Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year 01-01-11

It's New Year, when I was younger, I wish to grow older in short time, so I can do things the adult can do. The year seems to pass in a slower pace.

Now, when we are older, I wish the time pass by slower and I refused to grow older that fast. In fact some of us may not associate ourselves as old. Funny but it's the truth to me.

Be happy!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

My favorite food in London ..

You often heard so much famous chef from UK. Like the foul mouthed Gordon Ramsay, Jamie Oliver and etc from the Food Network. However, when it comes to famous food in UK, for me it has to be the Good Old Fish and Chips. The batter (a layer of pancake like) for the fish has to be nicely made. Not too thick nor too thin. Once deep fried, it has to be fry at the right temperature and yet not overcooked. Dip with Vinegar (not Mayo in most Aussie pub) and Chips with Kethup, the flavor is just wonderful!

Goodbye 2010 and what have you achieved?

One more day we are going into a new year. Looking back into 2010, there were many ups and downs. However, I would think it's mostly been favorable year for me. Keeping a low profile and putting less pressure to myself, works in a way.

I believed there were 2 significant achievements in 2010.

First, I bought a one bed room apartment in Sydney. The choice landed me with more debts. So which also means I have to continue to work to pay off the debts :P

Second, I enrolled into an Applied Psychology course, majoring in Counseling. I enjoyed what I have been learning this year!!! I am motivated to know how to communicate well as well.

I just wish we all continue to live and contribute in the coming years. Thank you 2010 and goodbye!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry merry Christmas

I managed to get to London without any delays. I was glad as the airport was threw into chaos as the management failed to deliver a proper services during the snow storm. While I was sitting at the airport to inside the plane, I noticed how commercialized Christmas can be. Families were shopping for expensive gifts whether it's in Malaysia, Amsterdam or London. Heavy advertisements on bargains on last minute shopping can be seen everywhere.

I recalled when I was young. Christmas was not about shopping only but there were this special feelings. It's about celebration and surprises whether Santa Claus will deliver a present to the well behaved boys and girls. I still remembered on every Christmas eve when I was 6, I knew Santa Claus will always showed up at my neighbor who happened to be my great aunt's home. (There are christian). Santa will be accompanied by a group of church musicians and I will lose sleep that night, waiting with full of anticipations that Santa will drop me a present. I will sneaked out at the window, too shy to shake his hands but happily smiling to see a fully clothes Santa in a tropic country.

What surprise me was the next morning. When I woke up lied a small present on my bed. It could range from a pack of sweets to toys. Nevertheless it was exciting. I truly believed Santa existed. There were so much memories during the Christmas. I vowed to continue to behave so Santa will visit me every year. That was Christmas for me when I was young. Simple but yet with full of novelties. As I grew older, I knew it was all the setup my family members have done for us but I remembered it forever. And that's the beauty of Christmas to me :))

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010 to all my readers

Christmas in Singapore, December 2010.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Survival of the fittest .. the 21st century way ...

One day I was sitting at clinic waiting for my turn for check up. At the same time there were 2 set of parents sitting there with their respective daughter. One side of the family looked average looking, clad in simple t-shirts, while on the other side, a more upper class looking with expensive taste of fashion. Both girls from each family look like same age.

To cut the story short. The average look girl was cheerful but rather timid, while the richer one was cheerful too but more talkative. I noticed both of them were looking at each other shyly but they did not communicate at all. The richer one tends to be too busy talking or hinting to us what she's going to do after this. Same goes with the mother. When the mother was about to leave the clinic, she announced loudly, 'Dear mana you want to have lunch nanti'? The daughter replied, 'Err I want KFC'. Then the mother and daughter strutted to the exit. Meanwhile, the average looking family, the mom has her head looked down at a magazine unmoved, and the daughter was glaring the incident without a wink.

When I try to do a postmortem, I wasn't sure how the poor girl feel. I wonder if she felt being compared with. If I am the parents I may talk to her and tell discuss with her how she felt. That would help her in her morale learning.

However, that's life. As I always being reminded since young, this world is a survivor of the fittest. If you can't win, you'll be weeded out. To me it's a matter of mindset and how's your upbringing like. If your upbringing is like that rich girl, then this world will continue to behave like that. If you teach your the daughter with morale then we can change this thinking.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Handbags story!

I was sitting at a coffee shop waiting for my meal. In a typical coffee shop in KL, the tables and chairs are usually arranged very close to each other.

While I was sitting on the chair, a woman walked passed me, and then followed by a force from behind that hit my back. It wasn't painful, but I was annoyed. I saw she was holding the bag at her limb, with her palm pointing upward. It was not just a handbag, it's more like a beach bag.

What I don't understand is why can't she put down the bag when she walk passed the crowd. I felt I am too petty over it but at the same time I felt it's no common sense for a person to carry such a big bag without considerations.

I wish I can control my anger better, but not when there is no common sense!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Unique Airport

These days the press and the high so business travelers will vote for the best airports. The ultra modern airports with a press of button, and you become like a wheel chair traveler. However, when somebody asked me which airport is the nicest to you. My answer is Soekarno Airport at Jakarta. I was very impressed even when my very first visit there. Basically, the architecture of the airport was awesome. One look you knew they embedded cultures and motifs in the design of the airport. Its just unique! The ultra modern airport to me is more like see one you see all, however, for the one in Jakarta, it has it's own designs which are rich in local cultures.

The video above is taken in a waiting gate at Soekarno airport. The gates are connected to the main terminal like a tentacles, so the gates look more like a hut and it's full of charms.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Annoying calls

My phone has a missed call twice and couldn't recognize the number that called me. Anyway, later the call rang again and I picked up. A lady started addressing my name and talk non stop about free medical check up and then free stay in the medical center for a night. It went on and on telling me what sort of check up they will do. I know I ought to listen, but I did not want to waste all our time.

I told her thanks for trying, but I am not interested. She added on .. No problem just come bla bla bla bla non stop. To a point I felt so irritated. I screamed, can you hear me saying I am not interested???? Do you understand what am I saying??? To my surprise, she just went on again and again. I just put down the phone.

I know I should be sabar but I think I am just a human!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

So long it's not harmful! I have done nothing wrong!

Often I heard people were debating whether they had done something wrong or immoral. What I gathered was so long they did not hurt the person, then it's not wrong. Hurt could be shooting, killing, bashing, or even gossiping (milder version). Most of these involved physical actions, then, most probably you had done something against the law.

However, the modern world has changed. One do not need to use a fist to harm a person. They use this invention call Money! I noticed the richer can control many things using this medium. The poor eventually was eliminated from the game and eventually they may not able to survive.

I totally disagree with people who became rich and became arrogant. In my opinion it's no difference in punching another person right into their guts. Yes, to survive, we need to be fit, but that's a choice. One can be more charitable and view the world in a more positive place to live in. If you are rich, just put your position on those who are poorer. I am not asking you to give all the money out, but stop speculating properties, stocks and etc. It destroys other people lives without you knowing. I hope I get my point across.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Japanese pronounciation

Early this week I have a guest from Japan, Mr O. We went out for dinner with a few friends and we had a good time. One of my friend asked Mr. O that there is an alphabet which the Japanese do not use in their pronunciation. Mr. O said it was letter 'L'. Meaning they do not pronounce the world L when they speak. For example, Melon, they will pronounce MeRon. It was replaced with a R instead.

Few minutes ago, I heard Mr. O was explaining to a colleague about something. He said, 'I don't do this but I used to Bra Bra Bra Bra'!!! I was thinking what Bra is he talking about, but I reckon he meant Bla Bla Bla!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Aung San Suu Kyi released

I read and heard over the TV, Aung San Suu Kyi the freedom fighter of Burmese has been released by the junta. There were so many Burmese standing outside her home where she was held danced in joy. Such an important figure not just for her country but for all other freedom believers in the world.

2 years ago I bought a book regarding her, I left it somewhere at my stack of books next to my bed, and guilty I have to say I have not read it. Now she is released I need to make sure I am catching up with history!!! I hope the Burmese will overcome this challenges.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

What my names means?

I remembered few years ago when I was giving a class in Tokyo, there were at 25 students sat in the room. Since it's hard to remember all their names, I gave them a folded piece of paper and get them to write their names. It's also easier for me to call out their names when I have questions without being rude.

After the students placed all their names on the desk, I started to read out one by one. I came across an interesting one, Mari Otada. I said 'Your name Mari means 'Come', as in come over. (Mari in Malay language). Then another lady raised her hand and asked me, how about me, what does my means. The name said 'Ria Tamure', and I said 'Ria means 'Happy'! The class starting to feel intrigue, and wanting their own names means in Malay. Quickly a man raised his hand, how about mine, how about mine with excitement. I read and it said 'SAKAI'. I told him, it's better for you not to know :P

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Loan interest rates hike!

I just committed to a house mortgage 2 months ago, and currently servicing it. Yesterday, the bank I have borrowed money from has decided to hike up the interest rates. This year alone, it's a 4th time if I am not wrong!!!

This is scary. The government has no control over the private banks. The bank made few billions in the last quarter report. There are no mercy. People used to tell me, this is a world of 'dog bite dog's bone'. I know exactly what it means now and I am completely compelled. I know nothing is free, but to push you to an edge, it's just amazed me. The stronger and richer one may say, 'Welcome to the real world'.

Mamak in Sydney!

I found this Mamak store in Sydney few years ago. Last weekend they opened another branch in Chatswood. Good to know when I crave for 'teh tarik', I can drop by for a cuppa. The food wise, was not bad, pretty basic mamak food, like roti canai, mee goreng, nasi lemak, curry ayam, curry ikan and etc etc. Of course Oz price, Malaysian size!

However, I heard the owners were a bunch of college kids that set up the business. And ever since the business was sooo good. Why do we go to school ya??? They don't take reservations, hence during peak hour you will see a long long queue outside the shop! Next time when you are in Sydney, you can check them out. For me, I will rate 3 out 5 stars!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Meeting a professional counsellor.

As part of my course, I was required to arrange and meet up with a professional counselor. Prior to the meeting, I have to think some of my current issues which I need to discuss with him. On top of that, I felt a bit worry, because I am not ready to hear him saying to me, 'You are not qualified for the job'! However, I have to do it else I am not able to pass my subject!

On that day itself, I was 15 minutes late. I became worried because I wasn't sure what to expect out of this meeting. When I reached there, I met this elderly looking man who rather friendly and approachable, however, things were kept formal. From the way he dressed, the distance in the session room, the way he addressed his questions. Basically, I felt there were no social niceties, but more of down to the business.

The counselor used a few tactics like paraphrasing, summarizing my messages, and empathizing my stories. At the end of the day, I felt heard and validated. I told myself to achieve that I really need to brush up my 'lingo' and able to empathize and relate the story in a correct frame. Overall it was a nice experience and turned out to be interesting.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ego check!

Every since I am learning to listen, I often tried to ask myself, am I speaking with ego! I did the check everyday, and often I did. Bad habits are hard to remove.

Just like yesterday, when my colleague was trying to ask me to check something. Even before he said something, I jumped in and say 'I know'! I asked myself why did I do it. I noticed, I can't wait to impress him or at the same time, to speed up the conversation as we are running behind schedule.

I found the art to become 'Shuddup' is not easy at all! Next time, I will sealed my lips if others lips are still open. I hope I don't end up like a mute.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are you Hearing or Listening?

This term I am doing introduction to counseling skills. There are so much new knowledge and awareness, however, I have to admit I was a bit behind coping with some of my college readings. A lot of catch up to do.

However, one of the chapter was very interesting. I learnt to differentiate between hearing and listening. The former are just listening to sound and at the same time, a very busy chattering mind that prevent you from paying attention the the speaker. Meanwhile, the later was to absorb, empathize, and try to understand the speaker's positions without any judgment.

On top of that, there is a difference between social and listening conversations. One author quote, social listening is about exchanging ego talk. Very opinionated one. Meanwhile, listening usually do not come with judgment, gossiping, or looking down at the speaker.

All in all, I am becoming more aware, however, to give up all these bad habits of mine, it's going to take a lot of practice.

Switch off your Bloody Phone!

The weather was cloudy, the ride was bumpy on the flight from Bangkok to KL. 15 minutes before the landing, the crew was preparing everyone to get ready. As I was looking through the window, I saw green plantations and I knew we are about to land anytime soon.

Suddenly, a phone buzz gone off. The guy picked up his phone and started whispering on the phone! The flight has not touched down yet but the guy has the balls to talk like nobody business! Suddenly a very stern voice was directed to the man. 'Excuse me, it is very dangerous to turn on your phone now when we have not land. Can you please switch off your phone now!' A passenger, sounded like European, told the man off! I was so glad somebody actually told him off. Sometimes I wanted to but I wasn't sure if I should do it. Probably I will next time :P

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Muay Thai Boxing @ Bangkok

I have been to Bangkok a lot of times but never been to a Muay Thai. Last night, my colleague who enjoy boxing was interested to go, so we just did it. The ticket was kinda pricey and the local only needs to pay less. (No wonder the cab driver insisted to buy the ticket for us, which I refused!)

As we got there, we were contemplating whether to sit near the ring side or sitting on the wooden steps. We decided to get the cheaper ticket. To our surprise, below the steps are very filthy, lots of junk food and cans laid beneath the steps. The ringside was obviously better but I can live without it.

When the show started, another surprise just hit me. We found the fighter were very small kids, I think 15-16 years old. Very small size weight 100lbs each. There were 2 sets of families and coaches supporting the 2 fighters. Cheering and clapping so that they will attack their opponent quicker and better. All in all, I was a bit disturbed with the fact the fighters were so young. It made me feel like child labor and I don't support that.

As for the fight, it was rather brutal as they seems unprotected on the ring. Few times we saw one of the boy swing his leg and it hit the side of the opponent. Another used his knee and kicked the side of the rib cage and at one point one boy just fell and could not stand up. However, the betters and many foreigners sitting there treating them as a sports, while I have a different feelings on this entire experience.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Central World @ Bangkok

I checked into Intercontinental Hotel just across Central World. The last trip I was in Bangkok was Dec 2009, before the rally and fight on the street. As I walked to my room, the hotel staff told me I have a nice view. She walked me towards the window and when she revealed the view, we both saw half of Central World was burnt down. In May 2009 there was a riot and part of Central World was set ablaze. What I didn't know it was almost half of it was gone!

The hotel staff quickly told me that was the past, and things has quiet down. The building was also in the process of re-building. She quickly assured me it's safe to be in Bangkok. How amazing when I looked at the building, it was really a sight and could not imagine the situation when it was set ablaze. Anyway, I will try to post some pictures if I can upload later.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Child beggars

After a sumptuous meal at Pondok Laguna Seafood restaurant in Jakarta, we made our way out to a car park. Right outside the restaurants, there were 5 peddlers squatting on the ground selling fruits such as duku, langsat, mangoesteen and other local exotic fruits. My colleague decided to buy a few bags of fruits, and I took 2 from the bag.

In a matter of seconds, then you starting to hear a pleading voices, 'Ibu ibu (Maam maam) , can I have some small change'! There were street kids who were usually hardcore poor waiting for well fed customers to make their grand exit and hoping they have some small change to spare. What surprise me most of the restaurants patrons were unmoved or rather 'Pretending it's not my problem I didn't want to deal with it'. I believe I understand, there were way so many of them on the street, there were no ways my colleagues or others could give them money everytime they came begging. Worst stills some work for beggar master.

Meanwhile, for that night, the kids knew they won't get any money, instead they said, 'Ibu ibu can I have some fruits instead'! I always support for giving out fruits or food, at least I know they may not have a beggar master behind. I gave my only fruits in my hand. Jakarta is such a big place with mega shopping malls, and yet we have children who has the right to be in school turn out begging to live. At that moment, I believe population control is necessary. If any government not willing to cope with hardcore poor families, we need to stop population growth.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Inspirational stories of the Chilean Miners

My TV was showing the rescue attempt of the trapped Chilean miners. Basically, they put a pod into a drilled hole and will go down 600+ meters below ground. It is a rather exciting and the same time worrying attempt. First the miners have to overcome from claustrophobic as the pod just fit exactly their whole body, no more no less.

Above the ground, around 1500 journalist waiting for them to raise above. It is a rather an inspirational story. How did they live through these months in the trapped hole! With the pouring support from their wives, families and the nation, their spirit was kept alive. Now is the moment they will see the surface of the earth again, like a reborn!

The incident just reminded me of how important it is when you have somebody you care and love very much, be thankful. The families and the miners here were trapped by a layer of soil. The separation really makes one realise how important your loved one is. You forget the fight, you forget the things you get offended with each other, you just want to touch them again, but yet you can't reach them.

I just wish all the 33 miners will be rescued soon, and a reminder to all of us - be joyful and thankful with what you have!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

The Perfect 10

Today is the perfect 10! 10 of Oct, 2010.

I wish all of us have perfect health!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Commonwealth Games - colorful!

At last, after all the big hoo and haa, Commonwealth games finally opened in Delhi. The opening was so colorful, full of dance and music. It's really like Bollywood at it's best. I have to say, eventhough the games not as big as Beijing, but it's just different. The cultures, dance, and sound were totally different and unique.

No doubt there were too many controversies, however, the games does lift up the spirit of the people in India! Let's hope the games will be a successful one.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lady with cabin bag .. i mean HEAVY cabin bag!

I am not a big fan of passenger with big and heavy cabin bag. They will bring in as their hand luggage, simply because they don't need to wait at the luggage belt once arrived. This apply to both men and women by the way!

However, the different was, the men can lift their bag and put on their overhead. Today in my flight, 2 ladies stepped into the flight, and immediately ordered somebody to bring their bag to the overhead compartment. If they approach me, I do not think I will be very kind. I had practised this line in my mind. 'Since the bag is heavy, which means it's more appropriate to check in. We should only bring in a hand luggage where we can manage! Not we cannot manage!'

I think the logic is simple, let's be fair to everyone. If everyone only care about their own luggage, there will not be enough spaces for all of us. Make sense?

Friday, October 1, 2010

Commonwealth Games update - If your pants on fire, throw more fire!!! jeng jeng jeng

Today I learned another lesson from the games ..according to the news :

NEW DELHI: The head of the organising committee for the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi said Thursday that the event, which has been hit by chaotic preparations, could lead to India hosting the Olympics.

The Indian capital has suffered weeks of disastrous headlines ahead of the opening ceremony on Sunday, but Suresh Kalmadi said the Games would be successful and act as a springboard for an Olympic bid.

I am so amazed with the organiser's guts!

Monday, September 27, 2010

India Commonwealth Games .. Negotiation skills!

I learnt so much from this Commonwealth Games. I have to give my hats off to the organiser of this games. Today the organiser commented this after a string of popular athletes pulled out from the games. The "organiser" said something like this 'There will be more top athletes coming into India. That's why we have Commonwealth Games where there will be more top athletes created in this upcoming game'. Who said thick skins does not work. Even when you think it's bad it can be overturned with clever twist! Now pusing pusing pusing!

How to peel the banana, the Japanese way!

During my breakfast today in Taipei, I sat next to a table where a family of 3 was from Japan. The japanese girl was trying to peel a banana. What she did she lift up a one hand holding the banana and the other hand holding a knife trying to cut the trunk of the banana. She tried a few times but it's not working! I found the entire action was so polite, excessively polite, but not achieving anything.

Finally, the husband or boyfriend just snatch the banana, use his fingers, break the trunk and peel! Sometimes, the conservative way may be the best way!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

India Commonwealth Games chat! So Farny!

This just came in today! Both internet media and local Indian paper reported that a South African athlete found a snake in his room!!! The question then directed to the officials and the official answered 'The snake is not poisonous!'

Later on the local TV, they showed a snake charmer try to catch the snake, and they found it's a cobra! Now how can a cobra not poisonous?? Kepala Pusing!!!

Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010

Since last year, a local Indian told me that he thinks India is taking a gamble of the Commonwealth Games. He has a feeling that it may become an embarrassment. I wasn't sure at that time because this is a good time to showcase the country. However, as the games getting closer, I became more and more skeptical. In fact even since last year, the progress was very slow. Every time when I passed by the games area, I still see empty land without much progress. The metro was still in progress but I heard now it's ok. Certain things became last minute.

Anyway, today the BBC news reported, the games was estimated at 400million USD to build. Now, the official confirmed it has cost them 2 Billion, but the non official reported it has ballooned up to 6 billion! Now without putting any possible reasons in one mind but how on earth the figure it has gone 15 folds? Oh well, I guess sometimes greed is good like the movie 'Wall Street 2' advertised!

Finally, Lee Chong Wei beats Lin Dan!

Congratulations to the Malaysian player Lee Chong Wei. To be honest, I have seen Lin Dan beaten Chong Wei many times, however, today in the Japan Open, Chong Wei did it!


Thursday, September 16, 2010

For The Love of Money - 2 years went on

I recently saw a BBC channel with the title 'The Love of Money'. It was such an engaging documentary and a lot to learn from. The show slowly build up the time line from the 20's up to the recent global financial crisis. However, it was not on DVD yet, which I like to keep as this incident happen in my lifetime.

I searched the net and found an impact after the recession. You can click on the link to read the full article or read part of the column posted on the site here ...

Bankers won, politicians lost1

Posted on 24/09/09 by Alan Shipman2

One year on from their moment of meltdown, rescued institutions are again riding high, while the politicians who rescued them are paying the electoral price. The scale of the mess suggested, at the time, that banks had got onto their crash course through euphoria, miscalculation and madness. Now, the speed and low private cost with which they escaped that mess raises the equally scary likelihood that they were being rational all along.
The Great Escape

Aside from Lehman, banks have bounced back with their businesses and bonuses intact. Many have already returned to profit, with their investment banking units – whose speculative gambles were at the heart of last year’s problems – now helping to support the commercial side as it writes down its bad mortgage debt.

Lloyds, which looked to have bitten off more than it could chew by acquiring HBOS, is now a legally sanctioned giant that controls around one-third of UK mortgages and current accounts and a quarter of its business banking. Barclays, once viewed as perennially ripe for acquisition by a larger group, has now joined their ranks by cherry-picking Lehman at minimum cost. Fortis, facing bankruptcy a year ago, has announced a major UK expansion in alliance with Tesco. Merrill Lynch and Citibank continue to issue their uncompromising analysis of other firms’ finances, having buried the obituaries that were being written on their own a year ago.

Most of the management teams that presided over near-bankruptcy are still in place, enjoying undiminished performance and retention bonuses. Many of those dramatically turfed out of their Canary Wharf offices in September 2008 already have their feet under a comparable desk on someone else’s trading floor. And of the bosses who bet their banks and lost, there is none whose golden parachute failed to open. Even Lehman ex-CEO Dick Fuld is on hire as a consultant, just round the corner from Wall Street. Sir Fred Goodwin’s RBS pension, big enough to be a one-man stimulus package, attracts powerless resentment but continues to flow.

For more click

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

If you really really have to shop in Sydney!

I have listed here some link if you really want to shop in Sydney. Most of the link here has addresses to big bargains in Sydney! Enjoy!

Basement books - my favorite and lotsa titles! A must for book lovers.

Victoria Basement @ QVB - you browse the households stuffs first then shop when you get there!

Peter's at Kensington - household stuffs and more class!

Cheap CDs - used to have a store in city, but you can buy online still.

Paul's warehouse - Sporting stuffs

For the healthy readers

More to come .. watch this space

Saturday, September 11, 2010

The meaning of life ..what's yours?

I was queuing at the Brisbane Treasury Casino waiting to pay and seated for a dinner buffet. As I was waiting, I started to talk to a friend, why do we need to indulge in such thing like buffet, where we really don't need to eat more than we need.

My friend mentioned that we need to enjoy life like there is no tomorrow. So the more reason we should eat and enjoy now or do anything else you wish to do. However, I replied wouldn't this encourage more capitalisme where we all being raised and living the advertisers' golden dream. The truth was they create this good feel to the meaning of life so you could spend all your money.

I don't know about you, however, the older I grew I realised why we are here. I believed each of us has a reason to be here. For me, I like to leave a legacy whether it's big or small. This legacy could bring goodness to the next generation. I do not wish to live by days and minutes without knowing why we are here. So what's yours? Have you thought about it? It's not too late.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Ikiru by Akira Kurosawa

I am now in Brisbane and finally I found the movie I want! I tried to find them in England but it was too expensive, and when I found them in Taipei, there wasn't English subtitles. Finally I found them at a second hand shop with a reasonable price! The movie is called 'Ikiru' shot in 1952 by Akira Kurosawa. I heard so much of the movie few years ago and it's one of the movie I always wanted to watch. Ikiru means 'to live' in japan language.

Apparently, the movie has moved many people. The story is about a older man found he has cancer and dying soon. With this perception, he tried to find the meaning of life. In a way it was a bit late, but the message of the movie was very strong. Anyone wants to watch it, can borrow from me! Highly recommended.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Modern Babes!

I walked into a train in Sydney, and there I saw a woman with a pram. Inside the pram, there was this cute little girl probably 8 months old which could not stop giggling. Her mom will play with her and the little baby will lift up her blanket as in playing hide and seek. The commuters around the baby was smiling.

Ten minutes later, the baby starting to feel tired, then the mom starting to pull out a IPhone. Then she switched into a cartoon movies, and passed it to the baby. The baby naturally holding it with 2 arms and start looking at it attentively. Modern babes! However, as the event took place, I was thinking to myself. Is this a good thing. What if the baby is hooked to the IPhone, and became addicted to it. The role of the pacifying and interaction with mom has been replaced by a phone! What if it cause poor eye sight of the baby? The baby place the phone really near to her eye.

At the back of my mind, I was thinking it was a cool gadget, but at the same time. While the conservative part of me was arguing, all these gadget may have a side effects which the modern parents have to bare the consequences later.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Universiti Malaysia ranking dropped out of top 200 list

I was reading The Star online, I found once the famous UM has dropped out from the world top 200 list. This is such a sad news. Though I do not have the honor to study there, but it was like one of the 'idolised' university during my school days.

Also, there is an extract from the Education ministry quoting :

Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed told The Star it was normal to see fluctuation in the rankings.

“We do not want to be obsessive about world rankings,” he said.

The ministry, he added, had its own strategic plan which was benchmarked against world’s best practices, and would take note of the rankings.

“We also cannot be ‘ranked’ against other universities whose ‘conditions’ and ‘environments’ are different from ours. It is like comparing apples with oranges,” he said.

I do not know what else to say! Comparisons whether you like it or not generate good conflict, hence you move forward to fix thing up.

If the attitude continue to be 'Tidak Apa', we will eventually missed the boat.

The Times of Harvey Milk

I was watching the SBS channel last night. The documentary was an award winning in 1984 with the title 'The Times of Harvey Milk'. This was the true story of Harvey and also was made famous by Sean Penn in the movie 'Milk'. In summary, it's a story of a very ordinary gay man who championed for not only gay, but for the minorities, like the senior citizens, the Asians and other group which has been discriminated in San Francisco.

In the beginning I wasn't sure if the documentary will be boring, however, as the story unfold, with various friends and allied doing the interview, I began to noticed how extraordinary Harvey Milk was. He was the voice, the minorities groups was seeking in the 70s, and through him they found a right. For example, there was a debate to ban all gay or lesbian from teaching in school, as they were viewed as bad influence and should be condemned. He and few supporters went in with statistics to prove that even non gay men could be bad influences and the percentages were even worst.

He was murdered by another politician, and his loss was so moving in the documentary. I noticed so many people was affected and people remembered the hope he promised to the minorities. It was indeed a very uplifting story and how one ordinary man could change the law against the minorities. I found the documentary was so much better than the movie 'Milk'.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Look and focus!

This 2nd term, I was doing Conflict Management course. In the course, we were told to you use 'I' statements which will make your sentences sounds more assertive. A lot of people tends to use 'YOU' which usually sounds more like an accusation, hence trigger more confrontations.

Today, while ordering my meal and my coffee, I told the waitress to bring my coffee first. After couple of minutes, I still didn't get it. So I waved to the waitress and told her 'I want my coffee to be served first'! I was very conscious with the choice of my sentence. After 10 minutes, my meal came but no coffee yet. I stressed again, 'May I have my coffee?', the waitress walked away hurriedly.

After my meal was over, no coffee!! I began to feel very pissed. In my mind, I kept telling me I must construct my word correctly. I must say 'I feel frustrated, my coffee has not being served yet. I am very annoyed'! Expressing my thoughts and telling the other about my demand and feeling.

When I walked over to the cashier, the waitress charged me the rice and the coffee!!! Immediately I was more pissed. I told her, 'Please remove the coffee. I told you many times about the coffee, but it wasn't served'!!! Then the waitress said 'Sorry sorry'!! At the slip of my tongue, I said 'I don't think YOU want to make that coffee!!!!.. Opps, I did it!

Anyway, the story I brought up here was because, it was so hard to control what we used to say, even I make an effort to try! The waitress simply didn't look at the customer when we speak to her, and neither she's focusing. One hand on the paper, but the face is facing other tables! I wonder how will they do their job?? Anyhow, I need to remove all the 'YOU' in the future!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Happy Merdeka and Joke of the day

A foreign visited Malaysia and was not familiar with the place. One day she likes to go to Sentral to catch a train. Hence a local described to the girl on how to get to Sentral. Starting from Jalan Damansara, Jalan Duta to Brickfields, and few other Jalan Jalan. The girl listened attentively and embark her journey.

Later the host was kinda worried, and checking if the girl has reached Sentral for her train. When the host rang, and asked 'Where are you now? Which Jalan are you at? The girl replied 'I am at Selamat Jalan'!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You sure saving lives are more "precious"?

When I was in Delhi 3 weeks ago, a colleague's family member was admitted to a hospital. To cut the story short (when I thought I just began describing!), the doctor needs to perform a very expensive operations. Around 10K RM a session, and this is a critical decision in order to keep the patient well.

With no other choices, the family went in with 2 sessions. When visiting the family member later, we talked about how hospital and doctors look at life these days. They look at money first before even operating at you. Else they won't touch you. It was a rather a disgusting state of human life, when I always thought doctor's mission is to save lives. However, this principle is taking a 360' change. Hospital or doctors has their own vested interest before they put a finger on a thread of your hair.

No wonder, the poor gave up hopes to this sometimes a glimmer world. I wonder what other things people will do in order to stay rich! Surprise me!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Save Pakistan from the Flood

I was watching on the TV how devastated the state of Pakistan is in currently. I am usually not very keen of the news on the politician of Pakistan, however, Men, women, and children dying of cholera now. The innocence are sufferings.

If you have not been switching on the TV, children who got cholera dies within day because there was not enough clean water for them. Ultimately, the weaker one dies from the cholera.

I know there is no way, I will go to Pakistan to do any social work. However, we can do our part through donation. Donate through UNICEF if you are worry your money is being mishandled. For all you know, a 100RM could save a few lives. Let's be a human, let's do a small part to save them.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Why is your airport so old?

Last night I was taking a cab, and I started talking to the cab driver about Taipei. I commented the Taipei airport is very old and look not maintained. Then, the cab driver smile, then he said in a soft voice, well have you been to a place where the airport is huge, but at night you are afraid to go out. What about airport which has been built then bring it down, and rebuild again? What did they save? No culture, no characters bla bla bla. Then I asked, but if you don't fix the airport, then you don't allow for economy expansion, tourism may not improved. Then he said, valuable visitor will understand the 'culture, the antiqueness and bla bla bla'

In my mind, the cab driver is defending at his best! I just agreeing to it! Yes physically we should not put that as number one, he may have a valid point. But, economically they have to put some thinking cap too!

Din Dai Fung

I am in Taipei this week. I have a colleague who visited the place for the first time. Everyone told me, I must go to the Old Shop of Din Dai Fung at XinYi Road. It was my first time too to the old shop. We took a cab and came to a very busy junction. As I got off the car, there were so many people standing right in front of the restaurant waiting for their turn to eat!!! I approached the usher and was told we need to wait for 30 minutes. It wasn't that bad because it was 6pm at that time, and was told later of the evening, it will became worst.

Anyway, while waiting we were told to order our food. When it was our turn, we have to go through the very narrow strip of path on ground floor, with 2 tables and cashier tables on one side. We walked up to 2nd floor, and apparently it looks like it has 3-4 floors. On 2nd floor, it has around 15 small tables, and 2 big tables. As we sat down the food arrived very fast. We ordered, Pork dumpling (poor porkie!), prawn dumpling, vegetarian dumpling, kow fu (braised soy tofu), and peanuts. We gulped as fast as we could, and it's best when served hot. The waitresses were really attentive and effective, because I assume they want us to finish off and they can turn our table for other customers! It turned out to be a pleasant dinner, and definitely better than those I tried at Malaysia and Singapore branch! Funny, though same brand, but the dumplings were much finer here!

Monday, August 9, 2010


This week my family members decided to join me to Delhi for a week. They will visit Agra, Jaipur and Delhi known as the Golden Triangle.

At the KLIA airport, while my aunt getting her passport stamp at the counter. The immigration officer said to my aunt, "Mana you pergi holiday? (Where are you going for a holiday?)". My aunt replied, "India". The officer then said with a smirk on his face, "Oh you mesti dah habis tour around the world, and dah down with India yeh? (You must have traveled the world and now down with India only?)".

It's a funny statement, but this not only happen in the immigration office. Even when I told colleague to visit India, their reaction is "yeeeeee". Well my advise is, visit the place and see for yourself. You may like it :P

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The property game! Trust who? Errrr

I have been shopping around for properties in Sydney lately. However, most of them I looked through internet. Just few weeks ago, I have marked down a few which I like to view. After all, you can't shop and buy for property through internet.

I went to 2 open house. One unit in a great suburb but the unit was 30 years old and too much maintenance if I buy it. Then I went to another suburb which was further away from city. Then I found I like it, mainly how the current tenant arrange her stuffs make it really homely and comfortable.

See it for yourself :

Then just this wee, we need to put a price to bid. The offer is starting at 300K AUD, however, I put 299K AUD. Then next day, the agent called me and told me my bid is lower then the others. He refused to tell me what other bids, because the game is who is the highest bidder will win. Immediately, I went to the internet, and looked around the last sale around the area. I found the same size same area but different block sold at 290K AUD in May 2009, slightly more than a year. The most I thought I will give is 10% which is my last offer. I went in again with 310K AUD. Later of the day, the agent rang, and he told me I got it, however, if I decided to give up, there was another person who is very close to my deal is ready to take it up. (Well another mind game!).

After thinking about it, I think the price is quite right for me. I do not wish to put in my entire savings, or paying mortgages later. I will go by what I can afford. I know some will take risks, they will buy the more expensive ones and sell it later. However, I am not interested in such games at the moment. The economy is still fragile, people are pushing prices up to make as much as they can. I do not wish to become a contributor to this. The victim eventually is myself and nobody else.

So I called up the agent, told him I was interested, and I asked him any structural problems, record of break in or bad neighborhood and etc. He said nothing like this before. But what can I do but to trust his feedback. I tried to dig news around the area, and the only negative finding was the main road outside the block is super busy and traffic can be bad. However, I plan to take train which is 10 minutes walk from the unit, so it works out well.

Anyway, I am in the midst of getting a bank loan and hired a solicitor to go through the Contract of Sale. Hopefully, everything will be done soon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tolong Pandang Belakang! (Please watch your back)

Sometimes ago, I wrote about commuters who did not buy ticket for their train ride, and they followed you closely from the back. As you about to pass, they followed on and they saved the money! Usually this happen when you did not pandang belakang (watch your back)! Lately, I am very concious and always pandang belakang, to make ensure so no si-celaka follow me for a free ride. That was few months back.

Few days ago, these people has another trick. The traveled in pair now, one of them with a valid weekly ticket. It works like this, 2 of them stand next to each other on the gated entrance. One will slot the ticket pass thru and collect the ticket. Then he will hand the ticket to his/her friend, and then slot in and pass through. Ka-Ching system was beaten! Who to blame? The kiasus or the gated system? I guess the system needs to be smart enough to tackle all these joy rider! So now not only pandang belakang but pandah to your sebelah! (Watch your side)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Am I naive of what?

Last friday in Bangalore, I finished work and went straight to a cinema for a movie. Since my flight was at 12 midnight, and I have checked out with no place to go, so I thought to chill at the cinema is one way to kill time.

While I was queuing for ticket, a lady in front of me was purchasing 2 tickets, then I heard 500 Rupees. Then she paid the counter using her card and it seems there were some kind of promotion. When it was my turn at the counter trying to choose a good seat, suddenly a man approached me. He said he was with his friends and he has one extra ticket to sell. Then I realized the man was with the lady in front of my earlier, so I thought the ticket has to be valid. Then I asked 'Why are you selling it"? How much are you selling?" He said, "Oh one of my friend not coming, and it's 250 Rupees same price as the advertised price". So I thought ok don't seems to have any catch and paid him for the ticket.

After we went our separate way, I was trying to recall, why is he selling the ticket. Then I remembered when they lady collected her ticket she actually has "3" tickets for the price of 500 Rupees. Meaning one of her ticket is FREE! I thought to myself I probably was too naive thinking I was doing them a favor. It turned out they "cheated" me in a way because I felt very annoyed the man is not telling me the "truth". In my college this is called conflict in values. I feel so annoyed I refused to talk to the man when we were watching the movie as we all sitting next to each other. The positive side was the seat was in the center and was a good seat! Grrrr.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The story of Anita and Jit (from The Star)

Once a while, we need story like this to remind us what human can do ..

Sypnosis : Anita stumbled a story in The Star about her sister in law, Jit a former drug addict, sleeping on the street.

Full story :

Monday, July 19, 2010

Abang dari MAS ke?

I have to write this because this is 2nd time somebody from the food department in KLIA airport. Usually I will chat a bit with the cash register staff that the price in KLIA airport is costly. And it's way too much for a decent family especially those with 5-6 kids. When I was about to pay, the staff will ask "Abang dari MAS ke?" (Do you work for MAS?). I will play on (kiasu) and say "Macam mana engkau tau?" (How do you know?), "Tapi I da henti" (But I have stopped with MAS).

Then the staff will smile, then she punch the cash register then Ka-Ching! Billed spitted out and to my surprised discounts included!!!! Not bad huh?! I guessed I should have applied a job with MAS after I left school, but meanwhile, I can enjoy the discount. Thank you!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

社會的缺點 (The Society's Fault)

I always wonder why we act the way we act. Well let's not talk about others, I will dissect my own thoughts. Certain time I found my actions were kiasu. For example, when somebody want to sell something to you, my thoughts will tell me 'He's lying and trying to con my money'! Then when you ask around why this happened, people will tell you it has happened to others or myself, eventually we won't able to trust anyone. So it's the society's fault.

However, what are going to do about it? Are we continuing to act like this? Past from generations to generation expecting human will be living in social ill free? I always believe in the act of Kindness. Whether you are religious or not, it does not matter, nobody wins. It's a human conduct and your willingness to do it. Some people may be religious but their conduct is otherwise. There is nobody to blame but ourselves.

OK back to kindness, I believe through this, then people will disengage and the other party will feel guilt. Through guilt they will be moved and open their eye to see we all can change. If everyone adopt kiasu styles, then it will continue to flourish. If we all hoping our kids will grow up in a low crime less trouble society, then it may not happen. The choice is ours, don't always be too harsh to yourself. Forget about 'I should', 'I must' ... be kind to yourself. What you haven't done may have a positive reason for you not meeting your wants.

I will do my part, but will you?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Money money money!

I boarded a taxi yesterday and in the car, I started chatted with the driver where his car was brand new. Then the conversation turned to another angle, where the driver telling me how difficult to make money and he has 6 young kids at home!! I was like gosh, how can he cope with him being a sole breadwinner. In my heart I really admire his guts (or stupidity which he claimed during his younger years!). Then I probed what is his plan and how he spends time with his children, which I think is important and for their future well being too. He simply can't find time. Today, I spoke to another office colleague and I asked her how is she coping with her kids. She told me she is very busy and she did not spend much time either. Subsequently, the message was the same. Both human I spoke to was too busy making money!

I felt it's a pity, I agree money is important to a certain extent, however, are we willing to adjust a bit to spend time with something which are more precious? For the driver, I was thinking, could the family adjust a bit? Can the wife find a part time job at home, so he can afford to cut down the hours earn less but could give some breathing time for him to spend some time with the kids? How about my office colleague, could she willing to take up a less stress jobs and could lead to lower pay, but again gives her the opportunities to interact with her kids?

I read something in my text book today. The author said, money is just an extrinsic rewards which in long term will deprive you from the real joy. The real joy is at home waiting to be interacted. Will you do some sacrifice on money which lead to real joy? However, at the end of the day, it lies on our choices.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The choices of 'Cham'!

Cham aka coffee mix with tea in the Malaysian Kopitiam (Cafe). I realised how much choices we have these days and eventually it leads to confusion. You may call it my rights, my way, or creatives, but I call it losing in communications.

This morning when we went for breakfast we were ordering our drinks. I ordered 'Cham (with sweetened milk)', then my aunt ordered 'Cham Si (with sugar), and my uncle ordered Cham Min Tim (no sugar). The waiter who took our order then repeat 3 Chams, but I said not the same for all the Chams!

However, what I wanted to point out was, these choices are getting more and more complex. I am not sure if it's for betterment or creating more confusions. The people's communication is struggle these days and add with all these choices, does it get any better? Sometimes, when I read an article saying our lives are getting more complex, I realised it's not just our lifestyle changes, but down to our choices and communications with one another!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

The Sotong was Right!! Spain Won

Spain scored a single goal to set Holland off during extra time. I wasn't sure if this was the best match, but guarded their goal post like a fortress, and many yellow cards as expected. However, the sotong was right in it's prediction! Spain won.

Just before this final, there were so many fans were anger by this sotong. Some even tweet and came up with a list of cooking choices on how to cook the sotong! Some want it fried, some want it raw. Well the message is don't mess with fans from either sides. I am sure both want to fry the sotong!

World Cup Fever No More

Half time between Spain vs Holland, and both still could not produce any goal yet. I still remembered about a decade ago, me and family members watched and screamed most of the matches during the FIFA fever.

Presently things has changed. Why? That's because our national TV channels has given limited rights to the matches. Eventually, the spirit was broken though most of the time we can connect the games through newspaper during the next day. In order to watch them, you must either subscribe to the cable TVs with the right or go to the pubs or mamak which put on tent, with the promise that you buy drinks from them for the free view. Well, welcome to capitalisme! The entire mood, fever and gaga over the football has changed for me, simply for not willing to pay the extra cents. For those who pay the drinks and cable tv, be the fever be with you always (with a hole in your pocket)!

In addition, Mandela showed up during this final and left the field during the game. It was a rather emotional closing as this 92 years old African hero has gone through many endurance in the past and present. Bravo Mandela!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Sir, I lost my wallet

Time, 10 minutes to 1pm on 9 July, 2010. Scene, at the exit or Orchard Station, Singapore. While I was waiting for a friend for lunch, I sat near steps. Suddenly, I heard a whispering voice my back, "Excuse me sir, can I speak to you for a while?". We were at a corner near a lift where it was quiet from the bustling crowds. He then sat down next to me and mumbled, "To be honest sir, if you could help me out. I actually lost my wallet and I need SGD4 to take a transport to the nearest police station at Tanglin." Then I said to him, "Are you pinoy?". As he looked brown skins and does not look local to me. He said, "No no no sir, I am singaporean". Somehow I don't buy the story he wants. I took another look at him, he looks pretty decent, not harmful, but somehow I suspect he wants the money for food instead". I told myself, well what can $4 get you? Drugs? No. Gamble? No. So I thought ok I will give it to him.

When I hand over the money to him, I told him I trusted him. Make use of the money wisely. I guess for somebody to ask a stranger, it takes a lot of guts and desperations. The surprise thing it happens in Singapore!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Hanoi - Perfume Pagoda Sampan Ride

Psst any job which allows working from home?

I was in an office lift. Suddenly a lady in his late 20s ran into the lift trying to greet another male colleague. I overheard the lady trying to ask the male colleague any openings in his area or other department. Her criteria must allowed her to work from home. She said she wants flexibility and she has been looking around in company advertisement for such position.

I tried not to be bothered since I was eavesdropping. However, at the back of my mind, I was wondering if this lady seeking a job which is out of passion or out of her own interest. I was furthered ticked when she mentioned that she didn't want to come to office at all if possible or spend 2 days a week. She may be a married woman with kids at home, but the way she put the criteria was like looking for a job tailored for her. Irregardless if she has passion or able to contribute for the potential job.

I wonder why I often heard the quality of some current employees are really bad. The employee maybe don't have that drive and passion with the things they do!

Friday, July 2, 2010

3D Movie glasses - I owned one.

I actually one 3D glasses from Australia. When I went for a 3D movie in Malaysia, I will try to tell the ticket seller that I want to opt from renting their classes which they charged 5RM each time!

However, they refused to let me opt for my own glass saying it may not be compatible. Therefore, I decided to check if what they said it's true. The conclusion was, they were right. Its like this, in OZ they used Real 3D technology while in Malaysia they used Dolby 3D Digital. Therefore you need to use specific glasses which catered to respective technology! So which means I have no choice to use my recycle glasses but have to rent it everytime la.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Listen to your heart !

Well not so much of your heart like what the group Roxette sang. But more of listen to your sound! What does this mean? I learned from my conflict management class, controlling your own emotions are critical in order to able to listen with empathy. Once you lose your control or emotions, communications may breakdown. Eventually, you won't achieve win win.

One way to measure your emotions are actually to listen to your own voice, tone or sound. A friend shared with me last night he learned from listening to sound, while in my practical course book, it's our tone. Eventually both has the same objective. When you blurt our the word or voice from your mouth. Do a sanity check, how does it sounds like. If you sense anger, then you know your communications may not work as smoothly. You need to listen and make yourself aware before you can have a productive communication!

The secret for the Fountain of Youth! Revealed Here!!!

Most people wants to be youthful these days. They want to be slim, slender, full of hair, younger looking and etc etc. Businesses for botox, plastic surgeries, hair growth and etc etc, are doing extraordinary well in time for the generation of capitalism.

However, last term in my studying, there were documented research of how to achieve the results from the fountain of youth. To my surprise it's pretty simple. Here's the secret ...shhhh

First, you need to have an active brain till you grow old. Active brain helps brain to continue to maintain it's brain health. Basically, if you don't use it you lose it!

Secondly, you need to have an active physical body. In another word, exercise, exercise and exercise! This will help all part of you body to be active and maintaining your stamina and strength till you grow old.

Lastly, free of diseases! So you need to watch what you eat, drink or sniff! Everything you do, do it moderately and not indulging. Choose what you eat and for me I would think cut down on meat and more vegies/fruits.

So this is it! The secret of fountain of youth! Try it yourself today :)))

I don't wanna work!

I went for lunch with a Singaporean colleague who used to be a manager. Currently she lives and work in Malaysia office. We were updating our own well being at work. Then we talked about the quality of worker in Malaysia. She told me it's rather bad. Overall, she noted the people are not very proactive. When they were told about their wrong doing, the next few days, they will slap the manager with a resignation. Very emotionally saying, "I don't want to work for you!".

I was trying to understand is this the only place we have such issue. Apparently, in Singapore there are as well but the people are more proactive in their work. Also, she commented the Generation Y these days are really spoiled and cannot be reprimanded. They will became emotional very easily.

I guess, the world has change today. The Generation X parents are making money and doing well in their careers. They give everything to their children in their parenting style. I assume, when the Gen X parents being permissive, they will raise children who will has less empathy and could not think for others. If this continue, I foresee companies will have an uphill tasks to educate and retrain these Gen Y kids!

Friday, June 25, 2010

How old are you?

Ever since I have completed my Human Development subject, I noticed I often curious how old are them. I was interested their age range and then try to understand the phases of life they are going through. I like to question like what sort of thinking they are going through at their age range, so that I could relate if the theories I have learned actually applied to them.

Just today I met a new mom who is expecting, and I started asking how many months, because I remembered each month there are growth of the babies in the womb. I would never pay attention to these in the past, but the course actually taught me to be more aware at every phases of expectancy.

However, I need to be more careful when I asked somebody's age. Certain people may feel offended when do they do not realize why I post that question.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Hanoi 6 years ago and today!

I remembered very well 6 years ago in Hanoi, it's one of the best backpackers' haven. On top of that people are humble and shopping has been very reasonable. However, that was 6 years ago.

I came back to Hanoi after 6 years. Immediately I could feel how capitalism has impacted this country. Since after Vietnam open the door to US and the world for business, the focus in life eventually shifted.

We went to one of the famous restaurant serving fried fish and vegies. I was told by the local few years back was not costly, now it has gone double or at least triple. When you speak to the vendor the moment they detected you are foreigner they will tripled the price before they sell to you. Many of them are coping with high prices in Hanoi these days and these vendors became vultures seeking for their prey. I don't recall this was a big thing 6 years ago.

However, people are generally still kind and nice, but what capitalism can do a place is pretty obvious to me here. People will tell you it happens everywhere, but I will say if you want to be part of it, then it will happen.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Conflict!

I have started my 2nd term at college now and this term I am doing 'Conflict Management'. Basically conflict does not mean it's bad, it can turn out to be positive as well. Also, Conflict can be defined into 2 groups, Intangible and Tangible. For intangible, emotion, values and interest (EVI), while the intangible are position and behavior (PB).

So when you are confronting with a conflict, you need to find out which one are you encountering. The fastest solution is to deal with Emotion first, but the hardest will be Values as it will not change overnight.

On top of that if you deduced it comes down to interest, then you can verify, if you have compatible or incompatible interest and behavior.

Compatible interest and behavior = No conflict;
Compatible interest and incompatible behavior = False conflict;
Incompatible interest and compatible behavior = Latent conflict; and
Incompatible interest and behavior = Real Conflict.

What I am trying to say is, you need to assess first, and detect where do you stand. Once you aware, you have a better idea on how to tackle a conflict!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

How did your parents affected you today?

Today I was running a class in Manila. Prior to this class I need the local manager in Manila to give a kick off to show our commitments and hopefully the attendees committed and serious about the class. However, in the morning I got a news that she is not coming over for the kick off and not even later. I became furious because the class was given free and there is no courtesy from the management to do a kick off to her own staffs!

Anyway, I was really upset and I told her staffs that she must show up. It's totally unacceptable! However, later I found out she worked till 3am hence she couldn't wake up in the morning. I calmed down a little, but I still insist she can drop by after lunch.

Later I traced back why I became angry, I wasn't sure why I was so angry. I remembered when young one of my parent is very strict to us. Indirectly this pattern passed down to me. According to a book I read, depending on our upbringing, we could be punitive conscience, weak conscience and benign conscience!

One will develop into punitive if your parents are strict to you. Some develop into weak conscience if family are too permissive towards you. And finally for benign, one are not trouble by authority but usually viewed as a 'decent sort'!

Well you can analyze your own past and decide which type you belong to. :P

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Getting into my nerves .. grrrr

Do you find sometimes while you are at home, you lost your patience when talking to your family members? Probably not you but it happens to me. I am trying to study why I am behaving like this. At the same time trying to recall any past experiences that influencing me.

Just last night, my family members told me to take a picture of them, which will be used to develop at a photo studio later. I took the picture with flash, naturally, the eyeball will show some white spot traces of the camera flash. When my relative saw it she didn't like it coz she think I should not use flash. Then we switched off the flash and turned the lights on, but later found the picture was a bit blurry due to night scene setup. A slight shake of hand will affects the picture sharpness. Anyway, we ended with one which was not so bad after more than 10 takes.

When we went to the photo shop, my relative again kept asking why the eye has white spot (with flash). I started losing my cool, I had already explained the theory but she still insist it's not the flash!!! And when the shop keeper told her the same thing then only she quit asking. Then the camera man start lecturing how to handle picture at night as it was a bit blurry. I guess I knew what happened from the beginning from the end, but it ended up the camera shop owner giving us a kind lecture of how to use a camera!! In normal days I would just be agreeable to all these things, but I couldn't agree with whatever I heard that day because, nobody is willing to listen!! Ahh I guess that's they key, when I could not convince my theory to others, I lose my patience. I would search on this further ...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

The customer is always "Right"!

I am in Mumbai this week staying in Novotel Juhu Beach hotel. It is strategically located at famous Juhu facing the Arabian sea. I was lucky as I was allowed to use their Premier Lounge for FREE drinks and finger food during happy hours from 6pm to 8pm. Last night while I was at the lounge to collect a room card at 8.30pm, an Indian and a Mat Salleh lady walked into the lounge. The checked into the Premier floor and they wanted to use the lounge. The staff at the lounge told them they can use the lounge however, happy hour is over. There are still plenty of finger foods which they could indulge in, but the ladies customer wanted more. They want the staff to fix them alcoholic drink. The staff refused because happy hour was over and she was not allowed to do it.

The soft spoken lady then started telling her problems from the flight delay, to bad traffic, to late car pickup. In the end she wanted to point out it wasn't her fault and the hotel should take this into consideration. She then became very demanding and wanted the staff to allow them to drink. The staff then commented "It was not my fault that you faced all these problems"! At that point, I was very sure, the staff made a very wrong comment eventhough she felt insulted by the customer. After all she is in service industry and the customer is always right. She can deny all the way, but she should not express her dis-contenment and emotion to the customer, I reckon! Anyway, the 2 ladies walked away and headed to the ground floor bar where they have to PAY for a drink!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Ka-Cat (Cockroach) Story

I was sitting at a Hong Kong style 'Cha Chan Teng' (Cafe) sipping my 'Nai Cha' (Milk Tea) away. Suddenly I heard 2 ladies customer giggling and a waitress approached them. Apparently the customer found there was a dead KA-CAT in her bowl of soup noodle. The waitress then took the bowl back to the kitchen to inform the cook.

Few minutes later, the waitress came back and she said when we served we didn't see the KA-CAT was there. So it flew in while you were eating!!! The lady customer apparently didn't become angry to my surprise and she giggled. She said very loudly 'How can a KA-CAT fly around your restaurant and landed in my bowl?

The waitress kept quiet and very reluctantly told the lady boss behind the counter. Both of them looked very unhappy and asking how to deal with this. Anyway, I wasn't sure what happened in the end. But I do know, it's a bit ridiculous to accuse the KA-CAT flew into the bowl while the customer were eating. Does that mean the restaurant is dirty too? Whatever it is, I don't feel the cafe owner will win! But the only thing that really lost was the poor KA-CAT!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Th Four 'O'

Another year another milestone. I have reached the age of 40 now. And it's true, when you are young you want to grow older fast so you can experienced all the things adults can do. Now when we are actually there, we wish to put a brake on our age.

This can be done through using face cream, eye laser, skin IPL, grow your hair, and so many others. I should have thought Baby Boomers are getting older now and these are the major income if you thinking to run a business! However, back to my age, 10 years ago, we were in Hong Kong (Ringgit, Roti Telur and err the Loong Lui) holidaying and at the same time celebrating my 30th birthday. It was a rather memorable one because I was there with my Malaysian friends and then later one of the dinner I was with my Australian's schoolmate from Hong Kong. In fact the 2 groups met and having a dinner together. I was so proud I turned 30 I would say, but now, well I wish I should do a lot of things before I turned 40. Nevertheless I am still working on it. I must aim for my second career change :))

Whatever it is, life goes on, be positive and embrace the big Four '0'!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Buy an Education or buy a Visa?!

Yesterday on the TV, there was a frantic scene in an Indian runs migration office in Australia. The government has came up with a latest list of skills for those who wish to apply for residency in Australia. This time, the government has removed the low education skills such as hairdresser, cook and etc.

Back to the TV screen, the officer mentioned that his office was bombarded with very worrisome calls from students who studying here and wanting a residency at the same time. Eventually, to me all these loop holes were exposed. The previous government was too lenient and left too many excuses for the people to apply. Am I happy with this? I will say 50/50. I remembered when I applied, I have to attest so many qualifications, and skills in order to be accepted. The paperwork was treacherous, and demanding in my point of view. To make thing worst, even I am a qualified IT skilled employee, when I calculated the points I was only at a borderline.

Now shift back to these group of hopefuls. I do empathized them, however, I am more empathized for those very qualified people who tried hard but never get one!

At the end of the TV program, the commentator said 'If you come to Australia for an education, it's education you are buying, NOT resident VISA!'

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bangkok Chaos!

I read from the internet news that the General of the red shirt has died and the chaos is worsening. More over, the hotel Dusit Thani has moved their guests to basement from being hurt. It is such a chaotic and worrisome news.

It is rather sad to see our neighbor who is one of a economy powerhouse and end up with this unresolved internal problems. Who are we to comment when it seems the win win resolution are not met. Whatever it is, more casualties will not improve anything. I just hope it will be over soon.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Shanghai Eateries

Some of you may be heading to Shanghai Expo this year. Below are some restaurants with very local characteristics and definitely yummy food :))

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Moral development for Adolescence

I am dedicating this page to a colleague who asked me for tips! However, I summarized from a book I read it's really not my ideas :P

How to optimize moral development ?

1. require children to provide reasons of their wants;
2. instill play developmentally appropriate games with them;
3. praise them for for observing social conventions such as saying 'please' or 'thank you';
4. if punishment is necessary, use explanation, advice on how to avoid punishment in future, and a way of repairing any damage their misbehavior has caused;
5. teach them reciprocity; 'we do nice things for you so you should be willing to help us';
6, give them meaningful chores so they will think of themselves as important family and community members;
7. help and encourage them to base obedience on love and respect rather than fear;
8. teach them religious and philosophical values, including the idea that some actions are right and others are wrong, regardless of circumstances;
9. challenge their ego-centrism (self-centered)by asking questions such as, 'How would you feel if someone did that to you?' when they violate others' rights; and
10. include them in charitable events, like orphanage home, old folks home, church activities.

Why why why! Why so many why?!!

I was sitting in the office at one of the mobile desk. The desks are located next to a department where it has been partitioned. After sitting less than 10 minutes, I heard a guy in a very thick accent said 'Why is this done this way? Why do you choose this? Why didn't you do that? Why this why that? Why Why Why? Initially I thought I would mind my own business, but the voice is really loud and more than audible. To me it's more of anger.

Another 20 minutes later, he called up a name, Christine come over here! See this, why is this done this way? Who came up with this idea. Christine replied nicely, 'Oh I spoken to these people and we agreed to go with this'. The man then said, 'This is a decision made only by idiots'! Why this why that? Christine replied solemnly, 'Oh I am sorry, I was part of the decision, so I supposed I am the idiot too'. The guy just went on pouring his Why!!

The 'why' thing went on till lunch. I became so curious and wonder who is this man sitting the other side of the partition. I realized, the man is a elderly local guy, who doesn't look very happy, while Christine is an Asian gal speaking with an accent. However, I couldn't stop but thinking to myself, Christine got bullied. Big time. If this guy is her manager or team leader, this sort of things should be done closed door. If it's something Christine can learn, then this old man should speak in a nicer tone and teach her the right way. Whatever it is, the whole place was so negative. I felt this old man wanted people to know he has the power, he's on top but to me, he's so insecure! Right after lunch, I moved away, because I do not want to know WHY!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Need advise whom not to marry?

Lately I saw 2 interviews on TV which I find rather interesting. A priest in US name Father Pat Connor wrote a book titled 'Whom Not To Marry'!! How would an unmarried man able to give such advises? It really surprise me. The father wrote this book based on his counseling experiences with trouble couples over 40 years. Yes, what can go wrong after 40 years? :P

However, I went to the bookstore and flip through the book. I find some of the things mentioned was really true :)) One of the thing he said like find a husband who does not look for a mother in YOU! Meaning, this man was so used to be pampered and taken care off, when he looks for a wife, he wants a mother in his wife :)

Anyway, not sure if this book is sold in Malaysia, but do take a peep and you may learn a thing or 2 :))

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Books in OZ

I found books in Australia is very expensive especially the academic ones. On top of that I am looking for some travel books for Hanoi, but the price of the book here stop my from buying.

However, recently I found from a friend there is a website I can order for books and delivery is absolutely free..yes dear kiasus! F-R-E-E. Not only that many of the titles there are so much cheaper than Australia.

Well what site is that? If you do not know by now .. visit

For example, a Phaidon Walpaper book on Hanoi, cost AUD 14.95 here, while in Book Depository it cost AUD7.45. Well I know where to buy my books now :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

My first assignment results!

As you may already know, I am taking up Graduate Diploma of Counseling. My first assignment's result for Developmental Psychology was out! It was 36 out of 50!! I was a bit dissapointed because I expected to be in the 40s zone.

I believed the point was marked down, because there was one section I copied from internet sources. However, I did not copy blindly, I read it, digested, and then reword them. However, the college has installed a software that compare the essay's expression against all the sources in the internet!

Oh well, now I need to work harder for the 2nd assignment which I find even harder to write! I need to make sure I scored 80% above for the total grading. This is important for my entry into Master degree of Social Science.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Friend to everyone makes you happier?

I like to ponder upon this subject above. I wonder if it's still true .. a friend to everyone makes one happier? I think I have some reservation these days when it come to this subject. For example, recently, my uncle a retiree usually stay home and try to makes friend in the neighborhood. He will be more than happy to talk to them and hopefully they can be helpful to each other.

However, last Saturday, while we were having breakfast, a decent looking mid 30s guy came over to our table. He started talking to my uncle, which we believe he is one of those friend he make in our neighborhood. However, the funny thing was, my uncle did not pay much attention to him, in fact was kinda ignoring him. I felt funny, because it seems to be very strange. As the guy was nagging like how r u today, what you do today, then the conversation has a 360' degree changes. The guy asked, "Can you buy me a Wantan Mee today!".

I was taken aback, and cut the story short, my uncle did not abide to his request. Later my uncle told me, it seems he is one of those mentally unstable guy. Though he looked friendly, chatty, but he demands for money and food!!

Gosh, right away, I won't sure if what he is doing is good. Making friends to strangers!!! I guess if the stranger that you make friend, knows how to give and take, that's fine. If the so call friend only takes all the time?!! I think you need to reconsider. He is not a friend, he is a parasite! For this case, a mentally unstable parasite!! Run for your life!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The food finally got me!!

This was my countless time to India, and I am usually extremely very careful with the food I ate. Last friday, when I was about to board the plane at the gate, I started to feel nausea and unwell. I went to the bathroom right away, within seconds, I threw out all the food I ate since lunch. Followed by severe diarrhea!! Damn, the plane is going to take off soon. I ran to the gate, and told the MAS staff I really could not board. They weren't too happy because they need to reverse every process, basically from my luggage, to my immigration stamp, and paperwork for the airport security that I need to get back into India. While I was constantly running back and forth to the bathroom, the whole process took 2 hours.

After all paperwork was done, I was abandoned at departure hall, my knee was weak, my eye halve opened and I struggled my way to arrival hall for local taxi. I was desperate to check into a hotel and rest. I made it into the hotel, and I started popping lomotils to stop the effect. It was 1 am, however, 3am it's still not stopping, then followed by every 10-20minutest until 5am. I knew I am going to collapse anytime soon. I rang up my colleague and told him I have to be admitted into hospital.

My colleague came over checked me in and by then I was totally exhausted and dehydrated. I can barely keep my eye opened. My mind was tired and I could hardly hold a pen. Right away I was put on drips and moved into a room. Then more antibiotics injected and finally it was stabilised. Next morning the doctor visited me and asked me a set of questions trying to find out the cause. I suspected I took a sandwich during lunch at Costa (like Starbuck chain). The doctor told me usually during summer, the bacteria infections on the food are more because the food may not be kept at the right temperature.

To cut the story short, it was a total nightmare. It was such a disaster. Today I will be discharged and will fly out tonite back to KL! I guess I wont eat until I am home!!!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Free Upgrade ..Thx or No Thx?

I was checking in at KLIA MAS counter leaving for India. I passed my passport and other details to the MAS administrator, but it took him like more than 10 minutes. He then called his manager, whispering, and I began to thought is there something wrong with my booking.

Few minutes later, the staff told me, I got an upgrade, because the flight was very full. Then he further tell me, I won't able to use the MAS lounge. Then, I also noticed, the upgrade don't entitle me to have my bag tag under special handling luggage. Net of it, you get a seat upgrade ..period!

I traveled with many other airlines, I had experienced many upgrades by other airlines, but nothing like this. If you want to upgrade, do it more gracefully, but the way it's done it's like sending a message to me .. you lucky poor thing!

FYI, I also hardly get any upgrade from SIA, because they are usually very full and always sold out. I reckon we need to know which airline are more reasonable .. my favorite is Cathay!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Memorable and Embarassing Moments ... in Seoul

I was sitting in a subway station, remembering that I used to visit Seoul very often for work. However, since 2 years ago, I changed my territory and focus more in India.

I remembered when I first started, I was with my team leader going to a subsidiary company where we have no idea who and where is the office. After contacting our lead in the company, the company to decide to send somebody to pick us up.

We were so happy since we don't have to crack our head and try to be smart. So on that day, an elderly guy showed up at our hotel lobby. We introduced ourselves but just by name, then he escorted us to a black limo car. The elderly guy jumped to the driver seat, while we opened the door behind and sat the back seats.

During the journey as usual, the 2 of us will talk non sense like how difficult to get around in Seoul when English is not widely used. Ordering food was like more than just verbal, but hands and legs in action. While the elderly driver, was smiling,nodding his head, but didn't say much. Anyway, long story cut short, when we arrived at the office, we got down, the driver park his car and we went straight to the meeting room.

As we were waiting for the host, the driver showed up again. Then he spoke in fine English and he said, 'First of all, let me say Welcome'. Also, ' I am the president for this company!!!!' Both myself and my team leader looked at each other, and we can hear we GULPED loudly. In my mind I was thinking, "So you are the president, you are not the driver???"

We were soooo embarrassed. We didn't even dare to apologies worried adding oil into fire!. However, on the same day on our way back, I made sure I sat in front, while the President was driving!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

TV - To HD or not to HD?

I am resting on my bed enjoying a korean series in my hotel room. The TV was a big one at least 42" and it High Definition tv. The color and the picture was so crisp and you feel like very real especially on the color tone and lights.

However, I noticed something else, I noticed, the actors and actresses has scar on their faces, the powder of their face was lighter than their neck, and you can even see the color of their teeth so clearly. Do I need all these when I watch a TV?? Too much information has becoming a Distract!!!

At one particular scene the actor tried to kiss the actress. When he was about to kiss and move his head aside, you can see the actor's nostril hair!!! Ewwwwww!! HD?? No thanks for me.

I finally blew up ...

I was doing a review in Seoul. It was a calm day and I have been keeping myself quiet and let the team leader asked the questions. However, towards the end of the day, the weather changed, I blew up in front of my customer.

I came back and feeling a fool as usual. That's why I tried very hard not to do it. How it started was like this .. we have some finding and the customer disagree. Then she went arrogantly demanding a list of things she needs which caused her to fail in executing it. I was like 'wah lau', the problem was found because you did not do enough homework, and now you try to demand, seek why they failed to do the homework. Also, why aren't they being told and reminded when to do it!! In my eye I only see pushing the bucket.

That's when I blew up. I could not contain my anger. I raised my voice, and told the lady, she should owned up the responsibilities. If she don't understand the requirements then go to ask the expert. We are here to tell you what is comply or not comply!

When I reached the hotel I asked myself why do I want to do that. I deduced that I don't like people who do not own up their responsibility. When caught, they passed to other instead of owning up and determine to find out the next step. I don't need to be questioned for things that one did not do! It's just excuses after excuses! Anyhow I am calmed now, I need to think how not to do it again next time!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Pak Wakhid of Jogjakarta @ Seoul

I was on a plan heading to Seoul. Sitting next to me was a stranger which do not look like Korean at all. However, he greeted me in Korean language! I told him that I could not speak Korean, and he told me he can't speak or even read English! In the end, I found out he is from Jogjakarta, Indonesia.

To my amaze he has been living in Seoul for 5 years working in a printing company. He told me how he started when the Korean company looking for resources and sponsor him to be a labor there. I did not ask his age, but he appears to look like in his 30s. He told me he was back to Jogjakarta once a year, and this year, he went home for almost 2 months.

Long story cut short, when we were about to land Seoul, he told me he has to start work again, and he has to wait another year before he can go home. I then asked him if he was married. He said he is married with 2 very young children. He didn't have choice but to continue with this work because the pay in Indonesia is low and the competition is very stiff in order to survive. Towards the end of the ride, I can tell he is nice guy and even told me where to find Indonesian food in Seoul! Many of them and mostly in Angsang area.

As we said our goodbyes, I can sensed he has a sad tone behind his voice. He appeared to be sad, and missing his family very much. I guessed he was not dreaded to go to work, but dreaded to wait for another year before he can see his 2 years and his 10 years old boy. I guess he was hardly there to see his kids grow up.

Old Malaya Kopitiam and Mama .....

I got into KL airport from Manila. Due to screw up in plan I have to fly to another country in less than few hours. I was hungry so I went to one of my favorite shop call Old Malaya Kopitaim for 'teh tarik'. Besides that, I used to order Mee Mamak set, which cost around 19RM.

However, today, when I wanted the same set, the waitress (she's transexual) told me that was last year, and now the new set come with Tea, Mee Mamak and Dessert for RM27. After several thoughts, I decided to have 'teh tarik' only and bite on my pastry which I bought earlier. Then the waitress came up to me, she said she knew it's expensive for local, and next time if I want the Mee Mamak set, let her know! She will charge me staff rate! Wow not bad ah. See la, not all Trans are scary la. They are human too kan.. especially when we dapat Discount! Oh by the way, she asked me to quote her nickname MAMA!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The hotel doorman saga .. not again!!!

If you remembered sometime last year I have blogged where there was stalker in the hotel I lived in Manila. Yesterday, when I was walking around the shopping mall next to my hotel, I bumped into the hotel doorman again. He tapped on my shoulder, and I was kinda suprised (and felt creepy) at the same time. Again, he told me he just finished work and his family is with him in the mall. He asked me how long will I stay in the hotel, I replied accordingly but without giving too much information.

Then, he went on saying it's his son's birthday again!!! I said 'What!! Again??!!!'. That's exactly what he told me the last time. Then he need to buy present again, and ask if I can get them Chocolates!! (The intent has been revealed, NOT AGAIN!).

I told him nicely, "Sorry, not today, you take care!" Then he grew more aggresive, he said "Do you need girls tonight!" Now he had turned to become a PIMP. I just walked away.

Well I guessed all these things happened everywhere, but to bump into him with same excuses come with extra services. It's really creepy!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Breastfeed or Milk Powder

I was reading a newspaper in Manila today, the breastfeed advocates group has campaigned against milk powder corporate which argued, milk powder could increase childrens' intelligence. So which one do you support? Breastfeed or Milk Powder?

The claims from advertisement can be anything! But do you buy it? However, the pros (facts) for milk powder, are :

1) Relief working mother's time management;
2) Create more jobs for the country;
3) Reduce malnutrition for mothers who are not well;
4) Increase intelligence (a claim)!

For breastfeed, you may or may not know, the pros and proven are :

1) It helps babies for brain development growth;
2) Fewer ear infections;
3) Reduce respiratory tract problems;
4) Lower risk of ovarian cancer for the mother;
5) Preven early breast cancer for mothers.

Now if you compare the fact list; breastfeeds seems to have dual benefits! It's more than food, it's medication as well.

I guess that's something the milk powder corporate didn't tell you!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Banana men and other comments!

I was on a flight going to Manila. Suddenly I overheard a German guy talking to a chinese lady. The guy tried to chat her up and they talked basically anything. The german guy told her all his dislikes while the lady told him her life with maids and work (sai meng in my opinion)!

What irritates me is coming up. Though I tried very hard not to listen but they were very loud. The german guy told the lady how much he dislikes chinese who do not know how to read and write chinese. He said it's a shame. He has 2 kids and married to a chinese woman from Klang. He made sure his kids stuided chinese. Also, he said chinese was too shy and humble and always try to kow tow the son of soils! Chinese lack of confidence.

I believe he has his own rights to say what he wants. But I may not need to agree with him. With his one narrow minded, shallow with no background of other people's family, made me ticked off. Obviously I did not turn to him to correct him. He sounded an overconfidence man with lotsa assumptions. I think to myself, probably when people heard him, people will think he is right with his knowledge.

Well human are always thinking they know the best! For all you know this is one katak german di bawah tempurung!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Bye Bye Auntie Poh

I just received a call from my aunt in KL. My grandfather's sister in Hong Kong has passed away and it was due to cancer. She was a very cheerful aunt though I did not spend a lot of time with her. She likes to talk and very sociable. However, she has been a widow for more than 15 years now and she was childless. She lives so far away from the city, and not many friends around her. However, she has a god daughter who looked after her all this while. So in this world, there are still kind people around. It's amazing, how the god daughter looked after her even though she was sick.

The last time I saw her was just before Christmas last year. She told me she had given up treatment in hospital. She will wait for the cancer to spread and ultimately claim her life. I still remembered we walked to a park, and she told me she needs to walk around in order to stay mobile. Just before I left her alone in the park which she insisted, she told me to send my regards to everyone. And she hope to see me again soon. I have not gone back to Hong Kong after New Year. For me, she is always a cheerful, outgoing, sociable aunt even at her age. She lived her life in a very positive way. Rest in peace.