Wednesday, December 30, 2009

London and the weather

It has been relax and fun so far in London. The shopping was tiresome though especially when you need to compete with so many people, choosing and paying at the cashier. The museums are still great to visit. So many to do and so little time during the day to complete the visit.

However, the weather has been really bad for last 2 days. So far it's drizzling and hasn't stopped. Hence I could only visit the museums and less outdoors. I wish the rain would stop soon so I can spend less money at the malls and more sunshine outside the mall.

London is still an exciting city for me. Not as busy as New York and it really has it's very own character. Happy New Year to all of you by the way! Wish year 2010 brings everyone lotsa good health and wealth.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A T-Shirt, a thief and a missing IPOD!

I was walking into a shop in London and wanted to buy a tee shirt. The shop sells very interesting print and the one I particularly like was the Queen Elizabeth 2 with a mustache. When I walked into the shop I noticed a background songs.

I asked for a size and the shopkeeper told me he needs go down to the store to get the size. While looking through the tee a guy (black) was standing next to me looking for a tee too. Suddenly, within second, the music stopped, the guy next to me left the shop, and the storekeeper ran up to me. He found his ipod (the background music) at the cash register was taken!! 2 guys at the door saw 2 black guys together and one of them took the ipod away.

Everything happened in seconds! Unbelievable. I felt so guilty I actually apologised to the storekeeper. In the end, no t-shirt, ran out of size, no sales, no income but a lost ipod!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas and my holiday!

First of all, Merry Christmas to all of the reader. I am sitting at the airport now, after 10 hours delayed, leaving for London. This would be my 3rd year in a row visiting my aunt in London.

People asked me why do I kept going London when I have options to be in other Europe country. I think first of all, I really want to visit my dear aunt and her family. Secondly, I love the pace at London, shopping, musicals, and museums, I just find it's endless visiting these places.

Anyway, I won't be sure for next year because I will be going back to college and may have to spend more money on these commitments. Well let's see how it goes.

For now, I will enjoy London as much as I can.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Are you aware who you are?

I was in GuongZhou one day taking a taxi home. The driver asked me why do I have to work on Saturday and left office at 7pm. I told him it's not easy even working in an office. It may not be as fun as working as a taxi driver, probably the difference is the pay and the environment.

The driver then told me my life is better than him, at least I can speak a few languages which help in my job. I told him I can only speak 3, nothing like German, French, Japanese or etc. I can't use my Malay language in my job or even with my half cook Chinese. So i don't think I excel in that department. I went on saying if I excel in these languages, I would have end up TEACHING!

The drive then made a comment - you are the contributor type. For most people they will say they will use this skills to make money, but you rather teach.

It actually did not strike at me what I really wanna do, but at that moment, I realised what he said was true. Unconsciously I told him what I prefer to do. Probably this is who I am, probably this is what I need to do.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Career change

I am considering a career change, however, to do that, I need to go back to university to get a paper qualification. When I shared to my friend on my goal, they told me it's such a big risk. My new career would cut my salary by halves at least, and I need to adjust to my lifestyle. They strongly disagree with my plan because I may end up a full time social worker.

However, at the end of the day, I ask myself, am I happy? I won't able to tell you right now, but I know I will bite the bullet.

I see families with big cars, houses, holidays, good food and life, but are they really happy? I think I came to realise to own many things does not mean I will be happy. Happiness are more meaningful when you start to give instead. By giving you leave footprints before you leave this world. Just giving within your family, and turn their blind eyes to the others, have you thought about what kind of world your children will live in the future?? I believe we all human are here for a reason. That's to help each other in order to maintain the balance the happiness.

Ego and greed is slowly destroying many families and part of the world. If we don't put a stop we are heading self destruction. We need to break this chain of thought of looking after ourselves and needs. I believe we can.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I can't blog in Beijing!

In case you wonder how come I have not been updating my blog, that's because I am in Beijing. I came back on Friday to KL and will be there again Monday morning. I will only come back sometime first week of December.

In China, there is this Great Firewall of China, that prevent most of us who lives there from blogging. However, I will be active again once I am back. Too many things to write.

By the way, Beijing is getting colder and colder. It has snowed 2 Sunday ago, but was told the government created them to battle the drought. I am not sure how they did it, but that's what they claimed in the newspaper. The snow was really heavy and it was very cold after the snow. I think I will rather stick to natural one ya!

'This Is It'

I have finally watched 'This Is It' on the big screen in KL on saturday. I wanted to watch while I was in Beijing but the ticket was too pricey. Since I came back to KL over the weekend I have decided to catch it before it ended yesterday.

I was blown away by the sounds and performance on the 2D or digital movie. It was so sharp that you felt Michael Jackson presence was so real. Each time at the end of each songs, I felt like applauding in my heart. By the way i saw a morning show, and there were only less than 10 of us in the cinema. I was told in a full pack cinema most people applauded every single song. At the same time, I felt sad, he was talented. Period. No arguments about that.

I do not know how they movie maker like to potray him on the set. But all I can tell he was very persistent to ensure everything will be perfect. He demanded a lot from his dancer, his backup singer, his concert director and down to sound system. His presence was so important that the concert director kept asking him, 'Is this what you want', or 'How do you feel Michael?'. Michael was definitely not shy making his wants clear.

I particularly like a scene when he turned away from a movie prop on the big screen. The director insisted how will he know when to start to sing or dance when he can't see the routine on the scene. Michael said, I just feel it! And that's exactly what we need today. Our feelings, it's gradually gone. We are so driven by money and how secure our future is, that we lost our feelings to people especially.

It was a rather touching movie or documentary for me. I wish he could have live longer and share his talent with us. Good bye Michael, thanks for the amazing talent.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Check out from hotel, so where to hide your valuable?

I checked out from the hotel in Brisbane today. I left my baggages with the concierge, however, I have my notebook and passport in a sport bag. Also, I have 7 hours before flying out of Brisbane.

To carry my bag around for shopping or walking around is too heavy. I found out a good way to put your bag away is to visit a casino. Fortunately, Brisbane has a casino in the center of the city. I went to the locker room, put in a 5AUD and I can keep it there for 5 hours! It's really convenient and solve my problems instantly.

I believe in many casinos they offered the same services. So next time after you checked out and no places to hide your valuables, remember the casino!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hello Beijing

I will be in Beijing next Monday onwards until Dec 2009. During this period of time in China, I would not able to access to my blog!

Due to the crackdown on sensitive discussion related to race and government in China, they have decided to stop the users to voice out in blog. After all, China is a communist country. You follow the laws that appears on the coin! No complaint.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Splurging at Gold Coast!

I am taking a short break in Gold Coast. This time I have decided to splurge in 2 restaurants recommended by friend and from review I read. Since there are so many budget airlines that goes to Gold Coast, I have decided to write this experience in this blog.

The first one is Donto Sapporo. I highly recommend this place if you are looking for ambience and very very authentic Nihon food. I ordered Tempura set which cost me AUD40. The portion was really huge, starting with starter like cawanmushi and warm pork salad. Then follow by a good portion of sashimi , and finally my Tempura like prawns, squid and vegies. It's really satisfying. On top of that, I tried their soft shell crabs and it's good too (a bit oily).

For full menu and price, you can visit

The second restaurant I went to il Barocco for seafood buffet at Palazo Versace! The resort is very beautiful. I read that this place was designed by the Donatella Versace and a room could cost up to 2K a night. However, during the recession now, it has gone down around 450AUD a night. Since I could not afford the room, I went to the buffet instead. Most of the furniture down to the tap has the Versace trademark! hehehe interesting. The buffet was very good deal and only cost 84AUD per person. It is a feast and sinful at the same time. The cold seafood was eye popping, and the dessert, oh gosh, I have to work that tummy off right now! You can make reservation through the site -

Ok so there you go, when you go to Gold Coast, give this 2 places a try!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Paranoid? or Street Smart?

I am walking around gold coast, when I saw somebody not walking straight or heard yelling from far, I will move across the other side of the road. I sensed I have better off avoid them before it's too late. Especially at night or wee hours in the morning, there are plenty of teenagers and adults were drunk.

Some just like to pick up a fight or to prove to his mates he is strong. When I told a friend what I did, he told me it's not worth living in fears or being paranoid. I guess I agreed to an extent however, we need to know too where we are heading into. If you are walking in a park in dark, or you see a group of teenagers was trying to be funny, will you walk straight into it, even if they may not be nasty?

I guess if you can pick up a fight with them, then I would, otherwise, it's not worth it!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Panvax for H1N1

I walked to a medical center today and seek their advise on Panavax. The Australian government is encouraging the nation to take the jab in preparation for the 2nd wave of swine flu where northern regions will experience winter very soon.

The vial is free, however, it's not for kids under 10 years old or anyone with strong allergy to egg. Also, after taking you may experience some flu or cold depending on your immune system.

I have asked some doctors if they will take it. However, some of them are refusing to take it themselves. I guess the doctor want to play safe too since this vaccine is very new! I am going to China next week, and will be away for some time. I guess I have to bite the bullet and take the jab!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Rio to host 2012 Olympic!

Wow Rio did it this time! The first time for South America! I always wanted to see Brazil, but I do not know when. I guess I heard too much negative things about Rio, where you get mugged easily.

Anyway, hope I will get there soon before Rio became expensive eh!

The Samoa and Sumatra

The earthquake and tsunami hits again on Oct 1, this time at Padang and Samoa respectively. I heard and saw the victims on the TV was lost and grieving for their lost ones.

This reminds me of my own experience in Beijing where the whole building was shook by the tremors and everyone was dashing out of the building. Some panic some was relax, but the whole experience make one re-assess what is important in the end. At the street level when everyone reached safely, they called their family to ensure they are safety. At least they are safe.

For some of those victims in Samoa and Sumatra would have a different experience. They felt loss and lost at the same time. Hopefully both place will able to re-construct soon with the aid of local and foreign aid.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

What's your contribution to this world??!!

As I am aging, I always asked myself what is my contribution to the world. Is what I am doing now a big deal to the world, or it's just a job??

I evaluated my strength, and how can I do with my capabilities. I derived, I am very Pat Gua (nosy), talkative, willing to study other people's problem (like dr love) and I have concluded, I will go back to school.

I may sign up when the time is right for Psychology course. I think I will enjoy doing it and once I graduated I can be a consultant as well. The course right now is 4 years for a bachelor degree.

What do you think you have contributed? Any plan?

Do you believe in fate??

I am not sure if fate exist, but sometimes you can't deny it. This happened to me and a college friend William. We both went to the same university during our younger years. From there we did not keep in touch very often, but we do know each other when we bumped into each other. After school and I went back to Malaysia and he lives in Melbourne, we practically did not write to each other.

The strange thing was over the years, I bumped into him in Malaysia, Sydney, Melbourne, and even Hong Kong where it's one of the busiest place in the world!!! Yesterday, when I went for dinner at the casino in Melbourne, I told myself I am not sure if I will bump into him again! And true enough when I walked into the food court, William's wife was calling up my name!! And both William and Karen so happened was sitting at the foodcourt deciding what's for dinner.

Isn't this strange??!! I guess the world is not so big after all.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

To Wong Foo .. Thanks for Everything! Patrick Swayze

Just like the movie title Patrick Swayze has starred in .. Thank you for everything. Patrick Swayze passed away yesterday at age 57. He may not be the grand star of all the superstar, however, I grew up in this generation watching 'Outsiders', 'Red Dawn', 'Dirty Dancing', 'To Wong Foo..' and 'Ghost'. At that time, like the young teenagers out there today, we were so hyper and will watch any movies which is a blockbuster. Patrick Swayze had definitely made a few during my era.

At the same time, I felt sad somebody in my era has passed away. A sign of old age (although not so old). When Patrick Swayze announced his fight with his illness, some reporters already ruled out he was dead because they have not seen him for a while. Now he is really dead, I guess the entertainment news can cash in with such a news. Isn't it funny, when we hope for speedy recovery, the media preferred the opposite.

Whatever, it is, thanks for everything Patrick Swayze, especially the classic movies of my era.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pad Thai Story!

Pad Thai is my favorite food in Thailand. It's basically thin flat noodles and is cooked with fish sauce, sugar, prawn or meat dependings on your liking. This week I am working in Bangkok with a colleague from India. Before lunch, he told me he went to a shop which is very nice and he wanted to take me there. However, I said to him I have a better idea! At the same time a local colleague told me he knows a new place and willing to show me the place during lunch time, but I rejected the offer because I really want to go back to my favorite place. I know this Pad Thai place for a while now, which serves very good quality Pad Thai.

Unfortunately, during lunch hour I found out my favorite Pad Thai place has been moved. The whole shop was taken down to make way for new constructions. We ended up having something else. The next day, my Indian colleague told me why don't we go to the place he ate 2 days ago. Now I rejected him, because I told him I have agreed to go out with the local colleague.

So today, when we walked to this new place introduced by my colleague, I found out 3 things.

1. This is the new shop selling PAD THAI!
2. This is the shop my Indian colleague ate 2 days ago, and nagging me to go!
3. This is the shop which is my favorite and moved to this new location!!

In the end, after all we are referring to the same PAD THAI SHOP!!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Missing client in Manila!

I was doing a review in Manila for the last 4 days. One of my client a Chinese-Filipino is being reviewed. She was not well and she has many things to present at the same time.

Today when I came to work, she didn't show up at office. Later, we found out she left office early this morning at 1am in the morning but she reached home as we had confirmed with the maid. The same morning, her maid saw her left the office and so was the husband. However, nobody saw her in the office today!

We were very concern now. We have called the families but nobody could tell where is she. We tried to call her hand phone but it was unreachable! Where can she be?? It has been 10 hours since somebody saw her.

The mystery is still unresolved .. we can only hope she can contact us asap!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The (mis)adventure @ a shopping mall in Manila

I am back in Manila again. This time, I have a colleague from Sydney with me. She wanted to explore Manila's culture and food. So we went out to GreenHills for bargain, and Market Market at Bonafacio for mid range local fashions.

When we arrived at Market Market, I noticed 2 men looks suspicious (intro level) but I just ignored them, thinking they may detected we are not locals (since me and my colleague speaks in chinese). We continue with our shopping, then we we reached level 4, again I saw the same men (suspicious level), this time they stare at us then they turn to each other and whisper to their ears. My kiasu (scare to lose) and kiasi (scare to die) radar arised!

I told my colleague about what I saw. Then I gave her a choice, do we still want to continue with the shopping. For me, this is just a warning level, but if we see them again for the third time, then we have to ESCAPE coz we are in dangerous level.

My colleague turned pale and her voice is shaky when she heard this. She told me she prefer to leave asap and never come back! What will you do? Will you wait till dangerous level and prove my theory is wrong??

Thursday, August 27, 2009

No shame on the country of origin!

I was chatting on the net with a colleague who will visiting Manila over the weekend. She was formerly a Malaysian gal now living in Sydney. This would be her first time in Manila, hence she asked if I can show her where to go when she's in the city.

The first time that came out from her mouth was 'Is Manila as ULU (backward) like Kuala Lumpur'?? I was taken aback and shot back saying 'Is KL very ULU'? I am not sure why I said that but probably I have been to places more ulu than KL!

However, it seems that's the trend (may not be all of them), that those newly migrant would have this idea. They have the tendency to look down at their own country and feel it was a mistake living there.

I understand all the politics big hoo haaa and the mess everyone has created in the country, but at the end of the day, if I ask myself, I am still a Malaysian Boy deep in my heart! All my living memories since I was young started with this country. I do not think the country is as bad as many other countries who practise ethnic cleansing. Malaysia is still a very liveable country (minus the human greed and political greed).

Anyway, Happy Merdeka day Malaysia!

Monday, August 24, 2009

World Peace? Yeah Right!

We all hope there is a world peace where everyone will become tolerant and nice to each other. Help each other out and be understanding. How nice if we could become like that. But THINK Again!

Here is my story, you tell me how will get a peace in mind! Beginning of this month, our home in KL has setup a committee. There was a growing concerns on break in our area hence, the committee decided to setup a guarded area in our compound. To achieve this they need to get people to sign up and pay on time. Most of us agree to this!

However, it turns ugly lately. When it comes to paying time, the neighbors got offended and scolded the collector as if they are "loan shark". Then for those who did not pay they complaint lack of freedom and they think it's the police's job. Hence they refused to pay a cent!

Just yesterday I heard, when the guard setup a gate with a blocker near their house, they complaint it's bad feng shui. Another neighbor screamed to the committee saying the guards threw rubbish in their area and they are not happy at all. However, there are more and I could not cerita (tell) you here all at one go!

So tell me where got world peace? This world is full of greed! If you give them money they will welcome with all their limbs, when you want to take something from them in exchange with security, they will calculate every single cent to make it worth what they pay. And some even worse, leave them alone, they do not want to have a single participation in this neighborhood.

May the creator bless the human in this planet!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The twist to the property ...

I was about to sign the contract and place my deposits. I knew all along my friends and relatives in Sydney has not comment a word, eventhough I told them the place I wanted and the price. Hence I want to do one last round of check if I made the right choice.

First, I asked my aunt, then my friend who lives very near to this property, and then 2 colleagues at office! Almost all of them did not like the idea!! They told me to rethink because it's is very very pricey for a 1 bedroom! Also, with that price, few suburbs away I could find a 2BR!

I asked myself last night. Do I like the area - Yes! Is it pricey - Yes! Can I stay in a further suburb with 2 BR - Yes! Can I give up the Glam Factor in expensive North Shore's suburb - Urrm probably Not!

Decision, decision! I have to re-think! Sigh.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The piece of land at St Leonards ....

Below is the piece of land where my apartment will be built. It's placed between a railway track and a park. The one I could afford is nearest to River road corner.

Monday, August 10, 2009

IPOD .. listen while u r sitting down!

Yesterday in the Sydney news, for IPOD owner who walk in front of the car listening to an IPOD will be imposed with a fine. It will cost you AUD 100 per fine!

I am just wondering, then what's the point?? IPOD is design for mobility reason. If this is happening, does that mean I can only listen to my IPOD while I am sitting down??!!

Isn't this abit ridiculous? There are many non safety things happening everyday. At the end of the day, it's how much you should be alert even without an IPOD turned on!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

My mega investment in Sydney .... here is the story .. bye bye Bally bye bye holidayssssss!

Over the weekends, I have been hunting for a property around Sydney. I wanted somewhere which is prime, and if I have decided to go back to Malaysia, I can either sell it or rent it out. However, in Sydney rite now due to government grant (motivate more buyers) the race for a property is kinda crazy. The million dollars houses have come down but not those middle income's properties.

I saw a few I thought I like but within a week, these properties was snapped! Then I came across this property in St Leonards, which is very near to my office and train station. I saw the completed Phase 1, however for Phase 2 is only ready in mid 2011. So basically I am buying off the plan.

I check on the developer with the locals here and they seems to be reputable. And visited the location twice and immediately I think it's a very good and quite area. I have even visited friend's apartment a 2BR in a more working class suburbs, however, they quality and ambience is really different. You have to be there to experience it.

I have to decide to place a 10% deposit n 14 days from now. And I won't have to pay till mid 2011 when completed. I was thinking to myself, even if later I change my mind I still can re-sell it especially this land is prime as well.

And the price, yes the price, is AUD 475K for 1 bedroom and 1 car space on the 3rd floor. It's considered steep, however, the units around this suburb cost as much as well. The next step, I have to go and ask a solicitor to check on the contract before I commited!

The apartment -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Nose to nose the Kiwi style!

I got into Auckland, New Zealand last night. It was very cloudy and then follow by light rain. I was told Auckland is a rather wet place. The weather was not too bad around 8'C to 18'C during the day.

The city seems to be a very quiet city. Not many high rises, a lot of greens and it's near the water. The place looks rather relaxing and more lay back compare to Sydney. This is true too when I came to work today and my client did not turn up - at all. I was told last minute she was sick and decided not to come in. However, there is no courtesy to inform me, and I flew all the way to see them.

My friend who lives in Auckland told me that's their style. Lay back and take things easy. I guess it's a good place to retire compare to Australia :)) Also, it's much easier to gain a permanent residency too. I noticed there were many European communities such as French or German or even Indians who lives around Auckland too. Quite colorful instead.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The protest in KL .. the broadcast in OZ

Last night I was cooking at home and then I noticed a familiar street on the news. The streets was filled with angry people, and the LRT was operating at the overhead of these protesters. Then the view changed to a group of protesters calling out God's name and justice. Later a messy scene of polices pushing the protesters and try to catch some of them for detention or questioned. One word, it's not a good news!

Apparently, the protesters wanted Internal Security Act(ISA) to be abolished as it was inhumane. I do not know who is right or wrong. In my opinion, the previous government was a bit too insensitive, and people reacted strongly to it. However, these days the oppositions will nag on any small matters and they do not trust the rules or court in Malaysia when a big case is brought to a court.

Net of it, what do you want?? The govt and the oppositions has not come to a level where both can accept each other. For me, both wanted too much! It's a lose lose situation. For those who watched the TV, at this moment they do not feel safe in KL at all. What a shame.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Apartment hunting!

Over the weekend I have been hopping from one estate agent to another to look for a affordable apartment for myself. Ideally I wanted a 2 bedroom and with good rental returns later.

However, a 2 BR in the city will cost AUD 500K above, while in a quiet suburn (40mins train ride to city) will cost 400K below. I am now in a dilemma if I should stick to somewhere near city but most probably I could only afford a 1BR instead.

I was trying to convince myself, probably one step at a time, get an affordable one, later if opportunities arises again, I can change to a 2BR unit. If I end up with a 1BR then I need to make sure my kitchen and guest hall is big so I can convert to a bedroom if there are guests. Probably I should start charging as well!

Properties in Sydney is overpriced! Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it at all.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Free Lunch cum Takeaway!

Yesterday morning I went for yum cha (dim sum) with a friend from Melbourne. Since he came down to Sydney for visiting, I thought I buy him lunch. Also he was staying with a friend during his visit.

However, this friend of mine always complaint he has not many friends. And he do not know why! He knew he was demanding, but he just don't know why.

To cut the story short, after the yum cha asking for bill, he told me he needs to do take away for his friend. So he told the waiter a list of things he wants to pack away. And in the end, he assumed I will pay everything and which I did pay.

Well I wonder if my friend is aware, all this while he only loves taking advantages of other people. All these small calculative move really makes him unpopular, even if he dressed up to the 9th. It does not need Ah Kwai (rocket scientist) to tell you why you are not popular at all! Duh!

Human Selfishness ..

I always think human are born selfish .. at least so far with those people I have interacted including myself. I do not know how to deny this. Recently there was a reported case went to an extreme. It opened my eye how selfish human can really be.

If you may have read the news 2 weeks ago, a 21 year old teen was lost in Blue Mountain for 12 days. He was found alive by the search party including his dad. And just yesterday, there was a big spat between the father and son. The father accused the son for not sharing the money which he will get from tell all tale on the television network. He was only given the money for his transport to Blue Mountain and beer money he treated the search party.

The father commented, He is not the son he hope to find! Urrm can you believe what he has just said? I really think money and power is the root of all evil. The temptation is so strong, we are all blinded with them and became so selfish. Who is right or wrong, it does not matter. I can only say, selfish is everywhere and nobody can stop it.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I was in the Malaysian airlines the other day. I have been always a non fan of MAS. However, I have not lodge any complaints to the company at all. Not sure if it's out of patriotism or shameful.

I always noticed most of the male or female air stewardess are not careful with their choices of words. The moment they open their mouth, you can sense most of them tends to be an authoritarian. They made remarks in local language when they are not happy with the passengers. Usually this can be overheard when you sit near the kitchen. I wonder how can they become professional when they love to complain with what they are doing.

For example, on the latest observation I had. A westerner in front of me asking for a vegetarian dish where she did not order before she board the plane. Naturally, the air steward do not have any for her. The lady made some comment and I guess the air steward felt tickled. Just before we land, the air steward walked around handling survey form to the passengers for feedback. Somehow, not many people willing to fill up one, but the western lady volunteered. When the air steward explain the procedures, he said something, Madam, please comment on our services. You can put in anything you like. If you don't like me you can even write it down! I felt so ashamed with that kind of comment from my fellow countrymen. I felt he just like to rub it on and forgetting he is in a service industry! MAS oh MAS, when will you grow up!

Education? What education???

Since I was young, my parents kept telling me education is the key to success. We need to educate ourselves well so we are prepared for the world. We struggles, burnt midnight oil during exams, and compete with other students to stay on top or afloat in my case.

However, now in Sydney I discovered the trend. I discovered those school dropout who ended up as train master, garbage collector, mechanics, land mower and other odd jobs could earned as much as a university students! It's even better if they expanded their skills and open up a company, they can even owned a few houses. Now, is education important??

I am not sure what I have been told are valid anymore. Moreover, in the past, the government here did not fund a lot for education, and it's always take a back seat. I noticed more and more school kids are lured to these odd jobs since having a paper qualification may not end up being rich!! How can I disagree in this case??

Well dear parents? What will you tell your next generation?? Beats me!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lost and found in the malaysian cabs

I was on my way to airport leaving for sydney this morning. My regular cabbie showed his new handphone and asked me to guess the price he has paid. Later I found out he only paid 40% of the retail price. I was so curious and asked how did he get it.

Later he told me he got from other drivers who picked the lost item from their car. He even asked me to name any model I want. Within 1 or 2 mouths he will get it for me. Amazing.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Jakarta hit by bomb .. again!

The breaking news this morning shown at BBC network over a pair of explosion happened at 2 luxury hotel in Jakarta. One of them is in Marriot hotel which was hit few years back. Jakarta in fact is one of my favorite destination for food and culture. The country has very thick cultures and one of a unique country to visit.

The location of the hotels are in fact a very busy area with a shopping mall nearby. The traffic in this area usually are pretty bad and during rush hour it can become a parking lot. However, with this news now, it has saddened me because I may not travel there for work for a while. For holiday, I am sure I can but will be on constant alert. The worries will linger in our mind for a while.

The smile in India

When I am walking on the street you can tell if the city is filled with warm people. I noticed there is a different in North (Delhi) and South (Bangalore) of India these day. When I am in the south of India, people will smile at you on the street or they will giggle when they don't understand you. You can tell they are shy and welcome you as a foreigner.

While on the north, I can felt the ice cold stares filled with pride in their eye. You can feel there is competitions around like who is more powerful. I can feel this even at work. I asked a colleague today if my experience is valid, and he told me you are right .. the smile in Delhi has gone.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Laundry story at New Delhi ...

As you may already know if you read my earlier blog, I am in New Delhi now, staying in this cosy hotel. The setting and the ambience in the entire hotel is really really jaw dropping.

Anyway long story short. Yesterday morning, I rang the housekeeping for an iron and a board. They ran out of iron, so they agreed to iron the 2 shirts for me. I called the guest services and told them I left it on the bed.

At the end of the day when I came back to check my 2 shirts, it looked like it was given a full laundry treatment, and not only that, I left a bag of dirty laundry inside the cupboard not meant for laundry has been serviced as well. Then come the surprise part, it has a big bill along with all these laundry!

I rang the duty manager and I started complaining because it seems the instructions given was totally misinterpreted. In the end the manager has removed the charges in my bill but will have further investigations!

I am sure somebody will get into trouble with this, but will you pay for somebody's incompetency? I don't mind if it's a small bill but this is not the case!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Shanghai Tang Shirt

I walked into an airport shop selling Shanghai Tang's clothing. I got myself a shirt with mandarin collar and knotted button. I wore it to work in India, and it was a headturner! Hmmm not bad not bad but it does cost me a bomb!

Ever wonder how does a room in India which cost USD350 per night looks like?

Here you go, this is in Leela Kempinski Gurgoan, which officially opened on 12 July, 2009.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Bahasa versus English

In Malaysia the national language is Bahasa Malaysia. There is no doubt each of the Malaysian should be taught at school. However, the recent spat on Math and Science has created so much illogical or puzzles among the people. Seven years ago, the education ministry agreed to convert the 2 subjects from Bahasa to English, and just a week ago, the ministry converted it back to Bahasa again. The main reason was because since the 2 subjects was changed to English, the percentage of passing rate has dropped.

All I can say for now really, time will tell. Many argued the teachers are not qualified enough to teach in English causing big gaps in many rural areas where Bahasa is their day in and day out lingual. However, isn't that English is a business tool in the business world today? Even if you work with the Arabs or Middle Eastern, they will not use Bahasa too. So what is important at the end of the day? Patriotism or Knowledgeable and Ready nation outside of Malaysia?

I don't think by giving up 2 subjects to English will affects any love to the country. The love is given to the country when the government has manage the country effectively and efficiently. When you gain respect, the nation will gives in, then patriotism will flows in. I don't mind learning Bahasa, but I mind how well I am equipped for the world the children has to confront.

Monday, July 6, 2009

H1N1 .. getting paranoid!

Everyday at work, I have received numerous hint from colleagues, that since I am traveling, I should be quarantined at home. This is to avoid any possible of spreading H1N1. I think I agree with them if I am not well, however, the media, the news and the talk among the people has create this paranoia among the people.

After my trip from Manila, I was indeed fell sick, however, it was a cold rather than H1N1. The problem was people do not believe it, they insist it was. I wonder if it makes them feel better if I tell them I was a carrier. In fact I told some of my colleagues this.

Well, if you are traveler, and after you come back and infected, usually after a few days, somebody in your family will fall sick too. The first symptom is a very very high fever. If you do not have this symptom, even the hospital will not test you.

Today, somebody in our office was a positive H1N1 victim, the news create more panic. A colleague who is a mother, started to ask me a series of question, for all you know her daughter only has a sore throat. The hospital did not test her and ask her to go home, but she is still not satisfy. And has been talking about it over and over unless her daughter was tested.

I think H1N1 is not so serious and will kill you just like that. Human mind does drive one to crazy and do silly things.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Tiok H1N1 Flu? (Affected by H1N1 flu?)

I came back from Manila exactly a week ago. I came back without feeling unwell, in fact I went to office on Monday (1st day) and had lunch with Mel, Dragon and Ringgit. I remembered after lunch I told them I came back from Manila which is one of the affected H1N1 area, they hold their breath in the car looking like dead corpses! Mel said usually parents are greedy because they need to protect their love ones.

Anyway, on Thursday itself (4th day)I starting to have running nose. Hence I decided to stay home and work from home. Just when I thought it was just an allergy, then following on (6th day) I have headache, and sore throat. I couldn't sleep at night and started to feel very cold.

Then that's where I told myself, I need to check myself into a hospital for screening. I went through a series of test and they had put me in an isolation rooms. They had even questioned me who I have contacted and my flight details on last Sunday. I gave all the information, and immediately, like a tsunami, nurses and a doctor went to examine me. I waited for 1 hour .. and the doctor called up the Epidemic control center for a discussion. Anyway, this is my H1N1 experience. It wasn't fun!

For those who has in contact with me for the past 7 days .. you need to find the answer posted in June 2008. I do not want to create any panick and bad reputation to myself !!!!! Those not affected, you don't need to know!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Goodbye .. Michael Jackson

The headline said 'Michael Jackson dead at 50'! I was thinking to myself, does it mean it's the ultimate end of his pop career or he was really dead?? As I read all the sources in the net, finally it was confirmed Michael is dead, due to cardiac arrest. He has sold out concerts beginning next month! Unbelievable.

I still remembered when he came to Malaysia, I met him twice. Once when we were shopping at 1Utama and he showed up at Toysaurus. He was buying toys for the kids at the orphanage home. There were human fence everywhere and the crowd went gaga over him. We tried to shake his hand, at least try to shake his diamond glove :P

The second occassion was his concert itself in Kuala Lumpur. I went there with Ringgit and his friend. It was drizzling, but the performance blew my mind away. Up to date, I can attest to you, there is no one performer who has such a good showmanship like he did!

I hope for those who loathe Michael, your wish has come true. I wish you can continue to function with your life without any problems with yourself or people around you. For me, thank you Michael, thank you for the memories ..

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

On and Off

Yesterday while I was having lunch, a colleague commented to me, if I have noticed in the company we are working, there are many ex-colleagues who left the company and return as a regular employee again. I can sense there was anger in his tone. I believe I will feel the same.

We have been working for the same company almost all our life. We see people who chose to walk out of the company because of better pay or career. We don't anticipate they will come back. Funny thing is, when they lost their job elsewhere or they can't blend in other companies, they start asking for a job in our company again!

The best thing they got the job!!! And probably at a higher pay and a better position!!! I wonder what is the rationale behind all these. I had asked the human resource department and apparently there are large number of people who came back especially now when the business wasn't stable out there. Sometimes life has full of things that makes you go hmmmmmm??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Bodyguard in Manila

I signal to an in coming cab heading my way! I told him where I wanna go and he agreed to go to my destination. During my trip back to hotel, as usual, we had small talk, and later I found out he was driving cab as part timer only. His actual profession is a body guard. His previous boss who is a businesman has gone back to China and he lost his job.

He then went on telling me his experience, and most of the target for the kidnappers are mostly Chinese, American or British. In fact in Manila, the richest guy is a Chinese-Pinoy. Naturally, most of his bosses were from these countries and money was good. He explained that usually the kidnappers will study their target before they take any action. They will tail you see where you shop, where you hangout, basically to evaluate if you are worth the price and willing to pay the ransom!

After listening to him, I have decided to go to fastfood, wear simple tee-shirt, and do not shop at expensive areas! Keep it low may avoid all these unnecessary worries!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Kiasu Tips # 11 : Reliable cab in Manila

Everytime when I visit Manila, my colleagues local Filippino or foreigners would advise me not to take the private cab on the street. There are few big cab companies, however, I tried and the line is always busy. While the hotel cabs are extremely expensive.

Hence I tried to ask the local for tips on how catch a reliable cab. One told me to look at their face and if they look decent, then you may board!

I have a different view! It's very hard to look at the cab driver's face while you are trying to stop them. What you can do is to look in front of their dash board. If you see an idol such as the Cross or Virgin Mary, my bet is the risk is lower! After all, at least they are religious and so far my conversation with these drivers were decent and honest!

Monday, June 15, 2009

The Stalker ... Part II

I am still in Manila. I went to a supermarket to get some snacks and instant noodle in case I am hungry at late night. I was tired from work, and strolling slowly aisle by aisle listening to a pop song playing loudly in the supermarket.

As my eye was fixed to a box of Green Tea trying to doing a mind math converting back to my currency .. there is a tap on my shoulder. A total stranger! Smiling widely and he said hello, shook my hand and I said to him .. Do I know you? You may have mistaken who I am. He then said, it's me, the door man at the hotel! I had changed to a tee shirt. At the back of my mind, urrm have I noticed you before?? He said he opened the door for me everyday when I leave and come back to the hotel. He then asked how long will I stay in the hotel. I was very reserved but providing very limited information of myself.

He went on explaining why he was done so early today. He was busy shopping for his boy's birthday and will go celebrating tonight. I said to him say 'Happy Birthday' to him and have a nice evening. Then he said can you give me some tips so I can buy ice cream for my boy! Here I am, I don't even know him and the guy asking money from me. One part of me I felt bad because he's trying to get something for his boy, the other half of me told me he is a total stranger who knows me!! Should I give him the tips or shouldn't I??!!! Anyway, I won't tell you what I did next ... but I felt stalked! I think I need to move out from this hotel with all my might! Creepy!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The stalker in Manila

I came to Manila a week ago for some reviews. The weather is wet and humid most of the time. Due to some security reasons we are required to take the hotel's cab to the airport or to the office.

Usually during my trip in the cab, I will be start asking things like where can i get cheap DVDs or the place I must visit around Manila. My cabbie is called Butch has been very helpful and filled me with information.

Things are getting out of hand when Butch starting to "probe". He will ask where do I come from, or what's the salary difference in Manila and the country we come from, or where do I want to go during weekends. I did express my interest to visit the volcanic mountain at Tagatay about 4 hours from Manila.

One day I decided to take a public cab to the DVD shops near Manila with the concierge's help. Immediately on the next day Butch told me he knew I went there! It seems the concierge has been talking to these drivers. I started to feel uneasy. Then when we are near to weekend, Butch was trying to sell very hard on the Tagatay trip. I was trying to be nice and said I have to check with my other colleagues if they are interested. I will inform him if I want to go but for now I don't plan to go! (try to be politically correct) However, Butch tried to find out what time I go to work and what time I will meet my colleagues. Then try to estimate what time I will call him and he insisted he needs to know before 11am!

The whole thing was getting into my nerves, I felt like being stalked! The driver is trying to monitor my movement from going to DVD shop down to what I will do over the weekend! I understand most of the people here do not have big salary so they are drives to the brink of desperation. As far as I know for today onwards, I told the hotel, I need to change my driver!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Indian students in Australia

For the last 2 nights, the Indian students has been protesting and acting like a vigilante on the streets causing some commotion. The reason was because the students are very upset being bashed by the white. They claimed they were being a target of curry bashing due to rascism! The matter got escalated to the parliament in India and Australia.

Come to think about it, I am not sure anymore when do you call somebody a racist. First of all, during my college years, we the chinese got bashed before. However, these were due to some robberies but it's not just on students, it can be anyone who is an easy target.

Now, the students demanding the government provide security to them!! I started to wonder, are we talking about rights now? This is paid by taxpayer? Thanks to the greedy shanty colleges, I think this problem will never end, and neither I agree the taxpayer should pay for putting securities for this matter. To me rascism is everywhere including our very own countries. Ask yourself.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

United ?

Everyday when I was walking around the cities or even at work, I noticed how people look at you. Some uses their nose to look at you, some with their head, and some seems to looking through you as if you are made of glass. I begin to feel we can’t approach anyone else on the street very soon. Most of them seem to carries this ‘air’ with them.

However, in Japan or even Korea, I noticed a big difference. The locals bow to each other, they even greet to each other on the street when they need something. In another word, it seems more approachable than the people I deal with in my own country. They show respect to their own countrymen.

I think at the end of the day, we always wonder, why certain countries are so united while some has so many problems. In my opinion, I come to realise that’s simply we don’t respect each other anymore. I tend to see people who like to look down at others even for their very own race. We heard so much complaint about racism everywhere. But have anyone ever asked; have your respect yourself, or your countrymen or even strangers on the street, before you expect others to respect you? Next time when you see at least to your own countryman, try to say ‘hi’ or smile to them. There is nothing to be shameful, if you are shameful where you come from, then please explain how you expect the others will give you their respect!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Direct translation ... duh!

When I was in Beijing, everytime when I boarded a cab there will be an automated machine which will say something like 'Thank you for taking Beijing taxi'. Basically the local will try to translate word by word from Chinese to English, hence it sounded a bit funny.

Anyway, this happened to a relative of mine in Beijing. At the airport he needed to withdraw money from the ATM. He walked up the ATM and put in his foreign ATM card. After a few seconds, a female voice spoken out from the machine and my relative making a a mild whispering to the machine! The line at the back was wondering what went wrong. The whispering continues and can be overheard.

Later, we found out the machine actually said something like 'Please tell me your password'. (Directly translated but the meaning became distorted). So my relative actually thought it was voice recognition and telling the machine his password over and over again!!! What the machine actually meant was to key in your password onto the pad!

Migration..who said it's tough?!

During my trips back and forth to Sydney and Melbourne airport, I have seen some changes. The cab drivers, lately I have seen so many BEEP (certain nationality which I like to censor here) has became drivers instead. Then I started to question myself, how did they come here in the first place?

When I was applying for my migration, it was a pretty tough thing to do. I have to justify my skills and knowledge before they considered to take you in. In another words, tonnes of paperwork and justifications. So how come, the cab drivers here came with their families, seems so easy?!!! Something is not right I told myself.

I then learnt from an old friend who worked for a university. She told me there were various ways, it seems there were some illegal ways, as long as you are willing to pay! And also, some came here to study a college (a lousy college to be exact), and once graduate they apply for a PR!

So I was telling myself, it's not really at hard as I thought!!! Is it the system's gap which has causes this? I don't know, but I know the cities are swarmed with BEEP.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Kiasu Tips # 10: Where to surf in Australia?

In the city of Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane? Need to find a free hotspot for surfing? As you may know there isn't many free things in Sydney! However, you can find the link below provides the good free stuffs! Check it out before you visit the cities!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Couple

Last week when I was in Melbourne, I made a dinner arrangement with my ex schoolmate Will and Karan. They are now happily married with 2 kids. When I arrived at the lobby of their apartment, Will and Karan came down to greet me, then as we walked into the lift, they looked at each other hoping one of them carry the key to the lift and room. However, both of them did not carry, as they were taking things for granted - he or she will carry the keys.

There is no backup key kept anywhere else especially to their room. Will started to feel agigated and then panicked and wasn't very happy at Karan. He started preaching how many times he has told her not to be so careless and went on and on! I can felt the tense between the 2 of them while we were standing in the lift. But what surprises me was, Karan remained calm, in fact she didn't rebuke and she just smile. Then later when Will calmed down, Karan kinda admitted both of them were at fault and should not take things for advantage.

I believe most couple has experienced the same scenario before. However, I think what Karan does did work, in fact Will admitted later - the 2 couple has to have certain traits to work hand in hand in their relationship. The whole scenario in the lift can turned out to be worst than I expect, however, the couple was so natural in handling the issues. Hence if the couple has similar behavior or traits, I believe it make it harder to handle.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Does samaritan really exist??

We always believe to look after ourselves first before other least for the chinese. When people try to be helpful or nice to you, sometimes we feel fear instead of thankful. We just can't trust anyone!

I was walking around Victoria Market in Melbourne yesterday under a gloomy cloud of cold winter. This place has a lot of arts and neat stuffs which I can learn and try to make it at home :))

Along the shops or at the five foot lane, you will see a few homeless sitting on the street. Usually people will walk passed them as if they did not exist. For me I was walking passed McDonald, there this middle age homeless man sitting there sketching some gothics figures. Although it's gothic but you can see it's really not bad, he has talents! He has a small container hoping people will drop some money for him. I can only tell you at least I didn't give him any money, in fact I was scared. I am not sure if he is psycho where he will stand up and scream at you for giving him less!

Anyway, on my way back I bumped into him on the street again continuing with his sketches. A young lady, walked near him, and asked him, "Are you hungry?". Then she handed over a wrap, which I believe is food, to him. He said "Yes", then smile like a little kid, and thanks the lady.

I actually felt bad right after that. I think I had formed this opinion that he is a psycho path and do not need any of my help. So instead I can choose to be a samaritan, I chose to ignore. Kudos to the young girl who has the compassion and guts. What about you ? What will you do?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Kiasu Tips # 9 : Magic Vest

It;s winter in Sydney now, and when you found your working shirts have creases and you ran out of time to iron them. Easy! Put on a vest on top of your shirt. Then don on a jacket over your shirt .. Ta Dah .. you look as neat as a cat. Bye bye to ironing .. phew!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The teacher story ...

Early of the year, I went up to Gold Coast to attend a friend's wedding. There I met a lovely couple who gave me a lift in their car to the wedding reception. The husband of this couple actually works as a teacher. Knowing the kids are so hard to handle these days I wonder how can he cope.

To my horror, I discovered some of the things he could not do especially in the high school especially when you are a male teacher. There are some rules he will follow strictly to avoid any complications. For example, going to a toilet, if he saw 2 female students around the area and if he is alone, he will not go to the toilet. He needs to bring a colleague along to be a witness. According to him, male teacher got trapped by the students who dislikes them by claiming the teacher has molested them!!! This is soooo ridiculous when I heard it.

Also, when a female student hold you arms or hand, he has to gently decline them by moving away from them. There are so many things he has to pay attention to before he became a prey. I could not believe what this world has became. I am not sure in other city, but this happened here in Sydney. When we are young we respect our teacher and we are well disciplined. Today, the students can be so spiteful and revengeful. I totally agree, becoming a teacher especially if you are male is so difficult!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ringgit has a little penny now!

One of my reader Ringgit has became a proud father of a baby girl. I emailed Ringgit asking how he felt at this moment. He replied with his I-Phone, quoting, Worried, Excited, Tired!

Oh well Ringgit, Congratulations and hope you sleep well.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Driving in Sydney .. stress!

I was sitting on a cab. The street is narrow and cars are moving very fast. If you plan to turn to left or right into another lane, you got to do it fast, or else, the car behind will honk you like a mad dog! That's how stressful it is I find driving in Sydney.

I noticed the people here like to talk about their rights, from office to work! If its their road and if you are blocking them, some will even show you the finger sign. Worst still, there are also Mat Rempit here (The bikies). They have been many groups of mat rempit but usually formed by the same cultural background. Sydney is a multi racial cities, however, it has many problem of it owns. The gang from different cultures and background seems to be making headlines on the news!

I just hope when I drive one day on the road, they will just leave me alone. Probably the P plate is a good thing to put up! At least they know you will be slow and will avoid you rather than competing with you!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Favortism .. how blind you can be!

I was looking through my emails and I noticed some of the names which I had dealt or communicated before in the past. These people has gone up really far up at the corporate ladders. However, as far as my memory goes, these people has the tendency to look down at those staffs that work below them. They are very good in managing up, sucking up, slurping up or making the people above and beyond very happy. When it comes to work, he will passed all the dirty job to the people below him.

At one point, I was very impressed, that how blind the people on top can be. All we have is a person who can really talk and his operation is a postman! Collect and post! His knowledge is at surface but he could talk like he knows everything. BS!

Those people who is his favorite will survive and those he couldn't be bothered, will be moved out. Really sometimes, it's not about how hardworking or how capable you are in your job. The nett of it is how can you click with your boss! Mo Money? Plenty! Integrity? Who cares for these people, for all you know they don't need it.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The 70s and 80s kids

I had a conversation with an ex school mate last night. She is a finance controller for a well respected company. We just catch up to talk about our work and our former school mates.

She also told me her problem with the people she has hired, especially the 80s kids. Most of the kids before 80s were bruised. They had gone through tough time and their parents usually come from medium and below kind of family. The parents may not provide all the things he or she could afford to their kids. The kids grew up pretty independent and learn to survive.

When it comes to 80's and beyond, these newly survived and successful parents, do not wish their children to have the similar sufferings they went through in the past. Hence they gave them the best from education down to food. What is get in the end is usually an end product of a very demanding kid.

I think there are truth to what she is saying. At work I can tell the level of mentality the younger generation. They have different expectations and they always want to have the best lifestyle. Anyway, I am not sure if this is a good things. Is this a better life?

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine flu grips the world

The swine flu has wiped out at least 81 people in Mexico and spreading fast like a wild fire. Some countries already have possible infections such as US and New Zealand. This is really scary, but at the same time, this put every human at test again. They have to let go of their attentions on greed and their ego, but focus to stop this flu from spreading anymore further!

When this news was announced, it reminded me of the movie 'Watchmen'. When the world is trying to destroy each other with money and power, a very powerful force diverted all their attentions and there will be sacrifices! But of course, I hope this world will be a better place for human with less ego, but I don't hope there are sacrifices in this case.

Personally I had experienced SARS and it's very awful. There are no trust between human and human or even among your families. Nobody knows who is the carrier, and a single cough could trigger a panic! I hope this will not happen or else it will add to our stress to this current financial crisis. Let's 'sembahyang', pray, 'nim gen'g or 'pai san' together for good health.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Its humid and hot in Jakarta when I arrived. The airport is one of my favorite. By just looking at the airport instantly you can tell how thick the cultures in Indonesia. The architecture of the airport just amazed me somehow.

I have a colleague was working with me in this trip. It was his very first trip to Jakarta. Later of the day he told me some of the sight along the airport was like India (where he came from). This is not like Singapore the modern city, where I can sensed where his comparison is coming from.

Well, no doubt Singapore is very clean and convenient in many ways comparing to many ASEAN cities. I have other thoughts. To me I believe in strong culture in our way of living such as mannerism, architecture, the food, the people and etc. When I saw hawkers food on the street side I can relate instantly the way of living here. The interactions with the local makes you aware what they believe and practise. Its their budaya!

I have nothing against more advance countries, however, modern cities are losing their cultures. I am glad these cultures were maintained and not destroyed or forgotten in the coming generations.

Next time if the person tell you how modern other cities are, you can tell them we are richer in many ways and it does not have to be the highest or expensive buildings. Sometimes money could not buy certain things. Once lost you will never get it back!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Uncertainties ...

I was on the phone with Bob today. Bob helps me to print materials for my presentation. He is in his late 40s I guessed. He is very helpful, positive and very good in his work. He will followed up all the work even it's a smallest task he ever has. Sometimes, I will get him a box of Krispy Kreme donut for his hardwork. He rang me today to ask me how I would like to organise the materials. After we got down the format, he told said, 'I just like to tell you I may longer working here in May'. 'And in case you need to print more in the future, you need to inform the person in advance'. Usually Bob sounds very upbeat and positive, but today, his tone was more like 'lost'.

I asked Bob, 'Do you still like what you are doing?' He said, 'Yeah of course'. 'Then why don't you find out who is the replacing company and tell them how good you are with this work and you can continue to service', I said. 'I don't know right now, but I know who is going to replace me', Bob said. He will know his fate by end of this month.

I feel sad after having this conversation with him. I may not know him very well, but I can sensed that defeated tone. I told him I hope to see him if before (if he ever have to) he goes. He said, 'Sure see you soon'. I really hope he will able to stays on.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I was there but you are not!

Just few days after the protest has been dispersed in Bangkok, the government has lifted the curfew for the city. As for myself I had cancelled my business trip. However, just yesterday I spoken to a friend and he is flying into the city today. I asked if it's wise to go in now after all these mess. He replied saying it's already over and he is ready to fly in for his vacation.

I was thinking to myself, is this really nothing or is it me who is being Kiasi (scared to die)? Somehow, I really couldn't figure out why would they do this? Was it because they are proud to announce to the world, we are just being a loser? I am sure the city will become calmer and under controlled, however, feelings in human right now may not change as yet. I guess I go by how and what the sentiment in the city right now before I decide to travel.

To all my friends who goes against the odds. Take care and good luck. Don't say I didn't warn you. If anything happen, I am very envy, I guess that's what you want to hear from me :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Songkran and Bangkok chaos.

This week is Songkran week a traditional festival where people in Thai will splash each other with water. However, this week, instead of water, you see red supporter of ex PM Takshin hurled homemade bomb or stones on the government troops.

I am suppose to fly to Bangkok next week, and with this news, mostly likely I will postpone my trip. I am not a political analyst, and neither do I want to make any comment on either yellow or red shirt supporters. Really, these are the country's internal problem. However, I can only see the impacts which are becoming for Thailand. The tourist industry will go down for sure and investors will run as fast as they could in the end. Any political unrest would lead to all these backlashes to the country's economy. And especially now, the global crisis is revealing in many forms, this is really not a good time to be in this situation.

However, neither do we know how this problem will stop. I could only pray and hope, the people and the world show some compassion in order to see the truth. Without compassion mind, neither parties could see and resolve the issue with the right mind.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alladin and his magic lamp!

Long long time ago, I met Alladin who is a direct sellers for their magic lamp. The business is call direct selling. The lamps are usually cost around RM1000 over (USD 200) and for limited edition it can cost much much more! The Alladin made soo much money by getting people to join him and promise the business would make them richer and richer.

In order to make other people envy or jealous, Alladin even bought the carpet called Mercedes by cash! Eventually many people has joined, and some of them are really not rich. They put so much "hope" to the lamp business and could change their fate. I have even came across some of these new investors are commoners who sells fish and vegetables to meet their end. They got attracted when they is a new business opportunties to them.

What tickle me was, Alladin is collecting all these money and make more money. Its basically a pyramid scheme. And lately Alladin has quit he has become an financial analyst in a firm. However, the poor remain poor and the money has been pocketed by Alladin and other Ali BaBa.

Morale of the story, the intention of Alladin is really dishonest. And I hope people who read this realised what they are investing in direct selling before committing!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kiasu Tips # 8 : Stop Gossiping

It has been my last 2 years resolution to stop gossiping on others! Recently, I make myself aware when I was about to make a comment. I try to use words like Me, or You, rather than They, Them or Others.

I think most gossip begins when we about to talk other people who are not sitting on the same table. So I make a concious choice and only restrict myself on my own areas and the person whom I am speaking to. It's not easy but I will try :P

Monday, April 6, 2009

Not Guilty!

I would say this would be the most famous line everywhere. It's used at work, home, street, friends, families and even pop stars! Just today Chris Brown pleaded not guilty for assaulting his girlfriend Rihanna. Wait a minute. We have witness, we have victim, and he's the only person in the Lamborghini with Rihanna, and still not guilty?

I feel so insulted even there is a person that will go on defends all these wrong-doers or 'you ain't gonna get me' human. Money can buy a way out. However, the real question here is what is your integrity? Do you still have one? But what will you do if you are the wrongdoer. I had dealt with people who behaves like that. They knew it's wrong, but they will defended themselves so badly that they would not even blink their eye when telling you their stories.

I am not saying, you cannot do anything wrong and be holy, but at least do not cause harmful and hurt to others. Once a while we cheat! Admit it! Human defensive is built into our body and mind, but integrity cannot be compromised. Once compromised, you will compromise with your upbringing and values. Is it worth it? Maybe not for all. Money and fame comes first!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Honest = Not Rich!

Since I was young I always heard this chinese saying 'if you are an honest man, you won't make a lot of money'. I don't really thing it was true at that time. However, my perception has changed since. This is really true to the bone!

There is this morale thing when we make a decision. I often find businessman rich one especially are thrown into all sort of issues where they can resolve by not being honest!

I came across an executive who was doing very well in a 'A' company. The company hires a lot of contractor to write programming codes for 'A' company. Few years later, I realised he setup a company under his wife as a partner. Then, he divert all the contracting jobs to this newly setup company. He can do that because he has the power to divert to them without going through a bid. Few years later, he left 'A' company and became a managing director there. He drove Mercedes Benz, big bungalows, and tonnes of money in his bank account. He was well respected by many people who work under him.

However, I don't know why, I couldn't do it. In fact I stopped communicating with this person. There is a big morale issue here. Yes he is rich and am I being jealous? In my opinion, I think I am being who I am. I want to be honest to myself, but the price to pay is 'not being rich' in your life.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

India according Aravind Adiga in The White Tiger for free here

I am currently reading a novel call The White Tiger. The book won a booker prize in 2008. I found the story weaved in with some ugly side of India such as corruptions, crooks, caste, etc kept me turning the pages non stop!

I do find the story touches on the ugly side of human and what you will do when your living condition was so bad. I had asked my Indian friend regarding this book. Some of them were actually weren't happy at all. Just like how they view the movie 'Slumdog Millionaire'. The felt the book and movie may have misrepresented the facts.

However, for the book, I do come across some subjects which I had confronted in India before. I found the book was fascinating and I was giggling all my way while reading. Give it a try ..

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Namaste Delhi

I had captured a few pictures during my trip in New and Old Delhi. Some of the sight seeings were really amazing :)

India Gate.

Mahatma Gandhi Memorial
Jama Masjid @ Old Delhi

A poor kid begging money on the street, he could not walk but moving around using his arms.Humayun Tomb - A World Heritage.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Save or Spend?

Every day when I am on a table having my meal, we have a tendency to discuss the economic climate everywhere in the world. I think the main concern is when will it hit us in Malaysia? Right now, when you walk on the street, everyone seems to be comfortable spending and eating either on the street or the mall. Some argued that since the recession may hit us soon, we should save up now!

I am not sure if I entirely agree with this. I think spending is still a must. In order for the economy to restore to a healthy stage, I reliased 2 main things need to happen! First, the people must spend so the cycle will continue to move and the shopkeepers could surive. Second, the bank must loan out the money so the shopkeeper could run their business with some capital backup.

Now, when it comes to spending at this day and age, please make sure you shop what is necessary. Also, if it's worth the price? During the good time, the greedy people tries to promote this thing call 'lifestyle'. A lifestyle comes with a price tag. Anything that looks cool, will cost you eventhough it does not worth that much. Next time, ask yourself, is it worth it? Will you pay for that price? Remove the thoughts of it's cheaper by 50% compare to last year. Or I must have it because it looks cool! Ask the basic question, do I need it and is it worth it?

After saying this, I am eyeing a nice bracelet for a long time in Malaysian Airlines inflight sales. Gosh, should I buy it or save! Do I look cool? Err absolutely!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New comers at work .. listen up ....

Last friday, my cousin and I had a heart to heart talk regarding his role in the office. He was facing a tremendous challenge as he could not deliver his work on time. He actually felt bad although he don't mind the long hours he has put in. He has a mentor but the mentor is finding him annoying with questions after questions. I started asking him what is his approach when talking to his boss or mentor. He said he will usually stuck in a situation and he will go to them. And I asked him have you put up any thoughts before you see them?? It seems no because he said the situation was very unique and he didn't know how to proceed.

I went on and explain to him, in any jobs especially when you are new, you do need a lot of help and support. However, to do this, you need to show a very positive behavior. I told him, the next time he goes up to his boss or mentor, don't go with empty hand. Make sure he proposed or share his thoughts what are the alternatives. It does not matter if it's wrong, but what really matter was he had attempted! If you are the boss, you do not want to crack your head when you are busy with these questions. But given some alternatives, the boss can coach and share with you of his thoughts instead. At the same time, you displayed initiatives!

We are not born with knowledge, but we can improve our knowledge by contributing our thoughts!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My malay pronounciation ..

I am not sure sometimes if the person understood me after I had pronounced a word .. in my way! You see I am from a Malay school since young and the way we pronounce the vowels are different from English. My friends always made fun of me because I sounds strange in my own slang. For example, botanical garden, if I pronounce word by word in Malay language, it will sounds like Bottle Nickle garden. Also, the formation of the sentence in most of the Malaysians are less fanciful and straight to the point.

Oh well, I think I am ok with it if I am speaking on the street, but it has a major disadvantage when I use it at work. People will tend to think I don't understand English! Then they will speak very slowly and start waving their hands like a sign language. Duh!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The culprit is the Beer!

Yesterday over the television, a sportsman was being questioned by police for harassing a girl last Friday night at a club. The next day, the sports commentator told the media that it was a very unfortunate incidents for this extremely promising player. The root cause was the 'beer', simply they had drank too much to cause this to happen.

I was sitting on my couch and went DUH!!!??? When will they start to admit it's their fault. Every single piece of news usually the confrontational ones, it always somebody's fault. In my opinion, no matter who you are if you committed a wrongdoing, you have to be responsible for your own action. The beer is just a scapegoat, a defense mechanism, but it's so lame. The law is getting so tainted these days that practically if you can sell the idea to another person, you get away. There is nobody to uphold the truth very soon. The person who wins are the one who hired the best talker in town.

You even get questioned for voicing your opinion, because you are not a creator, what is indecent to me is not always the same as yours. Our beliefs and trusts are questionable. I just wish one day, the law will not lose or forget on how to protect the innocent.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Will you visit India?

The Slumdog Millionaire was such a success everywhere I go people will talk about the good things about the movie. After dinner at a friend's place last night we started our conversations on our experiences in India. My manager started with his horror experience, on how fearful he was when he was there when he got lost. Also, the beggars on the street that revealed their scars and come knocking on his window for money. Everything that he saw was shocking and left a bad impression in him.

Meanwhile, I have a different opinion with India. Will I visit India? Why not? What my friends and manager has experienced will not go away at least for now. India is a land of a billion population. Although it is one of the fastest developing country in the world, however, there are still fundamental issues such as culture, religions, and of course "politics" which still have not been kind to these unfortunate ones. I do enjoy India for a reason. I felt a total opposite from the stories. India make me think how fortunate I am and how I should not complain too much of my life. For some of these poor people, life is a struggle but they appreciate every moment. They are grateful and humble when treated with kindness. People do not think that you have an evil motive because they just don't have time for that.

Besides that, the culture and the history in India was very interesting too. If you like the stories from the Maharaja, you can visit Taj Mahal in Agra or the Pink City in Jaipur for it's majestic palaces. If you want to see what the British empire has left after the independence, you can visit Mumbai and be enchanted by the historic buildings. On top of that these cities are very affordable to visit. While those who like to travel in style, they can take the world famous Eastern & Oriental train across the major cities of India. You get a personal butler in the train and enjoy the scenic views from one city to another without a sweat.

I guess every cities has their good and bad. People get exploited everywhere but in a different form or degree. There are petty thieves everywhere in India, but be street smart everywhere you go. I don't think all the stories I heard will prevent me from visiting India again.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire effect

I was watching a morning show on TV today. An entertainment reporter mentioned that a father of the Slumdog's child actor slapped the poor kid after he was complaining too stress and tired to perform anymore interviews with the media. The reporter here all felt so discontent with this act. All of sudden, the people paid their attention these kids who were once living in slum where nobody want to go near them at all. In fact this show how narrow minded we can be.

If you have been to India, you will see these kids are everywhere. The beggar master will force these kids into begging or worst pick pocketing. I have seen one young girl carrying a baby (may not be hers but could fetch more money!) with her arms chopped off and a poorly wrapped cotton cloth placed around the fresh wound soaked with blood. She looked pale and almost lifeless. Yes, it does make me feel really sad for the poor girl. Will you give the money to them? You knew the money will be pocketed by someone else. But she did it because she needs to survive or die without food in her mouth.

Once you have seen these street kids with your own eyes, will you think the Slumdog actors and actresses will still be treated as bad? By the way, there are thousands and thousands of these poor kids on the street. What can you do besides feeling sorry for those child actors which has been slapped on the face? I am not saying I don't feel sorry for the child actors, but I think there are a bigger problem than this movie you have seen.

We can do something in fact. You can donate to the Mother's Theresa foundation or through Unicef ->

Do something about it, don't just feel sorry for the kids and wake up the next day forgetting how you felt yesterday.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Attending a wedding at Gold Coast :)

I just landed at Gold Coast few hours ago. This is my very first time in Gold Coast. I will be attending a beach wedding south of Gold Coast tomorrow. The sandy beach is so nice and cool. See for yourself ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Politicians .. our role model?

The news about the politicians in which was covered in the newspaper daily is making me feeling disgusted. It's not that I believe what was reported was entirely true, however, the coverage and actions done by these politicians are just simply making it unbelievable!

I believe in a strong government which can lead the people to improve and compete in this world for better. Instead what we got was politicians accusing each other, digging each other dirts to win favor, exposing the politician's past so it will bring shame to them, or worst using the law literally to force each other to step down. What is happening?? Why are you so GREEDY?? Why do you want these POWER STRUGGLE? It may makes you famous or richer, but what does this mean to us?? Do you think we will respect you with what you have done? You think your voice is my Voice? Just because you are given the power, you can start abusing it?

My wish is really simple. Be a good role model to us and to our future generations. I do not wish the current and upcoming generation lose their conscience. Gaining power and money through unforgivable act will not make me adore you. I wish you can sleep everynight without worrying who will backstab you or your family tommorow. Respect is earned not given or snatched!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Will you live in Australia ... forever?

Yesterday, I was sitting at the cafe having a chat with Anthony. We talked about work and the crisis in the world. He then asked me, will you make Australia your home?

In fact, there have been many times I was asked the same question. My answer will be 'No' at this moment. Don't get me wrong, Australia is a beautiful country with multi cultural races. However, my fundamental issue with this country at this time is 'values'.

I have been brought up by a family with strong Asian values. We respect the elderly, be nice to the people we are dealing with, and show manners when you are out there. Some people that I came across may see these as supression or you are living like a 'loser'.

Whether I like it or not, that's the issue I am facing now. I find the people particularly in Sydney and Melbourne not friendly. For instance, at work. I notice some of the people could not look pass my look and recognise my abilities to do my job. Or people choose to push back when confronted with a question, which in reality they should accept the responsibilities. Also, I find not many people like to be apologetic here, because it's just not right! They like to apply the Rule of the Jungle, the fittest will survive. I thought we are in 21st century where we are literate and globalised?

I will not claim Asian values is the best values, but I believe in tolerant and compromise. However, right now, I don't see that here in this phase of my life.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Oscar 2009 .. who is the winner?

Who will be the winner?? I am a movie freak so obviously who is the winner for the Oscar tomorrow makes me excited. I have seen most of the Best Picture nominees, Slumdog Millionaire, Frost/Nixon, Benjamin Button, The Reader and Milk.

Slumdog Millionaire - I would rate 7 out of 10. It's a good feel movie and the only movie which is very uplifting among all of them. Since I go to India quite a bit, I could relate some of the life of these street kids. You wonder why they have to live this way when you see them in India.

Frost/Nixon - I would rate 7 out of 10 too. Suprisingly good especially it keeps you at the edge of the seat. Who's going to win in the national TV debate? Frost or Nixon? It's a pity Martin Sheen was not nominated for 'Best Supporting Actor'.

Benjamin Button - I would rate 6 out of 10, though many people like the movies. I think my problem was it's too long and I lose the interest to appreciate this movie.

The Reader - I would rate 8 out of 10. A lot of nudity in this movie but the acting was superb. I prefer Kate Winslet acting in 'Revolutionary Road' though. The ending makes me very upset. Why give one's hope when you will snatch it away. This linger in my mind for a long time.

Milk - I would rate 6- 1/2 out of 10. Sean Penn is good no doubt, but I think it's time to pass the Oscar to somebody who is not potraying a real life character? The movie has a very uplifting message in the end.

And if I would hand the Oscar to .. it will be ..... 'The Visitor'! In fact one of the low key movie I really adored. Not shown in most Asia's cinema'. Good actings from all the casts. The ending was soooo moving but at the same time renewed a life. I really like Richard Jenkins and Hiam Abbas. I hope Richard Jenkins will be the odd to win Best Actor :)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Melbourne .. City of Festival

City View from South Gate.

A moving dragon on display at Crown Casino Hotel.

Sri Lankan giant crab. Look how small the lobster is :P

General Post Office at Bourke Street.