Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Stress out with readings!!!

Today I have dropped 2 subjects out of 3 subjects I took for my Counselling course. I spoke to the counsellor 2 days ago about me coping 3 subjects while working. She told me I won't have life unless I have nothing else to do! 3 subjects are meant for full time students even though I am doing it online.

Each day we are required to spent around 3.5 hours for all 3 subjects. I tried that first week. Come back at 7pm, cook and shower 9pm, then off to reading till 12am. Repeat everyday, but I was all stressed out towards weekend. I spent whole weekend in the morning reading, lunch time went out to supermarket to shop a bit, cook, shower then read again. Still!! I could not finish all my readings for Week 1. Then Week 2 started, aiyoyo! One wave hasn't finish, another wave coming up!

The reading was interesting, but to retain what I am reading is a total challenge. So I am doing one subject now, have a hang of it, before adding more subjects next term!


Bahija said...

Kiasu Ching ..... no u less kiasu eh. good oso lah, take time to understand what u r reading , it's the knowledge which is more important.... like me, my class all stress out on exam, what to be tested, what not to be tested etc ... I told myself, understanding the content , knowing what I learn and be able to apply in the real practical way is more important than sitting exam and passing the paper lor...

JIA YU !!!!

rotitelur said...

I miss studying, I envy you. If I ever get to study again, I will be very hard working.