Friday, February 27, 2009

Attending a wedding at Gold Coast :)

I just landed at Gold Coast few hours ago. This is my very first time in Gold Coast. I will be attending a beach wedding south of Gold Coast tomorrow. The sandy beach is so nice and cool. See for yourself ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Politicians .. our role model?

The news about the politicians in which was covered in the newspaper daily is making me feeling disgusted. It's not that I believe what was reported was entirely true, however, the coverage and actions done by these politicians are just simply making it unbelievable!

I believe in a strong government which can lead the people to improve and compete in this world for better. Instead what we got was politicians accusing each other, digging each other dirts to win favor, exposing the politician's past so it will bring shame to them, or worst using the law literally to force each other to step down. What is happening?? Why are you so GREEDY?? Why do you want these POWER STRUGGLE? It may makes you famous or richer, but what does this mean to us?? Do you think we will respect you with what you have done? You think your voice is my Voice? Just because you are given the power, you can start abusing it?

My wish is really simple. Be a good role model to us and to our future generations. I do not wish the current and upcoming generation lose their conscience. Gaining power and money through unforgivable act will not make me adore you. I wish you can sleep everynight without worrying who will backstab you or your family tommorow. Respect is earned not given or snatched!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Will you live in Australia ... forever?

Yesterday, I was sitting at the cafe having a chat with Anthony. We talked about work and the crisis in the world. He then asked me, will you make Australia your home?

In fact, there have been many times I was asked the same question. My answer will be 'No' at this moment. Don't get me wrong, Australia is a beautiful country with multi cultural races. However, my fundamental issue with this country at this time is 'values'.

I have been brought up by a family with strong Asian values. We respect the elderly, be nice to the people we are dealing with, and show manners when you are out there. Some people that I came across may see these as supression or you are living like a 'loser'.

Whether I like it or not, that's the issue I am facing now. I find the people particularly in Sydney and Melbourne not friendly. For instance, at work. I notice some of the people could not look pass my look and recognise my abilities to do my job. Or people choose to push back when confronted with a question, which in reality they should accept the responsibilities. Also, I find not many people like to be apologetic here, because it's just not right! They like to apply the Rule of the Jungle, the fittest will survive. I thought we are in 21st century where we are literate and globalised?

I will not claim Asian values is the best values, but I believe in tolerant and compromise. However, right now, I don't see that here in this phase of my life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oscar 2009 .. who is the winner?

Who will be the winner?? I am a movie freak so obviously who is the winner for the Oscar tomorrow makes me excited. I have seen most of the Best Picture nominees, Slumdog Millionaire, Frost/Nixon, Benjamin Button, The Reader and Milk.

Slumdog Millionaire - I would rate 7 out of 10. It's a good feel movie and the only movie which is very uplifting among all of them. Since I go to India quite a bit, I could relate some of the life of these street kids. You wonder why they have to live this way when you see them in India.

Frost/Nixon - I would rate 7 out of 10 too. Suprisingly good especially it keeps you at the edge of the seat. Who's going to win in the national TV debate? Frost or Nixon? It's a pity Martin Sheen was not nominated for 'Best Supporting Actor'.

Benjamin Button - I would rate 6 out of 10, though many people like the movies. I think my problem was it's too long and I lose the interest to appreciate this movie.

The Reader - I would rate 8 out of 10. A lot of nudity in this movie but the acting was superb. I prefer Kate Winslet acting in 'Revolutionary Road' though. The ending makes me very upset. Why give one's hope when you will snatch it away. This linger in my mind for a long time.

Milk - I would rate 6- 1/2 out of 10. Sean Penn is good no doubt, but I think it's time to pass the Oscar to somebody who is not potraying a real life character? The movie has a very uplifting message in the end.

And if I would hand the Oscar to .. it will be ..... 'The Visitor'! In fact one of the low key movie I really adored. Not shown in most Asia's cinema'. Good actings from all the casts. The ending was soooo moving but at the same time renewed a life. I really like Richard Jenkins and Hiam Abbas. I hope Richard Jenkins will be the odd to win Best Actor :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Melbourne .. City of Festival

City View from South Gate.

A moving dragon on display at Crown Casino Hotel.

Sri Lankan giant crab. Look how small the lobster is :P

General Post Office at Bourke Street.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Valentine's Day ... Not Again!

This coming Saturday Feb 14, 2009 is (not again!) Valentine's day. This is the day couples display their love and commitments to each other. What about us who are still very single!!! Where should we hide or what should we do??? This has been a question to me every year.

I read The Stars today, a column writer who happens to be a single lady has few suggestions for the single one. She has suggested, we should pamper ourselves by dressing up, cooking our most favorite dish, rent a good feel chic movie and enjoy the moment all by yourself. I think if I started to do that, I can enroll myself to Tanjung Rambutan (mental hospital)!

However, I have other thoughts. I think all the singles guy or gals, should organise a small party. We should all meet on that day, and toast to our freedom. We should enjoy the singlehood while we still have it. Also, this will help to silent your family or friends who always pressured you on that day. We single still can have fun on Valentine's day but we celebrate for a different reason! We love all our friends not only the special ones! Yum Seng! (Cheers!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Melbourne Summer or Spring?

I had arrived in Melbourne at 9pm on Sunday. I thought it was so hot that it triggered a bushfire, and just today the temperature dropped to 20'C! I was wearing tee and shorts. I have not even brought any jacket with me for the week as I was told the temperature will continue to go down! Melbourne does really has a very weird climate.
Anyway, I walked around the city along Yarra River and found the temperature was really cool and breezy. Melbourne is much slower pace to Sydney, but the city does has its own character.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Bushfire in Victoria - the worst in Australian's history

The temperature was scorching hot in Sydney today. It was around 43'C in the west. Over the south, Victoria and Adelaide, it's even worst, something like 47'C in certain areas. This is the time, a lot of houses near the bushes are in constant lookout. Fire can happened anytime. Just yesterday there were unconfirmed reports where 40 people has been killed in the fire. Most of them are kids!

There were also few reported cases, where people threw cigarettes butt onto the bushes. Duh! This is the time when the land is so hot that fire can lit up anytime, however, there were many so call arsonist who will do it for the sake of fun! Yes fun! So what!

I feel so sorry for those who has lost their properties and worst their loved ones. I wonder does this make the arsonist feel better? Is this their greatest achievements in their life? If they have I wish them all the best, and hopefully they don't get burn someday somewhere!!

I am flying into Melbourne for work today. Hopefully, the heat will go away soon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

KIASU TIPS #7 : Avoid Sore Throat

I am easily prone to sore throat. Usually for chinese, this was because of hot weather, or spicy food or lack of water. However, after taking very careful steps to avoid any hot weather or spicy food, I still have sore throat.

Recently I adopted another way to stay away from sore throat. In fact it works very well for me.

From now on, try to avoid using your fingers to nibble your food. Anything to do with unclean skin contact, the more you get sore throat. For example, I don't use my fingers to eat the chips from Mcdonald. I will either use a plastic fork or if you cannot find one, use napkins on to your fingers and start nibbling.

Also, every morning and evening, make sure you gargle your throat! Be it with Listerene or Oral B. However, if you need something stronger for anti bacteria, you may go for Savacol or other brands which can be found at the pharmacist.

I could attest to you since, then, I hardly have any sore throat! Amen.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Can't find a job, let's go Dole - the crisis deepen!

Just last night I was having dinner over at a friend's place. We had pasta and salads. Just before the dinner, my friend's mate came over to collect some chairs. We had a little conversations and wondering what kind of profession he is in. Then we touched on the economy crisis and if he was affected. He told me he is not worry too much about it. He is planning to sell his home in Sydney and move to a lower cost area in Queensland. Then he will go on dole - collecting income from the government for being jobless. And it seems it's becoming a trend!

After dinner, I was watching the news. The Prime Minister Rudd announced that the government has lost 115Billion AUD from various taxes, such as corporate tax, GST and etc. In another word, the government do not have much income!

Now let me piece this together. If majority of the people going on dole, expecting the government to hand them the money, the question now became, where does the money come from?? Sooner or later, the government may go bankrupt, if the economy is not generating enough fund for the government. The only thing I can think right now is Personal Income Tax! Whatever it is, the crisis has deepening. I begin to see more complications.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Australian Open 2009 ... poor Roger Federer

I have been watching Australian open almost every night. Last night (Feb 1, 2009) was the men single final. The match was between Nadal versus Federer. Federer is one grand slam away to tally the number of grand slam won by previous champion Pete Sampras.

However, Federer went down especially the last 2 sets. He made way too many mistakes and he looked very upset during the final set. Eventually, Nadal won!

During the trophy ceremony, Federer broke down and cried. I guess I can understand the feeling. All the effort to get into final, and yet he lost it. So near yet so far!

I hope he will collect one more grand slam soon. If he is not doing this sooner, it's getting tougher and tougher as they are better and younger players coming up.

Morale conduct versus So What!

I read the newspaper today and Michael Phelps were caught smoking pots. He was embarrassed and apologized in the news. My friend told me So What! Everyone has their own choice to do what they like. It's his life, as long as it's in the name of FUN! Why not!

I am not sure if I totally agree with my friend. I do not know what is good morale conduct. Anyway, human are the ones who created them. Yes, it's your life, but I think all of us to a certain extent has responsibilities to ourselves and to the society. Especially, you are a role model to many people. People look up at you to become a better person (good morale conduct - not sure how much is enough). How can you let them down? (Why not? It's my life?)

I would thought education at tender age will taught us what is being considered as right and wrong. However, no matter you are young or an adult, more and more people will quote SO WHAT! Is this a rebellion? I guess human is hard to understand. When you tell them one way, they will go the other way. They do not like to be told. (Because you are not always right! I want my freedom to think!)

My thought on this, do whatever you want! So long you do not hurt me or yourself! If you choose to hurt yourself, go ahead, that's only this much we could advise you! It's your life, That's What It Is!

You fat, you stay away!

During lunch today, I was sitting by myself having my nuggets and a coffee. I had just finished doing my weekend marketing and try to catch a breath. In front of me, there was this lady who is very fat (I mean more than obese!) She is very young and she has a smiley face.

Few minutes later, I saw her staring at a man standing at the kebab store. She walked over and say hi to him and having a few chat. It seems they knew each other. Then another younger guy walk towards them and say hi to her. After some decent conversations and few gigglings, she went back to her tables, packing her stuffs and left.

However, my eye glued at the 2 men who were still chatting to each other. But this time, I noticed they were mumbling and giggling behind the fat girl. I knew they were talking funny things about the girl.

I was thinking to myself, why does people can be so mean. The poor girl did not do anything wrong, probably she is oversize yes, but does that mean she is different from us? I always find people who are in a disadvantage position needs to struggle for acceptance. Friendship is not given easily to you. If you are not beautiful you need to stay away. There is no interest at all in your well being.

No wonder people these days feel so inferior so easily. They love to compare what they have or how they look. If they lose, they want to get even. Can we expect we will have a wiser society if we all behave like this? I doubt so.