Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy New Year

This year 2011 was full of turbulences for the world and myself. I had a lot struggles in my job and eventually giving me a lot of stresses. These stresses developed into small sickness especially to my mental health.

This coming new year I just wish I can quickly find a job which will able to give me a mental balance and strength. Everything else will hopefully align well and I could provide more contribution others.

I wish all of you a happy 2012 and beyond.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Traumatized ....

Last Friday I was staying in a cheap motel. What happened was, my apartment was rented out since I don't spend a lot of time at home. However, usually I stay with a friend who is away and only back next week. Thinking to save some money hence I moved to a small motel with reasonable priced.

Then the nightmare begins ...

While I was sleeping around 12.30am I heard 2 men was talking very loudly next to my door. But I could not figure out the language they used. It's not arabic, not chinese, not vietnamese, but I just can't figure which one but definitely one of the Asian language.

Half an hour later, then I heard a woman voice. She said something like, 'There is nothing going on here, Nothing'! Then I heard some movement of furnitures then then we woman started to scream. She shouted No no no no, and in pain. I started to panick. I wonder is there a murder going on next door. Funny thing only she spoke in English but the men not a single word in English.

I tried to listen carefully was it just a consenting adult shouting or fist fight was on. I can't figure out as it separated by a thin wall. Few minutes later, she screamed again, and this time I heard a head banging to the wall, and women just screamed on top of her lungs. She yelled up 'Please let me go, No no no, why are you doing this to me. She swear a lot for sure too.

I was totally frozen and wasn't sure what to do. I told myself calm down, I pushed the table to the front of my door as the door can be open by just one leg kick. I was about to make a call to a police or front desk, but I risk that the 2 men knew I made the call. The motel was so cheap there isn't any phone or a '0' for operator. I turned on my ipad and check again the number of the mainline.

Alas, I found it and rang the front desk man. I told him I heard screaming from next door. Then he asked, is it just verbal fight or fist fight. I told her the lady is screaming in pain, I believed it's fist fight. I think the man worried if it's just verbal abuse, he may get told off for busy body. But if it's fist fight, the premise can call a police. Then he asked what room are you in! I froze up. I was thinking this fight already more than an hour, and nobody come up, could he be one of the culprit too? I refused to tell him, but I said just come to second floor. You will notice the noise. Then he agreed to get someone to check.

After 30mins later, the scene calmed down, but I didn't step out from my room as I do not want to be seen as a witness by the 2 men. I tried to keep it low. Then I didn't hear the woman's voice anymore. However, what traumatised me I heard the men whistling and rearranging the furniture, and then somebody was wiping on the wall next to me. I tried not to be imaginative but it's just scary.

The next day in the morning, I knew the men still next door. I tip toeing pack my bag, and get a taxi and moved out to a slightly more expensive hotel. I couldn't sleep the whole nite, worrying if the men knew there is a witness, I may get into trouble!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy 11-11-11

May we stay healthy and more tolerance with each other in our generation for the sake of next generations :-)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tax and benefits

I was having breakfast with my uncle from Brisbane. We were talking about the medical benefits in Malaysia and Australia. To an extent I voiced out my dissatisfaction. I found in Australia we paid so much tax, and yet, I found people are abusing the system. In both Australia and Malaysia, actually has similarities, if you walked to a government hospital, you get treated. In fact I have no complaint even for Malaysian hospital, for myself which I have used it before. However, people always associate local hospital with many horror stories and treatment. I don't know how true was that but my experience has been pleasant though you don't have anyone kow tow to you every morning.

When it comes to taxes, Australia has higher taxes compare to Malaysia. Being a tax payer, I feel it's fair we works towards that fund and reap the benefits when its needed. However, I heard people are abusing it. I knew some people bought a lot of medicine (subsidized), through a doctor they know, and stack the medicine and bring back to their families in overseas. Or a OZ pr who get treatment in OZ eventhough no tax paid but living in overseas. Only come back when medical attention is needed. How does this work?

I understand we have kiasu-ism in us, but has the word sense of responsibilities or ethics are getting thinner and thinner? We are exposed with greediness in our daily life, in my view this eventually passed on from one to another. I started to wonder how will this cycle put to a stop? I am a tax payer, I wont agree people don't earn the benefits, but to reap the benefits at other person's expense is not unfair.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Annoyed and Controled

I was eating at Canton-i today with 2 colleagues. A waitress; suspected from China; walked to our table without a smile and asked us what we want to eat. I gathered what my colleagues wanted, and I tried to summarized their orders and told her. Instead, after listened to me, she moved her head towards my colleague and asked them what they want again. I snapped at her and said, I thought I just told you few seconds ago? She went silent looking at me not knowing how to reply. Then she clarified she just want to make that's what they want.

After the incident I asked myself why am I so snappy. I felt she wasn't paying attention when I was talking to her. Or either she don't understand me. Instead of going back to me she went to ask my other colleagues to confirm. I felt being cut off eventhough I tried to summarized the order for her.

I felt I am aware of my own behavior, but I was thinking, what else can I say to her? Ignore her let her ask again? Or tell her nicely again the same order when she is more willing to pay more attention?

Net of it, I wasn't feeling right when she turned away after telling her the order.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My daugther's results ...

I had lunch with a few colleagues 2 days ago. Over the lunch, they talked about upgrading their iphones eventhough they are already holding one. Then the conversation moved to about their careers. Eventually it moves to their children education. It is pretty obvious, all the parents want to give the best education for their kids. I started to observe what are they looking for? Are they looking for comfort when they grow old? Are they looking to equip their children with best education so that they are successful in their career? Or are they wanting the education provides their kids the education to understand on how to survive and face up in their future? As I did not have the chance to ask them, I could not gauge what they actually looking for? However, I explained to them. Most Asian parents especially are so focus in success, they feel failure are not acceptable. When they failed, they may not able to do well in their future, they may go to a bad class, they may not make good money, and hence they may suffer financially in the end. I asked myself, if I am in their position, what would it be? I believe, I will provide adequate education to my children within my might. I will teach them that we need to earn and respect what is being given. I want my children to know and appreciate what we have even if they didn't go into the best school. I will tell my children it is alright if they attempted but failed, but let's discuss what are they good at, and anything we can do in those area. I like to coach my children to learn to discuss what they see and question them if it's not ethical or moral. For me I believe in give rather than take. When you give you may change another person's perception, and this may enhance the mindset of another person. Eventually and hopefully, these children will learn what is respect, and they know what they can do best when they are in the right mind.

Sir ..would you like to donate?

I was sitting with a colleague in a coffee shop, then a man with clutches walked toward us. He only walk with one leg, and the other one was missing. He then asked, 'Sir, would you like to donate for an artificial leg'? He then showed me a book mark which cost RM2 if I plan to do the exchange. I asked, 'What happened to your leg?". He just smile, but he did not say why. Then I agreed to give RM2 and I told him good luck with his leg. He walked slowly away towards another table. My colleague then asked there are so many of them, how many is enough? I told him it's very easy. If he is just begging then I may not give any exchange, if he give me the impression he is selling (e.g bookmark), then I will see it like a trade, then I am more willing. However, just a month ago, I saw an old lady in Seoul station. She was sitting on the floor and begging for money. The first thing that struck my mind was, how can people just passed by without asking her where is her home? Or can anyone help? What different is this with that recent case with a baby girl ran over by a car and nobody care to pick her up? I know I am not an angel or a wealthy man that can save this world. But all I can offer is to ask you this, 'How are you today? Anything I can help? I will try my best.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thank you Steve .. we miss your visions

Today there is a great sadness as the IT industry has lost one of it's giant. Steve Job lost his battle against pancreatic cancer. He was 56. The industry may also lose it's competitiveness as Steve has influenced so many competitor to work towards the vision he has. Besides he has touches so many lives who uses Apple products. Thank you Steve, thank you for the great memory that you have left in my generation.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Girl fight

One Sunday morning, I stopped by McDonald's for a cup of coffee. While sipping them, I suddenly overheard 2 ladies queuing up for their breakfast broken into war of mouth. The darker looking lady, a bit tomboyish, with her hair tight up, and multiple earrings on shouted at another lady which she described her as a plastic barbie doll. Apparently, the darker lady was impatient and the barbie doll said something which bothered darker lady.

The dark lady said, 'I said whatever, I don't care, and you stupid barbie doll, #@$%^& and so plastic'. The customers were all quiet and all eyes focused on the pair. The barbie doll then walk away from the counter and move to the MCafe counter area ordering her breakfast. Not feeling satisfied, the dark lady moved toward the barbie and touched her on the arm. She explained she was not happy with what barbie has said and she asked her why she said it. Barbie said, 'I am sorry and can we forget about it'.

I was sitting there hundred of things running in my mind. Will it break into a fight? The barbie then move down to the main counter again but this time complaint to the captain of the chain. During this time, the darker lady actually turned to barbie's friend and said she was sorry coz she has problems controlling her anger. To cut the story short, not fight broke out and both walked away from the restaurant.

I was wondering to myself, should I intervene while the 2 was exchanging words? And if the fight broke out, should I run and pull them away?? Would reacting as a good Samaritan would help? What will you do?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Merdeka Merdeka Merdeka

I have not posted many blogs lately. Partly I was busy at work and addicted to the new apps call Leme Leme on my ipad. Been busy taking pictures non stop ;)

Anyway, wish everyone a Happy Merdeka Day! The special day was very significant back in 1957, where we were governed by other countries, and we may not have much rights compare to today. We need to be reminded, how lucky we are even if we think we are not. There is not many places where you with your talent are given a chance. However, at least we are somewhat being recognized in the society. We are not stateless, we are not in poverty, but if we have a pair of hands and a brain that's willing to work, we can survive. Freedom is not given, but we need to earn it. Freedom is not about materialistic, but how your mind is set free and be creative.

Happy Merdeka day!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Captain America 4D

Last night I went for a 10pm show of Captain America in Bangkok Siam Paragon.. however it's 4D version. I was so curious and decided to purchase the 500 Baht ticket for the evening.

I usually sleep early at night, I hope I didn't fall asleep in the movie. It better be engaging. However, when I go into the cinema I noticed there were a row of 4 seats and small gap in between 5 rows of them vertically facing the screen. If I am not wrong there were only 10 rows horizontally.

When the movie begins, I started to feel my chair is shaking, when the scene was in the snow, I felt a strong breeze blowing from the chair and the entire cinema. When the guns was trotting, the light was flashing all over the cinema. When Captain America jumped into the water, there were some water spill from a bar in front of the chair. When the enemies was beaten up, the chair rattle like a massage chair.

Overall, I don't have a chance to fall asleep! The chair and everything equipped around the chair just make you urrm restless to some point. I believe for the kids, it would be like a jovial ride. However, it was quite an experience especially this is the first time I am watching a commercial movie on 4D!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A pleasant surprise ..

Since I joined my new role this year, I have to deal with colleagues to perform certain tasks. Once the tasks are completed then they will be certified as compliant. Otherwise, they may face with penalties.

While I am in Thailand, the colleagues here were facing a lot of issues and frustrations. However, one manager commented that I am very understanding of their culture and manage to educate his staffs to get things completed.

It didn't stop there, while he was sharing his frustrations, he even offered me a role in Thailand! According to him, I am sensitive to their situation and I can help them to bridge the business and the company.

I know I did something different from my other colleagues. I also shared this with my manager. I told my manager that when you deal with someone whether you like him or not, you give them the respect when you communicate with them. The moment they felt respected, they will feel they have a responsibility. Hence, they will geared to provide the help you need. It's nothing magical, we just need to go back to the basic!

It was a pleasant surprise .. however, if only I can move to Thailand .. :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Wantan Mee ... The Love story

While in Kuala Lumpur, I live in TTDI. We used to go to this particular Coffee Shop call 'Restaurant OK'. Few years ago, in this coffee shop, there is this stall who sells wantan mee by a couple in their early 50s.

However, the man will usually do the cooking, while the wife will take orders and prepare the nitty gritty. Often, you will see the man will be emotionless, while the lady is usually pretty grumpy. When you put an order, she will either tell you we only opened at 9.30am sharp, or 'you have to wait it will take a while'. The comments made me at least felt very negative and I wonder why would I give them the business. However, I have to admit, their Wantan mee is one of the better one.

To cut the story short, both couple hardly communicate when together, and never smile. They are just doing what they need to do. Few years later, I found the old lady has passed away, which was rather sad. Not long after that or rather today, the man has a new companion with him. She was a younger looking lady, and doing the same chores as the previous old lady. However, the two of them often smiles at each other. The man was so happy looking. He dished out his wantan mee with speed and full of life. While the new woman, will smile at her customers.

The whole scene has changed, and I feel love is in the air!!! How funny, life can be. A twist in your life can make so much changes. However, for this wantan mee seller, it's changes for better ...

Friday, July 22, 2011

You are stupid to that ..

I was talking to a colleague the other day and I was telling her I didn't like the job I am doing. Main reason was it wasn't my cuppa tea and second reason it impacted my study. Hence I opt to leave the job in October. However, she gave me a piece of advise. She said that in her opinion, I am stupid to leave the job without finding another one.

To an extent, I agreed with her. We work for money, and money for survival. However, I was very conscious of what's happening too. I wasn't happy at all in the role. The job was demanding and the management is micro managing to achieve results. This has given me so much stress that I could not balance my other activities in life.

She also said to me, if I have the money, then go for it. For her, she has family and she has great responsibilities. Again I agreed with her, however, at the back of my mind, it's good that she understand her commitments, but for management to commit and drive others to nuts to get where they want to be, promotion, money, impressive resume etc etc. It's one place I didn't want to be. The management is result oriented and is not willing to hear to my plea. My best is not the best for her, and neither the management's best is the best for me too.

Money is important for survival, however, I need my mental stability to achieve other things in life. I feel I am not willing to slave myself for years and remain silent or unhappy. Everyone can decide what sort of lifestyle we want to adopt. If you plan to give the best to your kids, even a million dollar salary will not be enough. To me, what's important is the kids understand the meaning of surviving and be resilient when facing with life struggles. Good life to me does not means fantastic schooling, parents paid deposits for house, tour to USA etc etc.

I may be wrong, but if given a choice, I want the children to understand wisdom, not good life through other people's expenses.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Cinderella story ...

I went to Uni Qlo in Seoul over the weekend. It was my colleague who wanted to get some stuffs there hence I just tagged along. I walked around but I didn't get anything. While waiting for my friend I observed something.

On the couch, sat an elderly woman and a young girl probably around 12 years of age. However, she seems to dress very urrm out of fashion, with a hair clip on a permed hair but patchy. She seems to be a challenged child, but he sat there quietly while the elderly woman looking after her. Few minutes later, a woman which is her mom, and a younger daughter walked over to the couch. Then the more normal looking daughter around 10 was trying to decide which dress to buy, and she was like undecided. The mom kept asking her to hurried up. Meanwhile the elder sister was sitting there smiling quietly. I just knew the mom wasn't shopping for her.

Much later, as I was waiting for my friend who is paying up at the cashier. I saw the family again. This time, the mom asked the elder daughter to stand at a corner with the elderly woman. While she and the younger daughter queuing up for the cashier. Then the mother was looking for something and tried to ask the elder daughter to pass some stuffs to her. The elder daughter looking a bit lost and didn't react fast enough to her mother wants. The elderly woman instructed her to walk to her mom and pass (seems to be money) to her.

When she reaches her mom, the mother wasn't happy and start to slap at her shoulder and started scolding her in Korean. Probably complaining she was slow to her demand. It didn't stop there she continued to lecture her and the poor girl seems to have teary eye. The mother instructed her to walk away from her and she started to cry silently. I can only described, the mother has full of anger when lecturing her. And the facial expression wasn't kind at all.

I was wondering to myself. If this girl is really an unfortunate daughter of this woman. Probably of her physical or mental challenges may has led her to be unloved or loved less. This world can be really be cruel. It does not only happens to friends, but it may also happened to your own flesh and blood. Is it worth it?

Well done Japan .. you made Asian proud

I witnessed the last hour of the FIFA Women Japan versus USA. I turned on the TV and not long after that it went into penalties kick to decide the winner as the scores was 2-2. I read and heard before that USA was very dominant however, the Japan team was very resilient and continued to defend and attack.

The penalties kick was so so exciting and high emotions. The goal keeper from Japan did a fantastic job and managed to defend 2 out of 3 penalties kick. Meanwhile Japan managed to scored 3 goal to become the champion.

I was totally surprised as from the earlier news, it looks like US will win, however, like what we witness in many unfortunate disaster in Japan this year, the team resilience paid off. The victory went to Japan! Bravo!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Mr Rudie

Often at public places I noticed certain people's behavior was rather rude or unreasonable. I may be setting my own moral compass here but look at the pic .. am I wrong to say they are not reasonable??

The pic below is taken at a rather brand new cinema with new sofa. The man wore his slipper and stepped on it like nobody business. Rudie rudie!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Original Pho Hoa in Saigon

The halal

I went out for breakfast with a Muslim colleague. Our mission is to ensure pork is not being served. When we ordered a ham sandwich we asked the store keeper in Vietnam what kind of ham was that. The store keeper replied in a broken English, it's chicken ham. My Muslim friend was doubtful and she mumbled.. Please make sure it's chicken else I will end up in Yellll (unclear). I went back to her and said did you mean "health"? She said no no it's not health reason but HELL reason!

World of the news

How do you feel when a news company hunger for hot news that they will tap your phone to dig into the news. I just feel it's a violation of privacy. The big boys are powerful and money can get them to get what they want. Besides unethical in my humble opinion it's shocking and proving the law of jungles still apply today.

I was rather impressed finally the PM in UK decided to voice out the concern and try to put this madness to a stop! Yes powerful people get away from their misbehavior while those victims are left undefended.

I was watching a BBC program and they have invited a group of for and against of the big boss of 'news of the world'. The defender praised the boss that without him journalism is nothing. I believe so but that was maybe 20 years ago. With what they have done now it does not mean it's acceptable and should be pardoned. Damaged done and law for everyone should remain the same.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I am only H-U-M-A-N !!!

Last night I took a family of 4 to a dinner. I want to repay their kindness by inviting them to a decent looking restaurant. When we reached there, I asked what do they want to eat. The family seemed to be a bit shy with the decision. However, we managed to conclude we wanted BBQ pork/Roast duck plate, Seafood Tofu pot, Stir Fried beans, and Steamed Barramundi (fish). The captain wrote on a piece of paper and gone to the kitchen.

Right after the order, the waiter came up with a big pot of soup welcoming our arrival. So it was well distributed. We took some the additional and we emptied it. My first sign of moodiness appeared when the waiter asked us do we want more of the soup! Somehow I didn't know what ticked me off, I said, if it's empty then take it away! In my mind, I don't know why they asked that question.

Then 15 minutes later most of the dishes arrived. When it came to fish, while the waiter cutting the fish, he dropped the spoon onto the soy sauce which soaking the fish. He dropped the spoon a few times, and he dipped his fingers into the sauce! I was annoyed. I felt he was washing his fingers in the sauce. I kept silent, but I told myself to calm down.

After 3 dishes has arrived, then the stir fried beans didn't show up. I asked the captain and he told me it was not in the order. I tried to contain my temper and this time I said to him, 'One of the captain wrote it, why are you asking me if it was ordered? Can you ask the person who wrote it?' Few second later, the captain showed up and he said it wasn't in the order. Since I was buying, I calmly asking my guests do you still want the dish. My guests said it's OK! Then I turned to the captain and ask if they serve Desert instead. The captain said no they don't do it.

In the end, somehow, I felt embarrassed about it. Then I remained silent but I know I am growing toxic within myself. The captain reacted and said we will give free fruits, then he walked away. Few minutes later, the waiter who served us came to us again. He said is there anything else coming else we will clean the table. I can't contain my little annoyance and I said to him in a sarcastic way, 'Well if you guys don't plan to give us any free fruits, then take everything you can from my desk, then give me a cheque. Is that difficult?' They walked away in silent.

Few minutes later, they came back not only fruits but bowls of black beans desert and some cakes. I think they got my message. I wasn't proud of my flare but I am only human! A dinner well meant for the family was annoyed with little things. I can choose to ignore but I didn't!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Everything it's going to be alright

In Australia there is this interesting medical show called 'RPA'. Basically, the show taped a series of patients that visited the hospital, and they told their journey of seeking treatment.

Last night, I saw one which was very interesting. It is a young girl age 20 years old who is very cheerful and smile a lot even facing the devastated news. She was diagnosed with some growth on her brain, and she was required to go for an operation immediately. The tissues will then be used for further analysis to confirm what type of growth it was.

The cheerful girl without a sign of depression, smile all along, believing everything will be alright. The family was with her during the journey. The brain operation was successful, and she continued to smile. I haven't seen such a positive person in my life even facing with such a news. At the same time I felt sorry for her.

Few days later the doctor came to her with the diagnosis results. The doctor spoke calmly on her smiling face. The news was that she has some very aggressive cancer growing in her. What surprised me she wasn't moved by the news, instead she wanted to know what's next for her with a smile. Around her, I saw her mom face was so sad and her eyes welling up with tear, but the girl gave a very brave front when confronting the news.

A week later, she was told she need to go for further chemotherapy to kill off the other cancer cells. She was put under the big machine alone for 5 minutes. Prior to that, she commented that she has to cropped her hair as it will fall down. Even that she still smile and never show a single sign of sadness. I was truly impressed. Five minutes later, she came out of the machine, and this time her father was around. The moment he saw her daughter off the machine, he went over and gave her a big hug, but the whole scene change. Both crying on each other arm. I believe it's a silent sadness in the family members. The girl is trying to confront her fear through thinking positive. After all, she is only human who has fear.

It was a very insightful episode showing how the girl has to face all the obstacle placed in front of her. My only hope after watching the show is to hope she will get well soon and fully recovered.

Monday, June 13, 2011

e.Coli ... it's not what you think !

I was in the taxi, and my regular driver was telling me that do not eat cucumber if I am in Europe, because of e Coli (sounds like e CO-LAI).

When he pronounced the e Coli, he pronounced it as CHO-LI. As far as I know the way he pronounced was more of the women's BRA in Bahasa Malaysia. Immediately I told him it will make people think his mind is funny. Of course he felt embarrassed but burst into laughter.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Friends to everyone .. until .....

One of my relative somehow has this motto in life. Be a friend to anyone he came across or the neighborhood. Nothing is wrong with that. I guess by making friends you get to exchange ideas or benefits. That's what's friends are for, isn't it?

Anyway, this relative of mine, also made friends even while waiting at bus stop. One day he met this decent looking man in the bus stop and started to chat him up. They continued to chat in the bus until he reached his destinations. Follow on, they know each other from that day.

Later while in the neighborhood, he has been avoiding the man he knew from the bus. I started to feel strange about it. So one day while I saw him avoiding him again, I wonder what had happened. This is a bit unusual for a man being a friend to everyone. Later I found out, that fella he met at the bus stop was mentally unstable. Ever since they met again, the fella will ask my relative to buy him food. If not, he will asked many question why he didn't buy and bla bla bla.

I didn't know if I should laugh or feel bad when I learnt about this. Making friends are good but selecting friends may still valid in the real world!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

June .. my wishes ...

Here comes June. I wish my luck will improves from now on ... though I will still need to keep a lower profile. The very important thing for me to do now is to find a job within my company before October 1. Whatever the outcome is, there would be some changes going to happen. Just hope it will be smoother.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Jakarta superstar ... Anggun

Anggun at EX mall Jakarta launching her new album .. Echoes happened I was there la ..

Cool boutique hotel at Citadines Quartier Jakarta

Jakarta Wonder ...

Food at Kemang

Sate Senayan favorite

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

So what's next?

I managed to convince my manager that I need to change role. I could not find passion in the work I am doing and it's very demanding of my time. Now, the deal is I can leave on Oct 1. However, I need to start looking for new role right now.

I am thinking of HR department. I like to find out if I can find a good fit. 4 more months to go, I need to nail one asap. As for now, I am focusing in finishing my job, and just do one subject this term. Hopefully when I get to term 3, I can go back to 2 subjects again.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Energy level and staying focus

I noticed I haven't been blogging for a while. This is mainly due to my workload and study. I have problem coping both. I have done an assessment over and over, I finally confirmed I didn't like what I am doing. Moreover, part of the job requires financial background and it's not my forte.

I prefer to be focusing on my strength and passion, instead I went to the wrong direction. It has taken up all my energy and the stress bogged me down tremendously. I only have one word for it, It's so not worth it. I whined a lot but I have decided to stay focus to do what is good for myself. I do not want to spend time being victimised.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Melbourne ... food, culture, people, and creativities

Melbourne is really an interesting place. I found the place has more interesting food and shops around the city. There are usually neat, whether food or shops, you tend to see more creativity in their design.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The attempt ...

Earlier this month, I was complaining that my job has affected my priorities. And I can't find a solution to it yet. I may need to leave the role if it's getting worst. However, I am going to give another push before I switch role. This is what I am going to do :

1. I have to pause my college study for one term.
2. I will work on how to change the process in my current role.
3. I will try to introduce creative ways to increase productivity.
4. Try to change the client's behavior by having a win win situation.
5. Attempt to stop using punishment as a method on our colleagues or client.

I will give myself up to Oct 1, 2011. If these changes do not fall through, then I have tried. It's time to move on.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Shopping online .... forget about the malls!

Lately the Australian dollar has risen so high, that 1AUD = 1.07USD! Not too sure if it's good for the country in long term, as education industry is starting to feel the impact. However, one thing I do find was the clothing and fashion in Australia suddenly has become so expensive.

For example, a wool jacket would cost 200AUD average for a branded one. Instead I went to online store in US, suddenly everything seems so much cheaper! I can get a branded wool jacket for AUD99 at sale price (after conversion from USD)!

In a way, this is not good to the country as well, as the money is flowing out faster than ever. For the meantime, while the AUD is high, I think I need to get a couple of shoes and worry later hehehe.

The shop I have visited or ordered (Free shipping worldwide) :

What went wrong with my job?

I took up a new role 2 months ago, and now that I didn't like it. I asked myself why? Is it because it's tedious and I want to run away from it? However, I tried to sit down and think calmly what went wrong.

First, before I took the job I had set my expectations clear to the hiring manager. I need to have personal time to study. However, it turned out the job demanded more and most of the time I didn't have the energy to keep up with my readings. Hence, I started to protest inside me because I have to adjust my priorities.

Second, I like to foresee the outcome. However, this job though I can plan in the beginning but as days go by, I realised a lot of things are beyond my control. I tried very hard to push for completion, however, it's a cycle. It went on and on for few times, same thing same question same answer, but nothing is completed. It became mundane. Every month, the more cases piling in and in the end it became a snowball. I wish I can close some cases before I move on, but not this job. In the end, more personal time needed to follow up.

Third, the leader's style and my style clashes. I like to plan and be consulted before we size up the effort. I see this as fair as our voice is heard. However, the leader is impatience. The preferred method is do it now, and iron it out as we go along. However, with poor planning, more time is consumed and the productivity went down.

Fourth, the job requires a lot of manual calculating on spreadsheet with a very complicated theory. This would take up a few days before I can complete a complete spreadsheet for one case. But on top of the snowball and other ad hoc tasks, the calculation takes longer time. It became tedious and time consuming. I became bored and dislike the task.

I ask myself what can be done to make this job better?

First, I feel we need to look into how to make our task more productive and not mundane.

Second, how can we influence the case to close before the next one role start otherwise the burden became heavier and heavier.

Third, why can't we use a simplified formula and save all the long hours to achieve something which may not be used later.

Fourth, consult the team before making a decision so that we felt we are understood by the management the effort is needed. Committing on our behalf would not help.

Lastly, I feel for my behavior. I need a people manager and not a task master that do not want to come down to our level.

The dateline is always there, but I given a choice, I do not want to torture my own mental.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Bulat (Round)

Few months ago, a friend told me I am so bulat, to an extend she called me Bulat sometimes. The reason was because she found my tummy is bulging out like a pregnant woman! Well the good news is I am not pregnant I just didn't exercise hard enough!

I started to feel panic when I realised I can't wear most of my pants. The only pant I can fit is the elastic one! I then realised something must be done!

This week, I started my daily regime as below.

6:00am Wake up
7:00am Catch a train to office.
8:00am Start work
4:00pm Leave office
5:00pm Gym
6.30pm Cook
8:00pm Study
11:00pm Sleep

I am trying out the schedule above this week. I just hope I can stick to the gun! So I will determine to be called TAK (NOT) BULAT in few months time.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Stable Unstable

Each phases of life we will go through a period of stable and unstable. Lately, I think I am going through an unstable period. Why? Because I have recently changed my role. I wasn't sure if I like the job. I took the job because there were some traveling involved and I could come back to KL to see my parents. However, what I didn't know, the job involves a lot of snowball effect, meaning, when a few cases hasn't closed, more cases comes rolling in. On top of the cases we do, there were reporting, however, there were various reporting forms though they looked alike. Besides that, while you are on the current cases, you will be either writing reports which already due or planning for next review soon. At the end of the day, I found it's a very demanding job of my personal time. The only freedom I have is when I decided to shut down the work at the end of day and ignoring the piling snowball.

I was wondering if I am trying to justify why I didn't like the job, but I think I was bothered the job didn't give balance to what I want to do outside of office, unless I ignored them. Ignoring is not part of my work attitude, as I prefer to finish off the work before I moved on. However, right now, I am stuck! I need more time to re-strategies what I want to do and eventually some less important stuffs need to be sacrificed.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jakarta by Transjakarta

Last weekend I have decided to be adventurous. I tried to board the local buses in Jakarta with my colleagues who are kind enough to show me the bus way. The funny looking bus has a door that's 4 feet high from the ground. One must wonder how do we board the bus and why is it made so high? Well to board the bus, you need to walk to an elevated bus station. And why it's so high was because the ticketing control is done at the elevated bus station. Your entry and exit is done through this station, and there is no way you can get in or out unless u drag the door open wide and jumped out of the bus. The cost of the ride was 3500rupiah and you can take the bus around Jakarta as long as you stay within the bus and elevated bus station. You change buses through the elevated stations as well, just like your subway. Kind a interesting. However, be prepared to be in a very packed bus and traffic can be bad in certain sections. Otherwise, the bus has it's own dedicated route which is the best way to beat the traffic (macet!).

Overall experience was rather tiring but good way to see the local and traffics :P

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My invention for city of Jakarta

I was caught in a traffic in Jakarta. Inside the car, my colleague was complaining how much time they spent on the road each day trapped in a traffic. They missed the meeting sometimes and have to use phone conference inside the car. Sometimes it takes up to 3-4 hours a day! And also, they need to make sure they are not caught during peak hours where each car must have 3 passengers else face summon.

After listening to their woes, immediately, I told them I thought of 2 inventions. First, I would like to invent a meeting box inside the car. The box, would have visual and audio which they can take their conference calls while driving. However, my colleague said it may be dangerous if they are driving fast. I replied by adding a mechanism to cut down the audio if they exceed 100km/hour. If they slowed down the quality of the conference will improved.

Second, I would invent inflatable human size doll when they need to travel alone. However, this doll would have moving arms, to make sure the traffic police will think the cars are full of human beings!

So now, if I am the inventor, who will be my producer?!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Japan disaster

Today the Japan's PM Kan declared Japan is facing the worst crisis since World War 2. Every hours, the crisis get escalated since last Saturday after a 8.9 quake hit Sendai. And immediately next day 2 nuclear plants were leaking radiation and could hit anyone who lives as far as 80km. Then just today a volcano near the quake hit area erupted. There were so many people died due to the tsunami and now they are preparing for the worst - radiation exposure. There is nothing I could do here but pray that this crisis will be over soon.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's a small small world

I just finished lunch at a food court in a Sydney suburb, after that I went to a toilet nearby to wash my hand. On my way out, I saw another lady walking towards the toilet, and she yelled out my name! To my surprise it was a colleague from Malaysia. She has migrated to Sydney since 2004. We were so excited but found the world is so small. She lives in central cost which is very far from Sydney, and so happened she and the family came to this particular suburb for lunch. It was rather unbelievable to bump into somebody in a very unexpected place and location!

Anyway, we exchanged number and hopefully next time her family can come out together for yum cha (dim sum). It's good to see someone u knew for a long time, and yet you bumped into them again when u least expected.

Monday, March 7, 2011


I am sitting at the Sydney office today, I overheard a lot of conversations. Somehow, I am convinced people around me love to talk and hear their own voice. For example, a man was complaining to a colleague over the phone. He sounded frustrated with somebody which could not get what he was trying to say earlier. He started to say things like, 'Hello dude, didn't you get it?' or 'So stupid, so stupid' over and over again. Wo dek sen (my god), he's a man and sounding so bitter. ( I wonder if I sensed this because I am one too.) According to my study in Applied Psychology, one of the ego defence mechanism, is to project your negatives to the others. In that case your ego will not be bruised. I guess the good thing is I am aware of that, and I try to understand my very own ego.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who's Cheating?

I read on a newspaper today related to the evolution psychology. There were research done on cheating, and they found men with lower voice when confronted tends to cheat! Meanwhile, women with high pitch voice when confronted tends to cheat on their spouses.

This is interesting, I do feel some high possibilities as well. Usually won't want to talk about it it something bothering them, meanwhile, women tends to subside their guilt by talking fast and excited.

What do you think?! Try it at home hahaha

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Personal touch

I was in Bangkok and about to check out from my hotel. When the lift opened on 30th floor, a Caucasian guy in suit held the door for me and asked if I like to go to lobby. Dressed in business suit, the hair was neatly combed and typically looked like your senior executive at work. Meanwhile, I was wearing my short and casual Tee, like what you usually see at Pasar Malam (Night Market!). I said thanks to him, and immediately he said 'So you are leaving us today'. Immediately I sensed he is one of the employee of this hotel chain, I replied, 'Yes, I am, I wish this is my permanent home address, but it's not'. He then asked 'How was your stay with us? I responded quoting how convenience the hotel is located and it's definitely much better than the other hotels I have stayed before. He was pleased with my reply and asked when will be my next trip. I said, 'Next quarter, hopefully'.

When the elevator door opened up, he offered to hold my luggage as I need to walk up to the reception to settle my bill. I was a bit reluctant in the beginning but he insisted. Eventually I gave in. He wished me a safe trip and handed me a business card. Printed on the card was his name with a position General Manager. He took my luggage and got the bell boy to hail a taxi for me. I was pretty impressed actually especially when a GM actually walk his talks (I believe he preach to his staffs about services). You just think you will come back to the same hotel next time!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Slave to $ ?

Today I had few conversations with different parties at work. They kinda complained the long hours they have to put at work. This became especially apparent when one need to support Asia Pacific role dealing with more countries. Working from 9am to 5pm is not enough, after at home, they need to continue to have teleconference 9pm till wee hours to update their bosses in Europe or US.

I was asking myself, is this worth it? Because of the career and better pay, we choose to work after office hours and not attending to our family? Which has become priorities now? Family or work? How one could reach a work life balance, when there is a constant demand of your time to get work done or update to the bosses in overseas?

At the end of the day, OK you have a big house big car, but is it worth it? As I grow older, I begin to feel I should look after my well being and people around me. We have a choice, a voice and a life. We don't have to slave ourselves to $.

Monday, February 21, 2011

I hurt my back!

Few years ago I slipped on a staircase and landed on my back. Not long after that, my back hurts and sending my both leg into numbness. It took me a while after medication and physiotherapy to heal.

Just few days ago, I sensed something is not right. This happened after I have decided to go back to gym. I went to gym almost every morning doing my running and some light weight lifting. Instead of getting fitter I have a back pain!

I went to see a doctor today and I was given some medication however, it's not as bad as last time. I felt a relief but I can't go back to gym again!!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Stand up for what is right ..but who is right?

This morning near my home I went for a breakfast with my family members. After finishing our meal, we saw a Mercedes park almost in the center of the road. Behind him, a Honda Accord was trying to squeeze through the road, however, he didn't and instead he horned the Mercedes to leave the spot. After a few honking, the Mercedes driver came out of the car and waved his hand to the Honda driver asking him to squeeze through and he verbally called him 'Bodoh' (Stupid!).

My family member while walking said to the driver, how do you expect him to move and yet call him stupid. I told my family member why meddle with them? My relative said but if we don't do something about it they may not be any law abiding citizen.

I thought through the process. Yes, the Mercedes has parked illegally, and yet he refused to move and he thought he has not committed anything wrong. However, do you think he will listen when he thought he was right? I told my relative, if you plan to stand up to someone, you need to assess the consequence. You may get bashed or bullied after that. I have nothing against that, however, the way we communicate to the Mercedes driver has to be first "disengage" his defensiveness. I felt if you rub salt further, it will only makes matter worst.

What will you do in this situation?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Plastic Coconut

I am always impressed with creativity of some products in the market. For example one of the one I came across in Bangkok. I saw them at a supermarket and I thought it was real, but when you look closer it's all plastic with real coconut water inside the container. It's rather cute and interesting!

Feb 14 - Single Awareness Day

I was reading a newspaper in Bangkok, and came across this acronym SAD which stands for Single Awareness Day. It coincides with Feb 14, St. Valentine's Day. Whoever created this day seems to counter-answer for those who are still single or ultra very eligible.

I thought it was smart. Yes, it's Single Awareness, which sound to me so what if I am single, but the acronym has a totally opposite - SAD! I wasn't sure if I agree with that. I still remember I have single friends who once in a while who will complaint about his fate and do not wish to stay single in his life. Now that he has married, this issue is no longer in his mind. Thank god, my ear is being spared.

For those who are still single, we should be glad we still have the freedom. Yes, occasionally you may need emotional support, but don't forget being non-SAD could have more emotional issues :PPP

Whatever it is! Happy SAD day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

My Thai Red Ruby!

Every time I visited Bangkok, I must try their Coconut Red Ruby! Basically, the red rubies are made from water chestnut coated with tapioca. The red rubies are served in a chilled santan and with some syrup. It's heavenly!

Monday, February 7, 2011

A passing of a friend

Just before last year Christmas, I was shocked to find out a former colleague which I worked with before has been diagnosed with cancer. The news was announced out of sudden in one of our teleconference. At the end of the meeting we were told to give her a call whenever we have time to do so. I took down the number and I found the right time to call. However, I failed to call, in fact I totally forgotten as I was too excited on my upcoming trip to London at that point. I thought I will do it after I am back from London.

And just today, to my shock, my former colleague has passed away on Jan 31, 2011. There is no excuse for not making the call. Lesson is learned but it's too late. So to my reader out there, don't wait and life doesn't wait for us!

To Debbie, I hope you left in peace and pray whoever up there will look after your kind soul. I remembered our time working together in Singapore and Japan. I forever treasure your guidance during the difficult time. Thank you.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Petronas ad for CNY

Every year Petronas has some very interesting ad that hit directly onto the social concern. This year advertisement was rather touching .. see it for yourself.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Reunion Dinner

I just came back from the reunion dinner. Every year my parents, brother and sister will gathered together for a reunion Chinese New Year dinner. However, this year my father brought some friends along and most of them are elderly in age. As usual, we will talk about what I do and where do I live. Apparently the friends are living in Canada and they thought the social welfare in Canada is the best in the world. I think I have little doubt about that as I have seen a documentary made by Roger Moore and mentioned the same.

Later, as usual, the elder found I am still single and insist to know when I will get married. This year I have a better plan to answer them. I said, I am married. I am married to all of the people on the table, and that's why I have decided to give up a good paying job soon and help everyone I am married to. I will not just help a single wife or their children, but rather I would help with anyone I may come across. The elderly nodded their heads, and they were happy with my replies :P

I guess this may be my resolution for my Chinese New Year :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Year of Rabbit

I wish the year of rabbit brings you lots of good health and luck.

And also if time permits, extend your helping hands to those who need helps to make this place a better place for your children and future generations.

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Protests in Egypt

The violence in Egypt still continues. The people are demanding a change of government, however, fights erupted in the major cities. I hope the unrest will be over soon. Egypt has been one of my favorite place with full of historical landmarks.

Also, one of my colleague was in Egypt for 3 weeks. I sms-ed her 2 days ago, and she told me she will fly out on Saturday 29th Jan, however, the hotel she lives in located at the center of the chaos. On the same day itself, the internet and telephone lines were cut off. The street becoming more and more dangerous, and curfews has been imposed. I hope she is safe and manage to get out from the country. I need to sms her again ..

From Reuters news this morning ..

Would-be looters broke into Cairo's famed Egyptian Museum, ripping the heads off two mummies and damaging about 10 small artifacts before being caught and detained by army soldiers, Egypt's antiquities chief said Saturday.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The tax levy for Queensland.

Just today, I heard if you are working in Australia, there will be this tax levy for the recent flood disaster in Queensland. The government need money to rebuild the state of Sunshine. What it means in lay man term, on top of your current tax, there will be additional tax. If you earn 60K a year, you will be tax around AUD3 a week. And if you earn 100k annually, you get tax of AUD5 a week.

Now, is that fair? The nation is debating on this, and some say the government is like a robin hood. Taking money from others to support the flood victims. According to the government, spending has been cut and channel some of those fund for the re-building. This in the end, will delay the country from paying the debts they already have.

What is my view on this? At first I think it's a good thing to do. After all, it's a national disaster, and fixing this problem is important. However, what bothers me is the taxes in Australia is already so high and yet, still do not have enough to rebuild a state.

I really don't mind about this levy for now, as I see the need. However, my greatest concern is this tax levy may become a habit for the government. People always used the history to justify their actions which is not always a best reason. It;s just a plain excuse for their incompetency.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Rafael Nadal in Australia Open 2011

Last night Rafael Nadal lost his dream in collecting his 4th Australia grand slam. Apparently he has injury and could not move to hit the ball back to his opponent. After the match, Rafa cited his team mate was better and he had tried his best. Though looking disappointed Rafa as usual is so humble in all his speeches. He is really a gem. He always acknowledged his opponent strengths whether he won or lost. My hats off to Rafael Nadal.

Totally opposite of him, there is this sportsman call Roger Federer. Next time when you read or hear him over an interview. Pay attention to what he says. It's all about him, and how lucky the others! Pooi!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Malaysian Food in Sydney

There were several Malaysian restaurants in Sydney, however, the one I really like because they have the Hokkien Mee is Sin Ma Laksa Restaurant @ Kingsford, Sydney.

Well when you crave for near-authentic Malaysian food, try them out if you are in Sydney :P

Bye bye Apple IPOD

Few months ago, I dropped my IPOD aged 4 years at least. It was in a perfect condition and never have any issue on it. However, after the dropped, the machine starting to behave funny. First I have to press a few times on the controller before I could select a song. Then finally last week, none of the controller worked at all.

Hence I went to Apple shop in Sydney. I described the problem to them and hoping they will service it for me. The Apple staff told me since it was not under warranty anymore, there really isn't anything they can do. They offered me a 10% off on my next purchase instead. I was thinking to myself and I felt it's a totally ripped off. Feeling dissatisfied I went to the Apple online shop and look for services related link. I found out that services was allowed for expired warranty IPOD however, you need to pay like AUD 126 for the service - even if they can't fix it!

My oh my, no wonder the Apple share doing so well in the market. Well I guessed they push me to make my IPOD a junk! So instead of getting a new one, I got myself a Sony S-Series an IPOD shuffle like player. Well I have to say it hasn't dissapointed me so far!!! So sayornara IPOD for now. I am not wealthy enough to keep your share to continue to become a premium one!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Changing Role

After 10 years in the same role, I have decided to change to a new role on Feb 14, 2011. It's a sweet date and hopefully a right move. After announcing to the department yesterday, there were a lot of surprises from many colleagues. There were all wondering why would I do that. I guessed they might thought I am moving away my comfort zone, moreover, I never talk about any dissatisfaction with the department.

In fact, I like the department very much. However, circumstances changed. I am back to college, and I need flexibilities in my job so I can squeeze in the hours for assignments. Also, a break is good, and who knows, if I go back to the same job, I come back with more experiences.

Whatever the reasons are, it is a big move for me in 2011. I hope my decisions are right and life are full of amazement ahead.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

a-ha? What is that?

I am pretty much of an 80s kids. One of my favorite group when I was in school was a-ha. A Norwegian group that sang many of my favorite songs. However, last year in 2010, the group has decided to split. Suddenly I felt so old, the band I know for a long time is retiring??? OK never mind stay calm, it's just part of aging.

Then today, I walked into a CD shop in Sydney. I wanted to look for their collections and hopefully their last farewell concert in Oslo, Norway. I approached a young looking staff, tall lanky guy, with heavy rock metal tee, his nose and ears were pierced and his hair was waist length. I said, "Do you know where I can I find the DVD for a-ha"? He responded, "a-ha, what is that? Is it some kind of singer name, or a movie or folk band? At the back of my mind, I was like traveling in a time machine, remembering the songs often played in my room and cassettes. And this young chap did not even know the band exist?! Suddenly I felt so old again! I could not lie to myself anymore! Time is moving very fast, aging is not that fun yet!

a-ha details :

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rijksmuseum .. kinda dissapointing ..why?

I went to Rijksmuseum today. The museum itself is historical and housed most of Rembrandt and Veneer's paintings. However, I was a bit disappointed. I found out that the museum is still under constructions since 6 years ago. There were many red tapes after the refurbishment took place. In the end, it' taking longer than expected and only due to re-open in full scale in 2013.

During my visit, I have on visited one wing of the museum towards the back. Only selected or mostly world famous paintings were on displayed including Rembrandt's Night Watch. Most of the art work are really exquisite. However, my advise if you like to visit Amsterdam, if possible, come in year 2013. The Rijkmuseum is really grand looking from outside however, the constructions are kinda messy right now.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

What must I eat while in Dutchland?

Today I spoke to a shopkeeper and I asked what sort of dutch food that I should try. However, it has to be dairy free based. I was asked to sample 'kroket. It's basically deep fried croquet made of flour, and inside it has sauce with some beef pieces. I felt it's more like snack and for me it's a bit saltish.

Then my friend told me I must tried their famous pea soup or known as Erwtensoep. It's basically thick pea soup and served with cut sausage. It's yummy but really filling.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Biutiful Sounds from Westerkerk, Amsterdam

Come ride with me at the Amsterdam Canal for 2 minutes

Anne Frank Huis

I heard so much about Anne Frank for the longest time. Finally, I came to Amsterdam to visit the building she and her family hid. The building is also an office of his father's spice business. Going through the sections of the house was rather humbling. There were words quoted directly from her dairy about what she felt, heard, seen and finally her hope to be able to see and feel the air outside the house. At the end of the tour, Anne's father Otto Frank, formed a foundation to fight against prejudices against races, religions, and etc. I feel Otto was a great man and protective over his family.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The story of the Moustache T-Shirt

In year 2009 around Christmas I have written an incident in a t-shirt shop at Covent Garden, London. Basically, the shopkeeper got his IPOD stolen from the shop! The full story here :

I finally bought the t-shirt, after visiting them few times and ran out of sizes.

This is how the t-shirt look like :P

I aMsterdam

I am finally in Amsterdam .. I stayed at Stadhouderskade where it's very near to Van Gogh and Rijksmuseum. The city is not big and walking around the city seems pleasant so far :)) Enjoying it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

So it's 2011, what's next?

For 2011, I have decided to do more subjects in each term. If I am on track I will finish my college by the end of 2012. And after that I can practice as a counselor. The number of hours spent on counseling work are more important that the college paper work apparently. The recognition and salary is seems to be based on experiences and exposures. However, I will also wanting to take up the Master degree. With master degree and I can operate my own counseling license. My biggest challenge would be the pay, I need to make sure I meet a break even for my expenses. One step at a time.