, I need to make sure I will achieve more.

1. Stop eating pork at all time (poor piggy);
2. Participate in charities work;
3. Live and eat healthy, adopt extreme healthy lifestyle;
4. Hunt and buy an apartment in Sydney;
5. Visit the dentist more frequently; and
6. Hand in my officework on time!


Sunday, December 28, 2008

Festives mood @ London in December 2008

London came alive again after Christmas, everyone is shopping again and preparing for the New Year. For this trip I live with my aunt in Central London, located behind Foyle's bookstore.

I walked around Carnaby street and the Christmas settings were really cool.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

KIASU TIPS #2 : How to Check Out at Supermarket Super Faster

OK this tips may offends some of the shoppers around you. Use at your own risk ya. Next time when you are shopping at supermarkets, brings your friends or kids along. When you about to pay, you may noticed you have 60 over items on yr trolley. What can you do and all the Queues are sooo super long.

Walk to the express lane, usually for 10 items and below only. Tell your friends and kids to gather around you, if you have 60 items, make sure you have 6 of you gang up against the cashier if you are confronted. Ta Dah, super fast, but don't ask me to gang up with you. If I have to I will bring my sunglasses around so nobody will recognise me that I am actually your Friend!

Merry Merry Christmas 2008

First of all Merry Christmas to all the christians who celebrate this special occassions and to all the shopaholic who just celebrate anyhow even it has nothing to do with you. However, it does help the shop owners to have a face with broad smile from one end to another. Thank you to you.

I was waiting to board my plane in KL to Singapore then to London on the 24th Dec. It was my first time I am boarding the A380 Airbus to London. The flight was rather boring and tiring. I could not sleep throughout the journey. The total passengers in the whole flight was 60 of us. We got to choose any seats except the business class of course!

On the 25th Dec, London was so dead. Hardly there were any shops which were opened. There were few middle eastern owners who ran the sandwich shops stayed opened. Other than that, it's pretty flat and non eventful.

On the 26th Dec, that's when the Sales begin. The crowds were so overwhelming that I have to give up walking around after 30minutes. I just couldn't breathe in Selfridges. I will try again later to check out any interesting la :P

Also, the recent opened Rasa Sayang, Malaysian restaurant just opened in December 2008 at Chinatown. The Health Minister from Malaysia came to officiate the opening too.

Friday, December 19, 2008

KIASU TIPS #1 : Tricks for cheaper "Economical Rice"

In Malaysia and Singapore, you may find economical rice being sold at food court or kopi tiam (local coffee shop). Usually they scoop a plate of rice for you and then you choose how many type of dishes you like to top. Then they will charge you based on the varieties of dishes. Though it's economical it can be pricy especially on this financial crisis period.

Usually, the charges for economical rice are like 1 rice 2 other dishes of your choice = RM6 (probably 50cents for rice, then RM2.50 for each dish). Next time, bring a friend along with you. Ask for 2 plates of rice, and you choose only one dish, BUT put more as if for 2 persons. Then ask your friend choose another and do the same. When you ask for the price, usually you may be charged, 50 cents for rice, and RM4 for the dish (since you scooped more).

Then, on the eating table, you start split half of yr dish with your friend. Ta Dah total = RM4.50, and you saved RM1.50. You can bring more friends and you can split equally and you save more too :) Enjoy, chomp chomp chomp!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Most Memorable Vacation in 2008

I had visited a few places this year for vacations (not work related). However, I would say the best vacation will be Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The ancient wonder of Borobudur really blew me away!

If you plan to visit there, don't forget to do the trip to Borobudur during dawn, where you can see the sun rise behind the active volcano mountain :)

Must do :

1. Stay in Hyatt Regency; very pleasant and super friendly staffs.
2. Visit Borobudur during dawn. Soooo calm.
3. Visit the Plateau and see the coffee beans planted on the hills slopes
4. If you can stomach it, try Horse Satay! Yes!

My SMART car

I have not been driving much, but I bought this SMART for 4 (Passion). Pretty cool though!

Monday, December 15, 2008

What is your greatest "Achievements"?

I came across a news today which was rather touching but at the same time feeling proud for the person who had done it. It makes me re-assess myself what is my achievement up to date?

If I were to ask this on the street, I bet a lot will tell you my greatest achievements are my 2 proud sons who went to universities, or my trips to all the wonder of the worlds. Very little you noticed the achievements were through another person who is not related to you.

The stories reported on the Malaysian newspaper today, was about this lady Sylvia, an ex-nurse, has adopted 2 abandoned babies. Moreover, this 2 babies are not perfect, the boy had cerebral palsy and the girl has Down Syndrome. The boy Peter was 22 and Charlene is 18 years old now. I could not imagine how brave Sylvia was when she made the choice to adopt them since 22 years ago. Peter has passed away on Sunday (14th Dec). (For details turn to The Star, page Nation 22)

How many of us really could do what Sylvia has done for these children? Some of us I believe will turn our back on them. Money and materials are more important to us and for our future generations. But are those your greatest achievements? I do have to reassess myself after reading this news. I believe giving is the greatest achievements in humankind. It not only brings repair to your soul, but it also define the purpose of life.

To me, Sylvia has achieved it. May somebody up there will bless Sylvia and her family. For me, I will put this in my wish for next year. I need to do something which is related to "giving". Time should not be a factor, what matters are your willingness.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Bank Lelong! (Auction)

For the past few weeks when I was driving around my house I noticed a new set of advertisements hanging around the lamp post. Bank Lelong! It seems there was a big surge of auctions in many area. Usually this only happened when the owner has declared bankrupt and could not repay their housing loans.

When I asked around the people in Malaysia how was the sentiment towards the global financial crisis, the reaction was Malaysia Boleh, or government said we have are stable and has less impact compared to countries like US or Europe. I am not so sure about this, really. Personally, I would think nobody will be spared from this crisis and it's really how big is the magnitude which will affect the country. Of course I will pray that it will have low impact on us, but I believe everyone should be prepared and educated on how to face this crisis. However, this is not true when I speak to most of the people I have spoken to. In another hand, I believe more spending will generate income for the economy to move, but at the same time, we should also cut down on the unnecessary. Awareness must be created!

Just 2 days ago, I went for a haircut. Last year at the same time, I paid RM45 for a haircut, and today I was charged RM60. I thought it should be cheaper or same rate in view of the current economy climate. My hair stylist then told me, the business has indeed went down. However, this is true for hair coloring or perming which usually are very costly. When this sort of treatment went down, they have no choice but to increase to most basic service (hair cut) to cover their expenses!

I guess, if you are doing or planning for a business at this time. Opt for the business which provide basic necessity and not luxurious services which are less important. We have to keep the economy move but it's really the time to go back to the basics!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weekend Chill Out @ Jakarta

I have decided to buy a very last minute ticket with AirAsia and hop to Jakarta. Luckily I have enough point to stay at Le Meridien hotel. It's a bit older but it's good location not too crowded.

I went to Grand Indonesia for lunch .. and I had Senayan Satay! It's really nice compared to those in Malaysia. I found the satay in Jakarta are more succulent, tastier, and less fat! Also, the peanut sauce has been grinded so fine and it's very smooth. While Malaysia, it tends to be nutty sauce, with a lot of skins on the satay! bad bad!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Direct selling .. join me or be my enemy!

My life in the past few months has been filled with so many talk on direct selling on health products. I have nothing againts them, don't get me wrong. I do feel if you believe in the product and you think others will benefited from them sure go ahead and preach.

Naturally, I have been approached by few of them to consume or use their products. And of course, ultimately to become an active member and sell it to other consumers. That's how direct selling makes money anyway. What really bothers me was these direct seller sometimes were overly aggresive. There is one time I told my friend I wasn't interested in it because I don't need it now. He will twist and turn the questions back to you saying "could you share with me why the product is not good for you?". They love to corner you left and right, so you are totally defenseless and give in to them. Or "the supplement is good for you, and you should take you now if you like prevention to help you to ease your pain as you grow older". In another word, there is no reason you don't eat my products!

Come on! Give me a break. Yes, everyone needs prevention, but I believe in moderation. In the past, why are people living longer? Its really down to the question of your lifestyle. I believe in eating moderately, watching your diet, excercise and avoid harmful products. I know it's hard these days, but that's the fact for healthy living. By wobbling 12 pills a day and you were hoping these "magic pills" will save your precious life. Even if the product is good, still I don't think I will stock up hundreds or thousand of dollars of products to consume and sell it to others. The pressure of making more money as I will put it.

Just last night, when I was complaining I was sneezing, my family told me to take the supplement. Then later when I complaint my shoulder was pain, then again, the magic supplement again. I am totally exhausted listening to all these preaching. If it works for you good, as for now, I don't need it. By the way, it's not cheap because so many level of people waiting for you to invest so they can pocketed your money!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Christmas preparation in KL

My Christmas wish .. to stop gossiping, stop eating pork, and do more useful things!

The Gifted Child of Malaysia who is not in Malaysia!

OK I have enough of this news of this special and very gifted child of Malaysia. As a Malaysian I should be proud of it, but the stories I have read in the media with so many twists are making me wonder why?!

The young girl at a very young age was recognised and admitted into Oxford University in UK. Her mom is a Malaysian and her dad is Pakistani. When Malaysia found her, we all were very proud and even shower her with other goodies so she will continue to do well. The story took a sharp turn when she drop out from Oxford and became a part time prostitute. Apparently, she and the family has an estranged relationship. Whatever it is, this is her family problems not ours. However, the people who supported her continue to find out why la and this la as if there is nothing better to do. And recently she had found a job doing social work. Good for her I have to say.

However, can the people who support her stop focusing on her and leave this news alone. She has chosen her path and she has to deal with the choice she has made. Just 3 days ago, I was sitting at a food court eating my food, I overheard 2 ladies talking about their future. They seemed to be working for a supermarket chain and discussing what they have earned and how they could meet their ends. Its really painful to hear if you hear the whole conversation. At one point I almost offered my food to them!

Really, isn't there enough of issues we have to deal with in our society itself? I wonder why we always focus on things which has irrelevant to the "real issues". Why are we turning blind eye to those who really needs help. Everyone hates trouble, and being Chinese we always mind our own business - in another word "greed". But by focusing the gifted child's life, does it do any good to me, you or even her? Do we need a rocket scientist or angkasawan here to figure this out?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Double dose of negative news in Asia.

My colleague was expected to fly out today to India via Bangkok. We learnt yesterday the Bangkok airport was shutdown due to a big anti government protest which has crippled the airport operations. My colleague has to rebook his flight to fly directly from Malaysia to India instead. This anti government has been going on for almost 2 years now after Thaksin was removed from the Prime Minister seat. However, his brother in law Somchai replaced him currently. I have asked the local in Thailand how will this issue be resolved. Everyone seems to shake their head and has no idea how to end it. I believe in people's voice, but I don't believe in all this unnecessary action which affects the rice bowl of the people. At the end of the day, what are we going to eat?

Then last night, there were several coordinated attack hit the city of Mumbai. 5 stars and foreigners was targetted and held as hostages. Last count 100 people was killed and 700 were injured. The group who claimed this action was very angry on how their community was mishandled by the government. Hence, they launched this attack to show their anger.

What's going on Asia? It seems there were so many unhappy people everywhere. But again, can we please everyone? No matter what we do, they will tends to be sacrificial, we all have to admit that. So are these actions were justified, simply we do not get what we want?

Today I just feel people in these places are very very edgy. There are becoming out of control. And I am not sure any of these can be resolved soon. I guess people will only learn when they come to their senses. But right now it does not make sense!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What's R.E.S.P.E.C.T!

I often ponder what is respect. At times certain manager when I communicate with, I could sense I could give my respect to the person. And some, a total opposite, and I wouldn't lay an eye on him. How does this happened?

I think it's all begin with the value system in each of us. The person I respect may not be the same as yours. I believe in justice and fairness. Some believe in quick money and power. Each of these made me evaluate the person I am dealing with has at least the similar value which I am adopting. I often won't go near to those who loves to brag about their wealth and glory. I just find it total switch off. I often think people who are successful won't brag about their success. Instead they will lend their hands to help the community to survive in the system instead of advertising himself. To me money and power can't buy respect. They may not need my respect as well, as I may turned out to be a sour grapes to them.

I guess what important is I know what is my value, my conciousness to tell what is right from wrong. Same thing goes to those who respected me, would be usually those who shared the same value system. Respect is not given, it's earned.

KL Traffic! I was Cornered by the Idiots!!!

I was so furious! That's how I am going to begin this post. Grrrrrr! Ok calm down, I am composed now. One evening I was driving home from work. I reached at a traffic lights with 4 lanes on a row. I was on the 3rd lane from left. My lane was allowed to go straight or turn right. I was paying attentions to the cars around me, as I suspect the car on the 2nd lane or my left is going to turn right ILLEGALY! So i put a Left signal to indicate I am not turning right but will go straight.

When the light turned GREEN! The car on my left true enough cut ahead of me, then followed by the car behind him and on and on!!! All of them forcefully turned right and cornered me to a divider. I almost hit one of them eventhough they noticed me going straight. They just want to turn and they will do anything to get there!

Dear idiots, next time when I hit you. I will hit you really hard, because you deserved it. I only put up with you because I am currently low in cash and I do not want to use it to fix my car. So do it again next time, I will show you what you will get! Just don't blame me and tell me all your excuses.

Starbuck Christmas Tumbler (Water Container)

I went to Starbuck today in Kuala Lumpur and I noticed a cute Christmas collection. I found out if you buy a tumbler, you will get a free tall beverage of your choice. So if you do the calculation the tumbler cost RM28, and the so called "free drink" cost around RM11.

So really you only paid RM17. Also, I noticed the tumbler is under "duty free" item. The price of the tumbler sold here is cheaper than in Bangkok. Well it's a neat and cute gift for Christmas season :)

Corruption! Who's fault?

I learned in Indonesia, there are so many corruptions at every level. The leader has led by example, if the leader is corrupted, so are those below these leader. I am sure this happens everywhere in the world.

I have an argument with a friend today. The corruption is created by us, if you think about it. For example, in a natural park I went in Indonesia. There was 2 types of prices. Either you pay the ranger for a lower fee, or buy a legal ticket at a higher price. Knowing humans, they tends to go for cheaper ones. My friend said this is a win-win situation! I say where got Win!!!?? This is typical how we encouraged corruptions to continues due to our very self centered view on saving money. We should stamped out all these activities in order to cut down the corruptions.

So now, I don't understand why the big hoo haaa in the South East Asian countries about corruptions. If you look carefully, we are part of the contributor! To stop this it has to start with us - human greed! Can you handle that?

The Kiasu is back!

Hello guys and gals, I have decided to rant again. There is so much thing to rant! hehe

Saturday, June 28, 2008

H1N1 - Test results ...

The doctor did not take any throat swab, he found that I do not have high fever. He has ruled out it's H1N1 related and told me it's more of throat infection!! So you don't have to quarantine yourself if you have in contact with me between 21 June to 28 June, 2009.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Beggar vs Peasant

I was reading this novel call 'City of Joy' and I found it very touching especially on the struggle the poorest of the poorest people in Kolkata trying to meet their means everyday. I also learnt the peasants do not beg on the street, only the beggar does.

Today going to work, I saw an old lady knocking car from one to another asking for money. She is unkempt, old and extremely thin. I also noticed she has problem with her vision as one of her eye seems not looking straight. Quickly, I passed a 10 ruppee note to the driver which sat nearer to her and give it to her. She looked very grateful and she walked to the back seater door and kept bowing her head.

I told my friend, something has to be done for their countrymen. I had even saw an old man lying on the street motionless few days ago. The sight of it is really hard to accept and digest. My colleague told me this is an everyday event, and there are too many of them. Just can't help it!! However, on the other hand, I was charged like close to RM1000 a night by these big hotels. I have even read in the newspaper the middle income people are complaining that they have to pay too much taxes which may go to the overpopulated poor people.

I am very sure there are many filthy rich men in India. How do these rich men will feel I wonder towards these people who has such a difficult life. I told myself I will feel very ashamed.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

The former dictator Suharto has left Indonesia.

The BBC news was showing the breaking news on the former president Suharto. Since I am young, we heard he was a ruthless leader and had killed many people. He was feared by the nation and also praised for driving the country towards economy reformed.

Later BBC showed an old man was prisoned during Suharto's prime time and how he will not forgive the ex president. He felt ashamed after his release and up to today his family's name has not been cleared. His family could not get any job with the government at all. And then, a BBC newscaster was interviewing a representative from Indonesia and critisizing his family is very rich from corruptions. All in all, it sounded very negative towards the ex president.

Now, take a step back, let's us digest all these information. So, with all these mixed feelings on the ex president, how can this help the current country? When I was young, Indonesia was one of the most prosperous country in South East Asian. Today, is it the same as before? I do not think I have the rights to judge what has happened. But, after the ex dictator has died, I think life still go on. And so with the people's life. The people need to look forward and find something that could lead for a better life with the current situation.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Money buys happiness!

As we landed we were in line waiting to get off from the airplane. That day I was lucky as I was being upgraded to first class. When I was standing on the aisle, I saw 2 chinese nationals talking to each other. One of them asked, how do you feel flying in the first class! The other guy responded, "Of course it's nice, when you can rich you can fly First class, you can have good shark fins soup". The conversation was pretty audible to all of us in the sector. In my mind, I was thinking to myself, is this really what life is? With money you can find happiness?

I am not so sure if I can answer that for the world. However, I know money does buy you a temporary happiness. The happiness that you want other people to look at. With gaya (style), glamour, and I am so filthy rich. But do one ever get contentment in your life with this? People always says, those who hasn't tasted grapes (richness) would not know the grapes were sweet or sour. However, I can only attest one thing, money can attracts unnecessary friends and materials. In the end you may end up do not know any value in life at all. If you are not discipline enough it may drive you to do stupid things.

I would not know if I will have real friends by being rich. Try to declare you are bankrupt one day, you will see some of your friends drop off one by one! Why because you are no longer useful to them. Many of us being friends because we can use each other. However, true friends are really about "giving" and not only "receiving".

Given the chance, I will rather have a comfortable life and still have a sanely mind to understand how to appreciate people and things around me. Money can get me all the material stuffs but it could not gives me what my heart may be longing, "contentment".

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Married with Children Vs. Single

I am always being told, you do not understand us who are married with kids. To be honest, I really cannot understand, and not because I do not want to. I understand as parents you need to shower your kids with the greatest love of all. However, the action to achieve that has offended me sometimes, but when I challenged them, they will say to me .. you do not understand ....!

Just last week in Ipoh, there was a chatered bus which will ferry a big group of people from the hotel to the resort where the wedding was held. Some of them have kids with them. After doing a calculation in my mind, I never thought the bus will able to accomodate all of us. So we play wait and see. So as usual, being single, I will let the elderly and parents with kids to go up first. After almost filled up, I decided to go up and see if there are anymore seats left.

The very first thing I noticed was the children. The were occupying the seats by themselves. While the parents were too busy chatting away or even care who else was being left out! Excuse me, if you are civilised, you know there are many people stranded, and can you please put yr your kids on the lap or let 2 kids share a seat together? No .. because you WONT UNDERSTAND US WITH KIDS!

I think this is just a lame excuse! It is really how civilised you are! SO FACE IT!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oink Oink No More!

I am setting 2 new resolutions for myself this year.

First, I will try not to eat PORK! Yes apparently the scientist found the porkie is smartter than DOG! If I don't eat DOG why should I eat PORK!!??

Second, if I want to GOSSIP. I will GOSSIP in front of the targetted person! Then it will not qualify as talking behind his or her back! :P

Hope I will achive this 2 new resolutions.