Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Bridge

If you have visited Jakarta, you may come across a bridge from Nikko (now Pullman hotel) to Plaza Indonesia. I need to use that bridge whole of last week because from the hotel I stayed I am required to walk to the mall which has eateries for dinner. Few nights when I walked on the bridge I noticed some boys, mother and baby, or an elderly woman sitting across the bridge begging for money. Its not really a very colorful or jovial sight to be seen.

After my first walk passing there, I don't feel giving them cash, instead the next day I carried fruits in my bags and passed to them when they approach me. The first one I saw is a mother with a boy. The boy was playing on the floor, while the mother was begging. I asked if she needs an apple, and I put my arm out. She humbly asked his boy to drop everything on his hand, clean his hand, and asked him to walk towards me. Even begging, I feel the mother wants to maintain a certain integrity too.

The second one, is a boy sleeping on the floor. I noticed he was disabled. He is skinny and lying on the floor with his arms covering his eye (very hot and sunny and dusty). I walked toward him, and I called him, "Would you like an apple". I can see he hasn't bathed for days, and he gave me a very innocent smile and said, 'Thank you pak'. Indeed he was a bit shy and surprised.

Everyday, the bridge has hundreds of people passing by. I am sure there are kind Samaritan may give them some money to survive. I guess we are all taught charity begins at home, however, an apple a day, we may do a lot of soul a lot of favor. I do wish everyday, I can pass that bridge and drop some food. For some of us, it's self-indulgent, but for them across the bridge, they merely just want to see another brighter day.

The Artist

I have decided to watch 'The Artist' at a cineplex in Jakarta. I noticed the movie is not showing in KL, and the show is showing in Sydney. It may be finished if I plan to watch in Sydney later. Anyway, it's really an Oscar worthy movie. The actor and actress was brilliant. Their expressions in their acting were so heartfelt. They dance and do their silly movement like the Charlie Chaplin's era. I followed the story without even feeling bored. I am indeed surprised the movie can be as exciting although it was 90% silence. I haven't seen the rest of the best movie nominees, however, 'The Artist' is truly a trip to the nostalgic lane. Simply entertaining.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The object of product incentives

I was having lunch with a young lady who is a product sales manager for a particular company. We were talking how competitive the business market can be. This young mother of 2 children, is youthful looking, slim and attractive. However, she told me she need to invest more on her look. I was surprised as I thought she really has no flaws, from her physical look, everything looks perfect.

She then explained that she recently went to some customer sites bidding for business, she learned that her competitor hired a bunch of supermodel gals in sales. They are tall, slender, blonde (dyed), pretty and walk like a cat! She then complaint, there is no way she can compete with them. We found it's a good strategy, say when customers want to buy Model X, they send Miss A, when it's Model P, the representative is Miss B. The customer could remember these products by associating to these super models. If they are very pretty, they may want to see them more often.

I guess now we understand what these power of the super models in the business world. We think they are really the real product incentives. In order to encourage the customers to buy from them, the businesses are willing to invest in these models. Good strategy! As for my friend, she has to keep up with these models, or else her sales may go down.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Sir your Jam

This is real story which I heard from a cab driver. In Malaysia, the usages of English may not as extensive compares to the last 20 years. Hence some of the younger generation may speak in a broken English.

One day a middle eastern man walked passed a metal detector at the airport, however, the detector beeped. Then the security guard told the man to go back and walk through again. This time it still beep, but the security guard noticed he was still wearing a metal watch. The security guy said to him, 'Sir your Jam'!

The middle eastern man heard and then staring jumping up and down!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Incredible story of the KL Taxi

I went to the Indonesian embassy today to process for a business visa. It was really crowded and usually you will see a row of taxis that are waiting there. However, these taxis will not use their meters but they will set a (high) fixed price if you intend to board.

As I already knew their tricks, I will not usually board them. Instead I will wave (melambai lambai) my hand to the passing taxis. One of the taxi stopped by and wind his window down. I was excited as I was able to stop one and I told him the location I would like to go. The taxi drive then turn his head and said RM35 (usually RM11) to go there! My smiley face instantly turned to flat line and I said, 'Oh no thank you" Then the taxi driver inside the car shouted back rudely, "No money Go Away"! Then I shouted back, "Yes I have no money"!

What has the world become. People are so hunger for money. They are so focus with what they want they will not consider their actions are appropriate. Anyway, I wish the taxi driver good luck!

Monday, February 13, 2012

You have a nice bag!

As I have promised myself this year, I must do one good thing every day. Today, I attempted again. I was sitting on a cafe having my grilled fish. As I was almost finishing I saw a dark skin Samoan lady, holing a shopping bag which was embroidered. It has a nice pink picture of a lady walking towards a white sheep. I can tell it's hand embroidered. She was standing at the ordering counter and paying her food. When the owner handed her the change, she said, 'Thank you'. However, she wasn't smiling nor unfriendly, she looks more like concern look. I told myself, on my way out, I will tell her how pretty the bag is. One good thing a day I told myself. Make someone happy so they see a reason to keep going.

As I walked passed her I said, 'Maam, you have a nice bag'. She then turned to me and say, 'Oh what's wrong with my bag'. She looks more concerned and kept looking at her bag to check if anything was missing. I began to feel panicky as well, as I think she misheard me. Then I stressed again, 'Maam, I said you have a pretty bag'. Then she sighed, 'Oh, thank you'. The look at her face was like just recovering from an anxiety attack. I walked away and I wasn't sure if I have made or break her day!

My asian upbringing ...

I walked into a cafe one morning. I told the cafe owner that I wanted chicken avocado on toasted brown bread. And a soy cappuccino too. She nodded and asked me to take a seat.

Few minutes later, food was served, however, I noticed there was a thin slice of (my initial thought) of chicken. I took a bite then I realised it was a slice of cheese. So I walked to the owner again, and I told her 'Maam, for my bread I asked for chicken and avocado'. She then said, 'I heard you said Cheese and Avocado'. My first reaction was should I corrected what she has seems to misheard. Then I just told myself it's ok, I will deal with it. I wonder, why didn't I fight back and say 'No, you have misheard'. Instead I let the other party to claim what they think is right. They may have not pay enough attention and resulting in what I do not want.

The only reason I could point out is how we were being brought up. The thought of not going into confrontational may have been programmed in my mind. We prefer world peace. However, world peace may not happened, because the other party may feel, hey I can actually win this by putting my foot down. Oh well, whichever way, communication is tough. To win or not to win is always sparked in our daily interactions. I guess there is no right or wrong answer to this, what matters are do I feel more peaceful within myself.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The lesson in Belanja and Generosity!

Belanja (a treat) is tie with generosity? Is this true, urrm wait a minute how about this story here ....

I have paid my host a 30 days rental, and it came up to 40aud each day. However, my stay cut short due to travelling. Net of it, I have to leave 2 days earlier, which means I have overpaid 80aud. I told my host it's ok, leave it as it is, when he said he may want to refund me. I told him he can pay me back in a form of lunch or dinner. He agreed.

Yesterday, he told me he will buy me lunch. We went out, and had a kebab mix plate which cost AUD20. However, I told him I can't have other meat than chicken, while the mix plate came with a strip of chicken, beef and lamb. He told me I can have all the chicken. So in the end, the meal itself I have only ate 1/3 of the whole plate. To be exact it comes up to 7 or 8AUD. When we about to finish, I told him it's ok I can pay my portion which I don't mind paying 10AUD. He said no no no I BELANJA. I agreed then since he really has nothing to lose.

After that, we walked out and passed by several shops. He stopped and looked at the sugar cane shop. He said, 'Wow this looks nice, probably I should have one. do you want one?" I said, 'No Thanks.", Then he said, 'OK it's your turn to TREAT me now, I want one". I was taken aback. I didn't ask for a treat, but now he insisted that it was my turn to pay now. The sugar cane drink cost 4.50AUD. So back to my maths, the treat given by him was 8AUD now minus off 4.50AUD = The entire treat I got was 3.50AUD.

I was thinking to myself, why do you want to BELANJA me, when you start showing some of this trait where I must be fair to each other? Generosity is about not expecting something back. I guess I am wrong, every one has their own definition of Generosity and BELANJA. After today, I told him I don't plan to eat out with him. No hard feelings, but it's less complicated this way :-)

Whitney Houston thanks for the memories

A colleague sent me a message, Whitney Houston is dead. At 48, that was way too young. Anyway, Whitney has been struggling with her life since after late 90s. One point she told the media she will fight back and then she went for hiding. She could not climb back the status where she was once the IT girl. However, I do feel for her as she had at least tried.

I still remembered she came to Australia to perform. However, due to her lack of energy and erratic behaviors, she was booed on the stage. Later she canceled most of her concerts in many places. I was thinking, have we really given her a chance to prove she can make it again? Probably a chance may have been given, but it would be hard for her to reclaim her position in the past. We all have to accept that if we feel like supporting her.

Anyway, the rise to the fight has come to an end yesterday. She is gone, and all is left is the quaint 80s hits playing at the back of my mind. Thank you Whitney for the songs that uplift our spirits. I hope you rest in peace.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Life is always better in Overseas ....

When I am in KL, often others said to me, "Oh you are so lucky, life in Australia is so much better than Kuala Lumpur". In KL this la that la, like a place where so many crimes and other unfavorable situations. Its always better in overseas especially developed countries.

Well, just last week, while I was sleeping, hoping this beautiful friendly place is what other people told me. Dreaming the place with such Calm, peaceful, and safe. Suddenly, my dream was interrupted with a sudden noises from outside.

I overheard a man breathing heavily sounding very disturbed and unhappy. I looked outside, and noticed he was kicking the fence made of wooden planks. He kicked very hard so that every plank will come off. Initially I did not know what was the fuss, I thought a cat made a noise outside. I whispered loudly, like "OOI". However, when I looked out, I saw the man was continuing with his Bruce Lee kick.

Later a girl came to him, and gave him a hug. He seems calmer then they walked off together. This is just one example of how people can react in the neighborhood. They take on other people's properties or a person to feel better. So tell me now, why we always compare where we live with other places?

The outcome, is below :

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Don't Judge Me laaaaa...

Recently again at my host's place. He told me he doesn't like to be judged. He didn't want to question others and judge the person. Hence, he will rarely ask anyone about their background and their doing. He felt by doing that he is avoid judging anyone.

Then I asked myself, can this be real in the real world? When I talk to a stranger, I would ask questions in order to find out who the person is. Once I know the person, then I may form some opinion based on my experience. I thought it's all natural. As a courtesy, of course this opinion would not be shared as it may contain offensive or in favor's opinion. The reality I found is when it's in favor, or positive, I may say, "Oh wow you are smart", or "You are so kind". The person may feel good about it. At the same time, the negative may sound like 'You are so arrogant'. Then the person may become furious. But the net of it, my mind already made a judgement, in one way or another.

I guess, there is no right or wrong reason to make judgement, however, in our daily social life, we need to show some social etiquette. When I keep my opinion to myself it does not mean I am not judging, I just didn't want you to know what I am thinking. However, probably it may make you feel better for not knowing the truth.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I had dinner with my host today. However, it was heated up and sound like a big argument in the restaurant. All eyes on us. What actually happened was a discussion of my host career and life. I tried to brainstorm some of the decision he made in life. However, it took a sharp turn when I told him he can be replaced if the company made some major decision. I was trying to let him know the good and bad side of his decision especially in making other people aware that he is very important and indispensable.

I may had put the word wrongly and I could sensed his ego was bruised. He started to think I was making judgement on him hence I asked questions which may oppose to his actions. However I was trying to brainstorm so that he aware of the consequences for sounding arrogant. In the end he ended up defending and I was trying to make my own point as well. I do not think I was giving him a counseling but sharing my own experience with him. The outcome was loud debate in a tiny restaurant. He told me later many eyes were looking at us, but I told him I wasn't feeling shy. We are merely getting our point across. I guessed next time I will not discuss such heavy subject on a dinner table.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


This year according to my Chinese zodiac, I need to donate in order to collect good fortune. Hence I made it a point to do so. I may not be rich enough to hand over cashes to a stranger everyday. Therefore I came up with a list of giving.

- give to the needy on the street be it be food or cash
- make someone's day by encouraging them
- offer my help when I could
- donate to the non government organization
- donate blood

I pledge to do at least on of the above each day.